Off The Grid News

41 Ways to Beat High Blood Pressure Without Drugs

High blood pressure (hypertension) often has no visible signs or symptoms, so it has long been called “the silent killer.” Doctors usually can’t point to one factor that brings on this condition. There are many factors that can increase the risk of getting it, including:

Lifestyle Changes

Supplements and Nutrition

There is a diet specifically designed to lower high blood pressure; it is called the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. The most important parts of this eating plan are:

Those with hypertension should include these components of the DASH diet into their daily routine. In addition, doing the following will help you lower your blood pressure:

Herbal Treatments

Other Natural Treatments

As with any treatment for medical conditions, check with your healthcare provider before beginning anything new or discontinuing current treatments.

Good health to ALL!

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