Redeeming the New Year from Chaos
New Year’s Eve festivities and partying bring images of spirited celebrations to mind. We all know the drill. But let’s look beneath the surface of what we think are ordinary New Year’s revelries. The truth is, when we think about this historically, we encounter echoes of something far more distant, more ancient. The ancient idea that chaos must be invoked to secure any form of authentic renewal.
Historically, pagan rituals that welcome in a new year included not just getting hammered but a host of very intentional disorderly acts to stir up the primeval power of chaos. This deep-rooted belief that the universe emerged from a chaotic abyss and that chaos needs to continue periodically to renew and revitalize the world has persisted throughout the ages and remains influential today.
The Cult of Chaos
Chaos-centered belief systems originated in many non-biblical religious traditions, often shaping communities and even infiltrating the Church. At the heart of these systems is the conviction that total chaos underpins all of life and must be unleashed so that society can be reborn.
When churches adopt or accommodate these beliefs, they lose touch with the biblical view of a sovereign, triune God who created all things in six days. Scripture categorically opposes the notion that chaos is regenerative or that human progress depends on disorder. And so every attempt to blend chaos cults with Christianity eventually runs aground on the inassimilable foundation of biblical truth. It’s mixing oil and water.
The Death of God Philosophy
In many past eras, chaos-driven movements have tried to dismantle biblical faith by declaring God to be dead. Gnosticism in the early Church spoke of sweeping changes that would replace the biblical God with new and secret forms of knowledge.
In medieval Europe, certain rulers, poets, and explorers became fascinated by the idea of history unfolding in three eras: the age of the Father (Old Testament), the age of the Son (Christian Church), and the age of the Holy Spirit, which they believed would proclaim the end of divine authority and the dawn of humanity’s own divinity.
Academics such as Thomas J. J. Altizer resurrected these ideas, calling for the death of God, the denial of absolute truth, and the affirmation of evil as a pathway to liberating humanity. Again, these proposals are not novel. They represent the continual effort of the cult of chaos to eradicate biblical religion by enthroning autonomous humanity… or even Satan himself… in God’s place.
History: Cyclical or Progressive
Here’s the thing: non-biblical worldviews always see history as cyclical. Time moves in endless recurrences as if trapped in a loop of creation, destruction, and rebirth. In the face of this repetition, the goal becomes escaping the grind by ending history altogether, whether through violent revolution, utopian politics, or apocalyptic destruction of the old order.
The biblical perspective rejects this cyclical trap. Scripture begins with a Creator God who sets history on a path toward the fulfillment of His kingdom. In the biblical view, time is purposeful and marches toward the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
Even before humanity’s fall, Adam had work, responsibilities, and a calling in history. Moral choice is woven into the fabric of time. Attempts to abolish history or flee its ethical demands only accelerate a confrontation with God’s judgment.
The Biblical Calendar and the Sound of Trumpets
In ancient Israel, the year did not begin with chaos and excessive revelry. It opened with the Passover, remembering redemption through God’s saving acts, and was celebrated throughout the year by blowing silver trumpets.
These silver trumpets signified God’s voice, calling His people to gather, march, and claim victory under His authority. The same piercing note that promised triumph to the righteous also sounded judgment against unfaithfulness.
This biblical pattern starkly contrasts the pagan idea of an endless cycle. Scripture insists that history moves forward with each passing moment. Days, months, and years are neither purposeless nor repetitive. They are simply steps in God’s greater plan, inviting humanity into His work and His victory.
The Return of Myth and Magic
The world today might seem far removed from superstitious rites, but myth and magic still thrive in new disguises. Governments and social systems often promise total, sweeping solutions to end poverty, disease, and even death, echoing the ancient hope of overcoming all constraints with “bumper sticker” promises.
Technology and politics often masquerade as forms of magic, with leaders and thinkers offering a future in which humanity becomes its own God. These ambitions remain rooted in the belief that we can bypass moral choice and end history’s burdens, forgetting that history is God’s stage for separating wheat from tares and showcasing His sovereign rule.
Standing Firm in Faith in 2025
As another New Year begins, we may not literally hear silver trumpets. Yet we carry the living voice of God in Scripture. We do not need to bow to chaos, nor do we wait for the destruction of the world to inaugurate our hope. The promise remains: if God is for us, who can be against us?
The bottom line is that true renewal comes from the One who has all power in heaven and on earth and who commissions His followers to proclaim His kingdom to every nation. That commission gives us our direction, our promise, and our assurance that history moves unceasingly toward the victory of Christ.