28 And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” 29 So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:28-30
Have you ever been smack in the middle of God’s will, with everything going on course, and all of a sudden, everything comes crashing down around you?
Peter had that happen to him as he was in the middle of Christ’s will. Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat and head across the sea of Galilee. Even with all the wind and waves, they were in His will since that is where he told them to be.
Around 3 a.m. Jesus comes walking on the water out to the boat. This startled the disciples so much that they thought he was a ghost. But Jesus called out to them in verse 27 reassuring them it was Him.
Then Peter wanted proof so he had Jesus invite him out for a stroll on the waves. We must keep in mind that Peter actually had enough faith to walk on the water out toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind and the waves, he panicked and started to sink.
Here is where he, and we, have three choices when life distracts us and we start to sink.
We can give up and sink beneath the waves. We may decide that serving Christ is just too difficult and go back to our old life. If we do this, the enemy has beaten us.
The second thing we can do is start to swim. We can try to do things in our own power and for a while this may keep us afloat. But even the strongest swimmer cannot swim across the sea in a storm.
Or finally we can look to Jesus, and like Peter say “Lord save me!” Jesus is our only hope, even when the winds and waves of life are crashing around us, He is the solid rock we must cling to.