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Wrong House SWAT Raid: $10,000 In Damages, No Apology Or Explanation From Police

raidA single mother would like to know why a SWAT team drove an armored vehicle through her fence, ransacked her 6-year-old son’s bedroom and did an estimated $10,000 worth of damage to her home – all while she was gone.

It had the appearance of a burglary, and she has to pay for repairs until she is reimbursed.

All Katherine Salinas knows is that deputies from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office were executing a mysterious federal search warrant. Officials in the office acknowledge the raid turned up nothing.

“So if you have the right house, if you have the evidence, if you have the probable cause to do what you did to my house, where are you, why are you not answering my questions?” Salinas asked TV station CBS-12.

She knows what happened because the raid was captured on her surveillance cameras – at least until the SWAT team destroyed those, too.

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Deputies knocked down Salinas’ fence, pried open the door, ripped out her security system and destroyed her son’s room. The only information she has is a warrant that states Palm Beach County Sheriff’s detectives were helping execute a federal search warrant. Deputies had left a claim number for damages and a copy of the search warrant on the counter. They left the doors unlocked.

The warrant does not list any crimes, mention any suspect, state what deputies were looking for, nor say what federal agency was involved.

US Marshals were involved in the raid, according to CBS-12. The sheriff’s office refused to comment on the matter beyond noting that the warrant had the right address.

‘Made Me Feel Like a Criminal’

Neighbors watched the daytime raid while she was gone.

“They basically made me feel like a criminal,” Salinas, who works in security at Palm Beach International Airport, said. In fact, she has been cleared by Homeland Security for the job. “They discredited me as a person in my community, in my neighborhood.”

Salinas and her two children came home to find the mess, believing the home had been robbed.

The sheriff’s office claims it tried calling all of her phone numbers, but she says they did not.

“Not true,” Salinas told the website “I checked every phone I got, I ordered the details from AT&T, and I got no call from law enforcement before or after their leaving the house.”

Not surprisingly Salinas has hired an attorney.

“If they had any evidence or probable cause for what they did to me, I’d think I’d have a lot of detectives right now outside my door,” Salinas said.

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