Off The Grid News

First Aid From Your Kitchen

“Let thy kitchen be thy apothecary, and let foods be your medicine”. –Hippocrates

Many who have gone to organic gardening have also gone to seeking natural and herbal remedies for healing the ailments of their families. What I have found lacking in my home is a first aid kit that is just as natural in its contents as my medicine chest. So I have gone searching for those things we should have on hand for healing our families’ bumps, cuts and bruises.

One word of advice: those who have not moved to an organic diet and natural or herbal remedies for primary ailments may not find as much relief in these suggestions as those who have.

First Aid Suggestions:

Constipation – Drinking plenty of water is the first step to having regular bowel movements, and the second would be a taking a brisk walk each day. When having occasional problems with constipation, you can try one of the following treatments for assistance:

Diarrhea – This malady should never be neglected, as it will cause dehydration very quickly. Here are some treatments that you may want to try:

Indigestion – take a teaspoon fresh ginger juice with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt after meals twice a day for a week or two. You can also try chewing a small slice of fresh ginger sprinkled with sea salt before meals for a week or two.

Items To Keep Handy:

As always, only use these treatments under the care and advice of your healthcare professional. Be safe and healthy!


Learn How To Make Your Own “Herbal Antibiotics”
Make your own emergency remedies for use in any survival situation if and when medical help may be unavailable.


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