Image source: FirstCoastNews
Hand sanitizer is an everyday item that most American keeps in their home. It’s cheap, available in great quantities, and traditionally can kill up to 99.9 percent of all germs.
We keep it in the kitchen, in our cars, in our pockets, in our purses. But there is one more place that you need to keep hand sanitizer, and maybe after reading this, you’ll decide to keep more quantities of it there, as well.
You need to keep hand sanitizer in your survival kit/bug-out bag. Why? Cleanliness may not be your primary focus during a survival situation, but it should not be avoided, either. Germs and bacteria can cause all forms of sickness and disease. Hand sanitizer should not be the only means by which you wash your hands, but it’s still a very valuable personal hygiene item to have. In the event that you are running low on cleaning water, hand sanitizer is an excellent alternative.
But there are several unexpected uses. Let’s take a look.
(A quick note first: Make sure your hand sanitizer has an alcohol concentration of at least 60 to 95 percent. If it does not, then it may not fulfill the uses that we are going to discuss.)
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1. Fire starter. You need as many ways to start fire in your bug-out bag as possible. You hopefully already have a lighter, matches and a magnesium flint striker. But even that is not enough. You should also include cotton balls, some premade kindling, and hand sanitizer, too. The hand sanitizer works due to the high levels of alcohol in it. And it can help start a fire in the rain. One of the most efficient ways to start fire is to apply some hand sanitizer either onto the cotton balls or onto the premade kindling. It will light up as soon as it comes in contact with a spark.
2. Cleaning material. If we need to remove stains from our clothing, often our first thought is to turn to a cleaning solution or a stain removal product designed specifically for that purpose. But hand sanitizer will work. Simply rub the stain – ink stain, blood stain — with some hand sanitizer, and most if not all of the stain should go away. Hand sanitizer can also work in this manner to get rid of paint stains. You can even use your hand sanitizer on used paintbrushes, and much of the pain embedded into the fibers of the paint brush will wash away.
3. Glue remover. If the need ever arises where you need to remove glue or similar material, applying just a little bit of hand sanitizer to the glued area will get the job done. This same logic also applies to sticky labels. Hand sanitizer corrects that problem.
After reading this, you may be decide that you’ll want more than just one bottle in your bag, and hopefully you’ll decide to stock up on more bottles in your storage as well.
Do you know of other uses? Leave your reply in the section below: