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A New Year of Redemptive Optimism


Steve Miller said in his “Fly Like An Eagle” song that, “Time keeps on slippin’… slippin’… slippin’ into the future.” And sure enough, time moves ever forward, and with its passing comes the promise of new beginnings.

Every January invites us to reflect on what has been and to anticipate what may be. As Christians, our perspective on time is grounded in more than the usual backward glances or goofy existential New Year’s resolutions.

We look to Scripture’s rich history… creation, the fall, the flood, the covenant with Abraham, the Exodus, the monarchy under David and Solomon, the captivity and restoration, as well as the prophecies for the coming Messiah. When we do, we recognize God’s sovereign hand orchestrating victory after apparent defeat.

This legacy shapes not only how we remember the past but also how we envision the future. As we enter another New Year, we hold fast to what the Bible teaches: good things lie ahead because God is sovereign over time.


Reflecting on What Has Gone Before

The world often explains progress or decline apart from the Bible, either falling into shallow optimism that humans will somehow inevitably advance or plunging into deep pessimism that all is lost. Scripture reminds us that humanistic optimism underestimates the reality of sin and overestimates our ability to save ourselves.

At the same time, a despairing outlook forgets God’s miracles of the past, such as the Exodus from Egypt and the Resurrection of Christ, both of which defy human logic and expectations. When we reflect on biblical history, we remember the repeated pattern of God fulfilling His promises in the most unlikely circumstances.

He brought life from the grave in Christ’s Resurrection and empowered the early church to thrive against overwhelming opposition. The same God who moved then still moves now.


Rather than surrendering to pessimism, we embrace a redemptive optimism that expects God’s kingdom to make a tangible difference in our lives and in the world around us.

Avoiding Destructive Views

So then it’s possible to let the passing of time fill us with either fear or resignation. Some worry that the church’s influence has peaked, others insist everything will worsen regardless of our prayers and efforts, and still, others see no solid ground for believing the future can hold transformation.

These views miss the power of God displayed across time and throughout Scripture. While we do not place ultimate hope in human progress, neither do we discount what God can do in human history. He has consistently demonstrated His sovereignty by redeeming situations that were hopeless and seemingly beyond repair. This should give us confidence, not complacency.

Rather than surrendering to pessimism, we embrace a redemptive optimism that expects God’s kingdom to make a tangible difference in our lives and in the world around us. Often, these are small things, foundational things that are not noticed by the secular world but are creating a structure for God’s purposes ahead. Like George Mason or Patrick Henry’s mothers, who quietly taught them to read. No big deal, right? Don’t be too sure. Don’t be too sure.


Seven Calls to Action for the Year Ahead

First, recognize that you are equipped to overcome all opposition. Scripture promises that the “weapons of our warfare are… mighty before God,” strong enough to cast down anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. As you face challenges in 2025, remind yourself that God has given you His Word and His Spirit, which are far more potent than any human force or circumstances.

Second, remember that the church’s mission on earth can’t be defeated. Jesus assured us that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. When you labor in your calling, in ministry or in prayer, do so with the assurance that your work in Christ can never be in vain.

Third, hold fast to the truth that Christ’s kingdom increases continually. Though at times it may seem small like a mustard seed, His reign stretches and grows through every land and culture. Adopt this gradual, unstoppable growth mindset as you pray for your community and the world.

Fourth, disciple others with the conviction that all nations are meant to follow Jesus. The Great Commission declares that Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth. This comprehensive Lordship undergirds every single effort you make to share the gospel. He never sends you alone or under-resourced.

Fifth, align your heart with Christ’s expectation that every enemy will be put under His feet. The kingdoms of this world will give way to the kingdom of our Lord. Approach life’s personal or cultural conflicts, knowing that they unfold under the sovereignty of the One who conquers evil.

Sixth, strive to promote justice wherever you are. Christ “will lead justice to victory,” and our calling is to reflect His righteous rule in practical ways: upholding truth, caring for the vulnerable, and standing against big government when it tries to become God walking on earth.

Seventh, anticipate the gospel’s transforming power in every area of life. Worship, all relationships, your calling, culture… nothing is exempt from the Lordship of Christ. As the bells of the horses in Zechariah’s vision are declared Holy, so too can everyday endeavors, no matter how small, be made sacred when offered to God.


Looking Toward a Hope-Filled 2025

Just as we sing “Joy To The World” around Christmas, we can let that same resounding chorus carry us into 2025. Time does not belong to chance or to human schemes. Nope, time remains firmly in God’s hands. Remember how faithfully He has intervened in history, and trust that He will do so again.

Embrace this New Year with redemptive optimism, secure in the truth that He who redeemed the past is also authoring the future. As the calendar turns, let’s pray and work for the day when, in the words of Revelation, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.”

Happy New Year!


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