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Honey for Health

Located at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, an 80 million-year-old bee lies preserved in a small bit of amber. A rock painting in Spain that is believed to be between 6,000 and 8,000 years old is the earliest recorded history of an interaction between people and bees. Archives from the nations of Babylon, Assyria, Persia, India, Egypt, Greece, and Rome document the domestication of bees and the use of honey for food, drink, and medicinal purposes. The only cultures that did not cultivate the honey bee for sugar and medicinal production were the indigenous Indian tribes of the Americas and the native aborigines of Australia.

The Egyptian record tells about using honey to heal wounds. The “father of medicine,” the Greek physician Hippocrates, writes extensively about using honey to heal wounds, to treat ulcers, and even used for hemorrhoids. It’s anti-bacterial properties are well known today in many countries, and using honey for such is receiving revived interest in the Western world as natural alternatives are sought to replace the chemicals of Big Pharma.

Honey is mentioned extensively in the Bible. Israel was promised to be a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Honey is synonymous with health, vitality, and riches throughout literature of all ages.

The health benefits of honey have been touted for years now. Who can forget Pat Boone and his family in television ads about “royal jelly,” the food of the queen bee? It is said that royal jelly is an anti-aging substance, energy enhancer, natural anti-depressant, and a hormonal stimulant.

There are many ways honey can be utilized to improve health. Some of those ways include the following:


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