The New York Daily News used its front page to call the executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Wayne La Pierre, a terrorist.
The tabloid even accused the Second Amendment rights organization of running a “sick jihad.”
The Daily News has made attacks on the NRA twice in recent days.
The front page of the November 23 edition featured artwork with La Pierre’s head superimposed on the body of a terrorist. The terrorist was carrying a semiautomatic rifle and wearing an NRA patch on his uniform. It featured the despicable headline, “Nowhere to Hide, Jihadi Wayne.”
It was a reference to Jihadi John – the nickname Britain’s tabloid press put on notorious ISIS executioner Mohammed Emwazi. Emwazi was reportedly killed by a drone operated by British SAS commandos last month. Emwazi was infamous for executing people with swords on ISIS propaganda videos.
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The front page of the December 4 edition featured pictures of five mass murders: San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook, Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Dear, Charleston church murderer Dylann Roof, Newtown school killer Adam Lanza and Aurora movie massacre perpetrator James Holmes. The headline said “these guys” are terrorists, but then it showed a picture of LaPierre with the headline shouting “and this guy,” too.
Under the pictures these words appeared: “Syed Farook joins long list of murderous psychos enabled by NRA’s sick gun jihad against America in the name of profit.”
Rod Dreher of The American Conservative said even though he doesn’t agree with everything the NRA proposes, he believes the Daily News went too far.
“Let’s think about this: the front page of the fifth-largest newspaper in America has labeled the strongest defender of Second Amendment rights in the country a ‘terrorist’ — and says he’s no better than ISIS. …
“The idea that a man who advocates for a Constitutionally guaranteed liberty can be denounced not in an Internet comment box, but on the front page of a major American newspaper, as a ‘terrorist’ — that is fairly unnerving to me,” he wrote.
Dreher wondered, “What would the cultural Left say if some right-wing newspaper denounced the head of the ACLU as a ‘terrorist’ because his organization successfully defended unpopular First Amendment freedoms? What would they say if a right-wing newspaper denounced the heads of film studios and record companies as ‘terrorists’ because some of their products glorify extreme violence?”
He concluded, “I know what they would say, and so do you.”
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