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16 Safe, Chemical-Free Ways To Clean Your Home


If you are like many people today, you are more aware of the environment than you were years ago. You do not want to have your family exposed to toxic chemicals and possibly develop health problems. However, you still want your home to be clean. The answer? Use natural household cleaning products. You can find natural household cleaners for every cleaning chore in your home. Start with the household cleaning tips here and add to them as you find more that work for you.

All Purpose Cleaner

If you need an all-purpose cleaner that you can use around the house, you can mix the following ingredients in a spray bottle and use it on virtually everything in your house. Mix together two cups rubbing alcohol, one tablespoon of ammonia, one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, and two quarts of water. You can use this on glass, tile, chrome, and other hard surfaces. If you have any doubts about using it, test it in an obscure area first.

Denture Cleansers

Denture cleaning tablets can be used for more than cleaning dentures and windows. You can use them in a variety of cleaning methods. The effervescent nature of the tablets combined with the cleaning components makes them ideal for a variety of applications.

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It may not have the greatest smell, but it is one of the greatest all-natural cleaners you will find in your house. It can be used from the kitchen to the bathroom and every other room. Some of the most common uses of vinegar are outlined here.

Window Cleaning

Cleaning your windows can be frustrating. If you are not careful, you have streaks that are just as unattractive as the dirty windows. First, use crumpled newspapers to clean glass instead of using paper towels or napkins. If you do not have any newspapers, you can use coffee filers to clean your windows without streaks. Next, mix equal parts of ammonia and alcohol in a spray bottle. You should make sure you purchase non-sudsing ammonia.

You can use denture cleansers to clean your outdoor windows or windows that are very grimy and require a thorough wash. All you need are several denture cleaning tablets and a bucket of water. Drop the tablets in the bucket and allow them to dissolve. Next, use a soft cloth to wash the window, followed by a clear-water rinse. Allow it to dry naturally or use crumpled newspaper to dry the window.

If you have followed these steps and you still see streaks, grab the fabric softener. Wipe the window with fabric softener and allow it to dry. After the window has dried, wipe it again with a damp cloth and allow it to dry naturally.

Ink Remover

If your favorite shirt is ruined due to an ink pen leaking, do not throw it away before you try this old secret. Spray the ink area thoroughly with hairspray and blot with clean paper towels. Repeat until the stain is much lighter than when you started. Follow this with normal laundering and – voila! – your shirt is now ready to wear.

As you can see, there are many products around your house that can be used for household cleaning. You will save money and at the same time avoid exposing your family to unnecessary chemicals. Use the tips here to get you started cleaning naturally. You may find that you have cleaners you did not even know about in your kitchen pantry. Vinegar, baking soda, dish detergent, and simple soap can all be used to keep your home sparking clean.

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