But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great…. Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done…. And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money… Acts 8: 9,13,18
The power of God is an awesome thing. We know from Paul’s letters that God gives His gifts differently to different people. Pride and prestige can cause us to be discontent with what God has given us.
Simon the sorcerer was a famous man in the city of Samaria. He used his sorcery to bewitch the people into believing he was a powerful man of God. So much so that the least to the greatest in the city looked to him as a great man.
Then he heard the true Gospel from Phillip and believed and was baptized. He stayed with Phillip, witnessing great signs and miracles. When Simon saw the apostles laying hands on people in order to receive the Holy Spirit he tried to bribe them, so they would teach him how to do it. Peter told him to repent of the wickedness in his heart, and Simon asked Peter to pray for him.
Preppers have been given the forethought by God to prepare for an uncertain future. We can choose to use this gift, and be content. Or we can choose to covet a more glamorous gift from God. If we do it for the wrong reasons, it can turn into wickedness in our hearts.
Christian Stewardship Is About More Than The Money We Drop Into The Collection Plate…
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Today in Christian History
June 2nd
0553 – The Second Council of Constantinople closed. Led by Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople, the council condemned the Nestorian writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyprus and Ibas of Edessa.
0597 – Augustine, missionary to England and first archbishop of Canterbury, baptized Saxon king Ethelbert. Afterward, the Christian faith spread rapidly among the Angles and Saxons.
1738 – Writing of his contemporary, English revivalist George Whitefield penned in his journal: ‘The good which John Wesley has done in America, under God, is inexpressible. His name is very precious among the people; and he has laid such a foundation that I hope neither man nor devils will ever be able to shake.’
1875 – James A. Healy was consecrated bishop over the Diocese of Maine, making him the first African- American bishop in the history of American Catholicism.
Source for Today in Christian History: www.studylight.org