When the phrase “non-lethal weapons” comes to mind, we typically think of bean bag shells and tasers, but as we’ll see, there’s far more to these kinds of weapons.
First of all, a non-lethal weapon is not a supreme alternative to a gun or a knife. But it is a decent option to have when you find yourself in a situation where using lethal force is not necessary, or when you don’t have access to a more traditional weapon.
If you don’t want to shoot or stab somebody in self-defense, then using these weapons will hopefully put an end to the fight before it begins:
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Knowing how to properly use pepper spray is also important. Always use your index finger to press down on the button, and make sure that the business end of it is always pointed away from you as you draw it. Also, keep yourself downwind when you use pepper spray, since doing otherwise could put you out of action rather than your opponent. Practice drawing a can multiple times until it becomes basic muscle memory. One of the benefits to using pepper spray is that you don’t have to “aim” with it as you would a rifle or a handgun. Just spray your attacker in the face and it will get into his or her eyes.
2. Non-lethal weapons: Stun Gun. Stun Guns are arguably more effective than pepper spray, and they have the ability to stop anyone no matter how adrenalized or drunk they are. But there is one major flaw to relying on a stun gun as a primary weapon: You have to be within arm’s reach to use them, meaning this is relegated as a close-quarters combat weapon only.
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3. Non-lethal weapons: Expandable Baton. The role an expandable baton would fill as a weapon is similar to the ABS sword, as it can stun an opponent without killing him or her, but the advantage to expandable batons is that they can be folded into a compact device that can be easily transported.
4. Non-lethal weapons: Smoke Cartridge. Some may not view this as a weapon, but it can get you to safety. If you want to avoid conflict when things look like they could become rough, a smoke cartridge will allow you to diffuse a bad situation before it escalates further, and also help you make an escape.
What non-lethal weapon would you add to the list? Share your suggestions in the section below:
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