The terror masterminds at ISIS are urging their followers to adopt a horrific new tactic: Buy weapons at U.S. gun shows and use them to take innocent people hostage.
A gun show purchase would allow them to get around background checks.
“Ideal target locations for hostage-taking scenarios include night clubs, movie theaters, busy shopping malls and large stores, popular restaurants, concert halls, university campuses, public swimming pools, indoor ice skating rinks, and generally any busy enclosed area,” an article in the May 4 edition of the ISIS online magazine Rumiyah recommends.
Rumiyah is used to instruct ISIS sympathizers and lone-wolf terrorists in the art of wreaking havoc.
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“Such an environment allows for one to take control of the situation by rounding up the kuffar (nonbelievers) present inside and allows one to massacre them while using the building as a natural defense against any responding force attempting to enter and bring the operation to a quick halt,” the text continues.
Another frightening recommendation is to place a fake job ad to lure a person to a remote location so they can be killed or taken hostage. Non-Muslim men in countries such as the United States seem to be ISIS’ target of choice.
“As an example, one might advertise a job vacancy that Muslims would not seek, or that may only appeal to men,” Rumiyah recommends.
Other methods of luring innocent people to their deaths include advertising rooms for rent on eBay Listings and Craigslist ads.
The Middle East Media Research Institute’s Jihad & Terrorism Threat Monitor speculated that ISIS wants to recruit Muslims in the West to commit such atrocities. The murders would be in retaliation for the recent military setbacks the group has suffered on the battlefield.
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