November 14, 2013
Most of the security I will not show the public of course. A true prepper does not show all his cards.
I do have a Mr Beams motion sensing LED light on the new RV porch and another one installed on the old slide in survival truck camper. The one on the survival camper covers both the truck camper and the older camper doorways.
This will also help me a lot when I am working in the dark. It is a great help to have light automatically when you are carrying things around after it gets dark. Often I work on my projects until its just too dark to see anymore and then have to clean up my tools in the dark. It gets very dark in the forest at night too.
I am also setting up other security measures around the property as well.
I finished closing in the new passive solar RV porch with plastic. I still need to put up some wood strips to hold the plastic in place during high winds or storms.
I also did a test burn of the new barrel stove conversion kit. The stove works very well and burnt about 3 hours on a single small log. You are supposed to do a slow burn to cure the wood stove cement before you really use it heavily so I got the fire going and burn one log slowly. I am impressed with how long it burnt too. Nice.
This barrel stove may just get me through the cold winter nights with heat. It sure does radiate a lot of heat when it is burning too.
I think the barrel stove is the right way to go for heating my RV this winter. I will insulate the stove shed and use metal to help protect the walls from the excess heat of the wood stove.
I will probably also use masonry walls of some sort for added protection.
Underneath the wood stove I will have a layer of bricks to absorb the heat, protect the floor and help radiate heat back after the fire goes out at night.
Video courtesy of The Do It Yourself World