Online privacy is becoming an increasing concern for not only folks worried about NSA government snooping, but for those who enjoy social networking websites like Facebook, as well. The popular sharing platform seems to be constantly changing their privacy policies and requiring users to opt out of intrusions. This means concealing the conversations and family photos you intend only to share with those closest to you is becoming far more difficult.
But there’s good news.
By taking simple steps that will take only a few moments to complete, your Facebook privacy could be safeguarded from criminals, future employers, and of course, overly curious governmental agencies. According to the New York Times, Facebook’s new search tool allows both friends and strangers to find out who you are, what you like, and where you frequent.
Here are 6 tips to enjoy Facebook and maintain your privacy:
Facebook Privacy Tips
1. Guard who sees your posts and who can post on your Timeline. The down arrow in the top right of the Facebook screen allows users to access the dropdown settings menu. Once in the settings menu, direct your attention to the Timeline Settings. Click on it. This area allows users to determine who can see Facebook posts by both the account holder and others who share on the individual’s wall. Options also allow users to decide who can see posts and photos they have been tagged in on their own wall and the Facebook walls belonging to other account holders. Also, you can limit who can post on your Timeline.
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2. Avoid unwanted friend requests. Visit the Privacy tab after clicking on the Timeline Settings menu (see step 1) and choose the “who can contact me” option. There are two options: “everyone” and “friends of friends.” While this may sound more than a bit rude, it could save unwanted drama and workplace issues.
3. Limit who can find you and how they find you. Under Timeline Settings (see step 1), click on “privacy,” and then search for “who can look me up?” There, you can limit who can find you based on your email address and phone number. You also can turn off the ability of search engines to find your timeline.
4. Go back in time (sort of). Wish you had discovered the privacy settings options sooner because trouble has already brewed from former friends, spurned love interests, or old bosses? No worries, simply click on Timeline Settings (see step 1) and then search for the words “review.” Facebook gives you three options to review and change what you’ve done in the past. You can make changes so that no one can view the posts going forward.
5. Prevent embarrassing or inappropriate images from including a tag with your name. Click on Timeline Settings (see step 1) and then “How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?” From there, you can tweak what happens to photos in which you are tagged.
6. Block people, apps and events. Tired of certain types of posts? You can block them. Click Timeline Settings (see step 1) and then “blocking.” From there, you can block users, app invites and event invites.
7. Prevent Facebook from disclosing your location. If you use Facebook on a mobile device, disable location services for Facebook. Steps for this vary from device to device. You also can disable location services for individual posts by clicking the “x” when your location pops up.
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