“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31
It is easy for others to accuse us of being lost in the planning, of focusing too much on the big picture of an unpredictable future. But, our futures are not as unpredictable as others might believe; there is already an ending in mind. Isn’t it beautiful to know that our Creator truly is the Master Planner, that He as a goal in mind for each of us?
Take a moment to look at the world around you. Every star was placed in the sky, each one of them burning so intensely they can be seen millions of miles away. Land was formed far above and below the sea, evolving overtime to carry the weight of billions of peoples’ lives. In fact, each creature on the Earth was designed with the an extreme amount of specialty and care.
But this creation did not happen by chance. God spent seven Biblical days creating the world. Each aspect was carefully thought out and crafted in a certain order. Here is the ultimate creator, the one who has the ability to speak and form everything all at once. Instead, he meticulously builds the earth one simple piece at a time, knowing the end goal but never rushing the process.
If God can take the time to plan, we should never worry about doing that very thing ourselves. Take the time to think things through, to strategically build your life and your future, knowing the end result has already been formed. We may not know exactly how our earthly futures will look but we do know the ending of our spiritual results. And, after all our planning and living according to God’s will, we too will be able to step back and say, “It is good.”