The video of Department of Homeland Security Agents breaking the car window of videographer Robert Trudell has gone viral. Trudell maintains the Pine Valley, California stationed agents angrily broke his window and held him in handcuffs for six hours. He also claims that he was not granted access to the rest room for nine hours and had all of the items inside the car seized.
The Department of Homeland Security agents allegedly became angry when Robert Trudell exercised his Fifth Amendment rights when stopped at the checkpoint and was asked to consent to a search of his vehicle. When the federal agency permitted Trudell to leave, he maintains he only exited with his credit cards and other identification cards.
The California videographer stated that he had to wait three weeks to regain possession of his camera and video equipment. The DHS did not file any criminal charges against Robert Trudell. The videographer has more than 4,000 videos on his “The USA Mexican Border Dance” website.