With a flair for self-promotion, former FBI Director Comey may land himself a paying job on the rodeo circuit
Fired FBI Director James B. Comey has now admitted that some of the allegations against President Trump could be false.
Comey told Trump that stories about a tape of Trump and prostitutes “could have been made up,” The New York Times reported. That revelation comes from a group of memos made concerning his discussions with the President that were released to the public on April 19.
Trump was willing to meet with Comey to discuss allegations that the Russians had made a blackmail tape of the future president, before the inauguration in 2017. The two discussed the so-called “dossier;” in which British spy turned private investigator, Christopher Steele, made allegations against Trump.
Less than a month later, Comey seems to have changed his mind. A February 2017 memo stated that Comey thought other intelligence agencies had corroborated portions of the dossier. Comey did not say what agencies had confirmed the allegations, or how they had been substantiated.
The Democrats agree that the Dossier is Fake
Strangely enough, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) also thinks the Steele Dossier might be fake or unreliable.
The DNC lawsuit alleging Russian interference in the election does not mention the Steele dossier at all, The Washington Times pointed out. No reference is made to the file in the entire 66-page lawsuit.
Most likely this is because the DNC’s lawyers know it wouldn’t hold up in court.
Leaked Memos Designed To Promote Comey Book?
The leaked memos corroborate and support many of the points Comey made in his recently released book; A Higher Loyalty, the Atlantic magazine pointed out.
Comey’s “leaking” just happened to appear while he was on his new book tour.
The memos conveniently first went public when Comey appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show.
Disturbingly, Maddow herself already had handwritten notes from FBI General Counsel and former Acting Deputy Attorney General, Dana Boente before she interviewed Comey on April 20. Boente’s notes seem to be about some of the meetings between the president and then FBI Director Comey.
Come Made No Effort To Write Memos when Talking To Obama
Comey seemed to have made no effort to create any memos about President Obama public at that time. The memos also indicate that Comey wrote no memos about his conversations and meetings with former President Barrack Obama (D-Illinois) who appointed him FBI Director, ZeroHedge’s Tyler Durden pointed out.
Additionally, Comey made no memos about Obama administration members, such as former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, even though he said that he had serious concerns about her policies, Darden charged. The memos also fail to support a case of obstruction of justice against President Trump or anybody else, Darden claimed. That raises the possibility that the memos were merely a publicity stunt designed to pump up Comey’s book sales.
As good a marketer as Comey has been thus far; my advice would be to abandon any plans to enter the upcoming Rodeo Clown School in Tin Cup, Colorado.
Instead, consider the position of full-time clown on The View.