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There are nearly twenty million adults in the U.S. that have depression. Nonetheless, many of them can get natural help for depression.
There are nearly twenty million adults in the U.S. that have depression. Nonetheless, many of them can get natural help for depression and never seek treatment. The first step toward wellness is to seek out your healthcare professional. Depression may reveal itself in the form of hypothyroidism or anemia. It is a serious illness that shouldn’t be overlooked or self-treated without first seeking the advice of a doctor.
Depression can be a challenge to control as symptoms may not be limited to one episode. Also, the ailment may return if you and your healthcare professional do not have a treatment plan. To aid your healthcare provider in diagnosing and treating depression, note if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Feeling sad, empty, or tearful most of the day.
- Significant loss of interest or pleasure in activities that would normally be enjoyable.
- Significant weight loss (when not dieting) or weight gain; increase or decrease in appetite.
- Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
- Agitation, slowing down of thought, or reduced physical activity.
- Fatigue or loss of energy – without an increase of activity.
- Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason.
- Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
- Thinking about death or suicide.
If you are having two or more of these symptoms, you need to see your healthcare provider. If you have been diagnosed with depression and prefer natural help for depression or herbal alternatives, please keep reading. You may find the right treatment for you but speak to your healthcare provider before changing your treatment plan.
Alternative Treatments
Treatments for health issues that are not classified as “standard” by Western medical practice are called “alternative” or “complementary” medicine. Alternative treatments include a variety of approaches. They can include everything from lifestyle changes, mental conditioning, diet, and exercise. Some examples are:
- Therapy – This can help alleviate symptoms of depression and assist you in coping with the triggers and stressors that worsen depression. Therapy can actually change the brain’s chemistry and a person’s thoughts – especially intense and repetitive ones. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (also known as CBT or Cognitive Restructuring), Interpersonal, and Solution-Focused are the most common types of therapy.
- Exercise – A few health benefits of exercise are mood improvement, increased energy, and more restful sleep. Exercise may take longer to work than antidepressants but is better for overall health than adding chemicals to your body.
- Light Therapy – This treatment has proven to be effective in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This type of depression only occurs when we do not get enough light. Therapists treat people with SAD by employing full spectrum lighting, which is equivalent to being outside on a sunny day. Many believe that exposure to sunshine helps regulate the body clock. The eyes register sunlight, which causes chemical changes in the brain involving serotonin and melatonin levels. These changes may influence our wake/sleep patterns.
Natural Help For Depression
Natural Treatments
- 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP) – The seeds of the Griffonia Simpliciofolia plant are a natural antidepressant. 5-HTP works as a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. This results in increased serotonin levels. Studies show that 5-HTP may be useful for treating depression with fewer and less severe side effects than the usual antidepressants. However, researchers need to investigate the matter more comprehensively to reach a definitive conclusion.
- Vitamin B12 – Studies show a link between a deficiency of B12 and depression (or the worsening thereof). B12 and folic acid may defend against depression and maintain a positive mood. This alone wouldn’t be enough to treat clinical depression but serves as an additional help to various kinds of treatment. B12 is found in foods like liver, chicken, fish, milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. Alternatively, one may take the vitamin as a supplement.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids – The best way to get omega 3 is to eat fresh fish like salmon, sardines, or tuna. Omega 3 is also available in capsules. Notwithstanding, it is insufficient to treat clinical depression alone, and a person must utilize it in addition to other depression treatments.
Herbal Treatments
St. John’s Wort – This herbal remedy is made from the herb of the same name. This is a natural help for depression. This herb comes in tablets, capsules, liquid extract, and oil. Moreover, studies have shown that this herb is helpful in treating mild to moderate depression. People in European countries have used this herb for many years. Due to drug interactions and other contraindications, you should let your healthcare professional know everything you take. You should do this regardless of whether you use prescriptions, herbs, or over the counter medications. Do not take this herb if you are taking any other antidepressants, or are pregnant or nursing. Side effects include dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth, upset stomach, constipation, sleep problems, restlessness, and allergic reactions.
As with any kind of treatment, discuss it with your healthcare provider before beginning any of these mentioned here. Here’s to your health, both mental and physical!
You may also enjoy this OTGN article called How To Beat Depression With These Superfoods
What are your suggestions for other ways that someone could get natural help for depression? Let us know in the comments below.