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5 Myths Debunked About the Flu Shot with Megan Pond – Episode 074

Today’s episode of Off the Grid Radio is for anyone who is concerned about their health, especially as the government pushes the flu vaccine during what is normally termed “flu” season. We have Megan Pond, co-founder of the, an organization founded to bring the truth of vaccines to the American people.

There are 5 major myths that surround the influenza vaccine, and it’s incumbent upon everyone to find out the truth in order to make more informed and better choices in the medical care and vaccines you receive.


Off The Grid Radio
Ep 074
Released: November 4, 2011

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Off the Grid News – the radio version of I’m Brian Brawdy, sitting in today for Mr. Bill Heid who we believe is somewhere in Europe doing a little bit of research. But we’re very glad to have you here with us, nonetheless. Tom, I was thinking – you read a lot of different things on Drudge just recently – this morning they’re talking about drug testing for people that are accepting public aid. There’s a judge just recently threw that out and saying it was an unreasonable search based on the Fourth Amendment. You can’t draw blood from someone, even if they’re getting government assistance. You can’t draw blood or that type of thing, if they haven’t committed a crime. Then the other side of the aisle says “wait a minute. If you can be drug tested in the workplace, how is that quite fair?” But in my mind there’s a different side – a flip side of that same coin where you think about the Fourth Amendment right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure so that the government can’t remove something from you. Then it made me think a lot about today’s guest, that very simply being that no more are they allowed to remove a body fluid from you, let’s say, in the case of doing a blood test to test for drugs or alcohol or anything else for that matter. But how about the idea of suggesting that they have the right to put something in you? That’s all the flip side of the same coin, a totally different story. That’s why I’m so excited today to have with us as a guest, Megan Pond with She’s a small business owner, a writer and a health advocate. She was also the co-founder and chairman of the board at Vax Truth, Inc. She is active as a volunteer in the community and has worked with the homeless, young children, teens, even adults – catching me up before the show on everything that’s been going on. She is married and has four children and began researching vaccines almost five years ago. She’s got a half a decade of experience when it comes to vaccinations. She’s obviously very pro-education and believes strongly – and this is what I was excited about to speak with Megan with this morning, Tom – she believes strongly in parental rights regarding medical procedures. Ladies and gentlemen, from, and I just became a fan on Facebook – from, please say hello to Megan Pond. Megan, how are you?

Megan: I’m good. How are you?

Brian: I’m doing great, thank you. I’m battling … speaking about vaccines, I took a vitamin this morning and I think it went down wrong so my voice isn’t normally what it is, I apologize for that in advance. But I was excited to speak to you, obviously, nonetheless. So, if you would, give our listeners a little bit of a thumbnail. I was really moved by your article “The Flu Vaccine – What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (or Probably Doesn’t Even Know).” It was a great article. I want to just kick that around with you.

Megan: OK. First off, I became very interested in the flu vaccine when I read some package inserts which comes right with the flu vaccine, it comes with the needles that the doctors receive. In those package inserts, they pretty much tell you everything about it. It tells you the warnings and how to use this medical product, things like that. Right in the package insert it actually says – it says various – there’s seven different kinds of flu vaccines. But they pretty much say the same thing and they say “these haven’t been tested for safety or efficacy.” There are also many groups that haven’t been tested. Also the fact that they have not been proven to actually work. They haven’t been shown to reduce the amount of flu that goes around yearly. I became interested in that and I researched really heavily and I found out that there’s actually many dangers that go into the entire spectrum of receiving a flu vaccine, what a flu vaccine is. That’s what I wrote about, what I found regarding the flu vaccine and how unsafe they really are.

Brian: What if we went ahead – because I thought this was cool – what if we had went down some of the myths that you have? I, like probably a lot of our listeners, will go “wait a minute, Bri, since the authorities in local areas suggest that we get them, then it’s probably a good thing. We should listen to them, right? They only have our best intentions at heart.” What do you say we run ahead down some of the myths? Myth #1: there is no mercury in the flu shot anymore. Talk to us about that.

Megan: Many times when you’ll go to the doctor, and if you talk to almost any nurse, they will say “what are you worried about? There’s no mercury in the flu shot anymore. They took that out a long time ago.” The history behind that is early in the 2000s, when they were studying the autism/vaccine relationship, it was the theory that mercury might have a huge thing to do with autism. They decided to take it out as much as they could. What’s interesting with pretty much every non-live virus form of the vaccine, which the flu shot goes under unless it’s the flu mist – the kind that goes up your nose – is that in the manufacturing process, they have to use thimerosal which is 50 percent mercury. They have to use that as an antimicrobial agent. They have to use it in the manufacturing process so that it’s safer, they don’t have any weird things growing on the vaccine. What they tried to do when they went through this whole “let’s take the mercury out and see what happens,” they still have to use it in the manufacturing process but it goes through a process that takes most of it out. According to the FDA, if something has less than 0.3 micrograms of thimerosal it can be considered thimerosal-free. What’s interesting is that mercury goes under – usually it’s not measured by how many micrograms is in it, it’s measured by parts per billion. That’s really the whole issue with the flu vaccine, is that it’s unfair for the safety of people to measure it in the term of micrograms because according to the EPA, which is the Environmental Protection Agency, they say that anything over 200 parts per billion mercury is considered toxic. That’s usually when they – they bring in the hazmat team – the high school student drops the thermometer and they bring in the hazmat team to clean it up. There’s actually less mercury in a standard measuring device that high schools use than there is in the flu shot.

Brian: Get out of here! when you talk about the 3 micrograms of mercury, where they say “as long as it contains less than 3 micrograms of mercury you can say it’s mercury-free” – that’s less in terms of if you have a thermometer or some of the other things that are used – I’m trying to think back to high school and my science class – there’s more mercury in the vaccine at that 3 micrograms or greater than there is in any of those instruments?

Megan: Usually. I’m sure that there’s varying degrees but usually there is, yeah. And it’s actually 0.3, which is less than 1, but still, when you do the math … how much is the vaccine? There’s 0.5 milliliters – I’m getting my ‘points’ mixed up – there’s 5 milliliters in one vaccine that goes into your arm or wherever. If you do the math, that’s actually equivalent to about 300 parts per billion of actual mercury in the flu vaccine. That is definitely over the 200 parts per billion that the EPA says is toxic and yet for some reason vaccines don’t fall under this category of “let’s make them safe.” Most people don’t know that. What’s even more interesting is that the flu shot that most people get – it’s a flu shot that’s for the general public – that one has 25 micrograms of thimerosal which is equal to 25,000 parts per billion of mercury. The one that’s used for thimerosal-free – the one that they say “we need to give you the mercury-free one” – that’s usually saved for younger children and pregnant women and sometimes the older, elderly people but only if they’re pretty elderly. Otherwise, everyone else receives the 25 micrograms thimerosal flu shots.

Brian: Unbelievable. Megan, we’re going to have to run to a quick commercial break and then I want to go into these other myths because Myth #1 exploded a lot of the different things that I’ve thought about vaccines. Let’s do this – ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to run to a quick commercial break and then when we come back, Ms. Megan Pond here from This is a show you’re not going to want to go away from.

[0:10:24 – 0:14:38 break]

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Off the Grid News. Most certainly today we’re getting a different paradigm. We’re here with Megan Pond from going over some of the myths in a very powerful article, “The Flu Vaccine – What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (or Probably Doesn’t Even Know).” Megan, let’s get right to Myth #2. Sure, the flu vaccine might contain this particular brand of mercury, but the 25 micrograms is a safe amount. Pregnant women can even eat up to 25 micrograms of mercury if they eat a piece of fish. What’s up with that?

Megan: At first you might wonder. This goes on in pregnancy message boards or pregnancy conversation. It’s a common thing to hear it in women, I would say. This is one – I’ve been pregnant four times and I’ve heard it every – every time I’m pregnant is when I really pay attention to it. Most people think that – and I don’t even know where it started, maybe perhaps a doctor said it without even really realizing what he said – I don’t know where it came from but so many pregnant women think that you can eat 25 micrograms of mercury that’s contained in fish because fish contain mercury. They think that it’s safe. I don’t know where the amount came from but I wanted to dissect it because I didn’t really think it was true. They say that you can eat it per day – 25 micrograms of mercury per day – so I really wanted to find out if that was true, if it really was safe. I went to – I had to find out first what the FDA considered low mercury or high mercury fish. They have an excellent chart that they use on the FDA’s website and it really breaks down everything and you can find out exactly what is high or low mercury. What I used in my article was tuna fish as the highest source of mercury in the low mercury fish category. I used that as the medium. Basically, it’s safe to eat tuna fish, then doctors advise not to eat anything higher than tuna fish, so I used tuna fish. I had to figure out how much mercury is in tuna fish and I found out that it’s about 128 parts per billion. Remember that 200 parts per billion is considered toxic – anything over that. Tuna fish contains 128, all of the other low mercury fish like shrimp and crab and salmon, those contain less than 128. Then I had to find out how much does the FDA or the EPA say that we can eat. Basically what it came down to was that the FDA standard for pregnant women says that you can eat up to 14 micrograms of mercury in one week – in one entire week you can eat that and it’s still considered safe. That completely blew the 25 microgram thing out of the water. There’s no absolute way that anyone could say that that was safe for pregnant women to ingest. Then I had to go into “is it safer to ingest or is it safer to inject?” I found some very, very staggering things. It’s a million times better – not really a million, but it’s a lot safer to ingest any kind of metal – mercury, aluminum, anything like that – it’s so much safer to ingest it because your body has filters that will filter out a lot of the mercury before it hits your bloodstream and it will excrete it on the way. When you inject something into the muscle or into the subcutaneous fat, almost all of it reaches your bloodstream within 30 minutes and it doesn’t hit any filtration systems. It’s 100 percent mercury, straight into your system. I feel much more comfortable eating fish than I would injecting any type of mercury into my body.

Brian: Got ya. Which leads me to Myth #3, but before we go there, I want to go to your point – when we combine the information from Myth #1 and #2, when we talk about “you can get that same amount or less eating fish” or that “there’s no mercury in the flu shot anymore” – when you combine those two myths, even the FDA and the EPA standards for ingestion, over an entire week, of mercury, are significantly lower than the amount found in these mercury-free vaccines, which are all given at one time and are outrageous – as you say here in your article “outrageously lower than the 25 microgram flu vaccine,” which of course is also given all at one ounce. But just those two myths alone should be enough for you not to have a Myth #3. You’d think people would look at those two points, Megan, and go “wait a minute, wait a minute. Something smells” – forgive the pun – “something smells worse here than the fish.” Why do you think you even needed a Myth #3.

Megan: Because it doesn’t ever stop there. I meet so many people in this whole era of vaccines … I don’t understand the mindset but it’s almost like they just put it behind – in the back of their head – because their doctor said it was safe, which is should be. Understandable – you should be able to do something that your doctor says is safe, I would think. But they put those aside and they don’t research it themselves, which is so dangerous. I hope even hearing those that they would at least go and research more.

Brian: Alright, let’s do this. Let’s jump in to Myth #3, because I absolutely agree with you. I want to cover all these myths and then I want to go back and maybe find a way of challenging people to re-read the article for themselves and then start asking their doctors. Maybe we can start a little bit of a movement where even if you just do it one person at a time, you go “hey, Doc, what’s up with this?” Myth #3: “Last year I got a flu shot and I spent the next three days constantly in the bathroom throwing up, I had the runs, I had all the rest of this. Because of that, there’s no way I’m skipping my shot this year. Last year was too painful, this year I’m going to very dutifully run over and get my flu shot.” What’s wrong with that train of thought, Megan?

Megan: First of all, it’s people that last year they say they got the flu and then were in the bathroom constantly. They say “this year there’s no way I’m skipping it because I got the flu last year and it was awful. I’m never doing that again.” That’s the common misconception, is that stomach cramping and nausea/vomiting, diarrhea – those are all contained in the flu, which is actually not true. The flu that the flu shot covers is influenza and that’s completely different from the stomach flu. In fact, the stomach flu shouldn’t even be called flu because it’s not even the flu. In the vaccine, there are usually three or four, depending on the year, different strains of influenza and that’s the actual virus. That’s what it protects against is the flu symptoms which are generally runny nose, coughing, muscle aches, head congestion, sore throat – it keeps you in bed, it really does. It’s awful to get, it is. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the stomach flu. It will not keep you from getting the stomach flu which is generally caused by eating something bad or something like that, but it has nothing to do with that.

Brian: I think most of the problem, or some of the uphill battle that you have, is people don’t even know what they’re talking about.

Megan: That’s very true. That’s common with almost everything that we deal with. People don’t even know what a vaccine protects against or what they say it protects against. It’s difficult when people don’t even understand what influenza is or what the flu vaccine is supposed to do.

Brian: It’s amazing to me. You know what? As I look through your article, Megan, I should tell people that don’t have the benefit of looking at it right now as you and I do, it’s not like you got these quotes from comic books. Here’s one from WebMD, here’s one from the University of Calgary. Here’s some from the Here’s some from the Mayo Clinic. More from the, more from the EPA. It’s not like you just decided to craft this nice looking article with all the myths and just run off and create your own facts. You’ve quoted some pretty heavy duty sources right in the content of the article.

Megan: Right. That’s usually what I deal with. With any of my information that I – you can usually find everything that you need to on the FDA, the CDC, things like that – you can always find the information you’re looking for. That’s usually what I always deal with because that’s what people trust. If I bring up some other source from somewhere, someone will totally “oh, that’s not true. That’s not true at all.” I always try to use these government entities to prove my point and that usually works.

Brian: Alright, let’s do this. Since you brought up the CDC, we’re going to run to a quick commercial break and then when we come back, Megan, I’d like to go over Myth #4 because “it says here if I get a flu shot, I won’t get the flu and my body will be healthier and stronger because of it.” Ladies and gentlemen, we’re back in just a quick moment, with the head of Come on back right after this quick commercial break.

[0:24:58 – 0:29:17 break]

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, as I said before, welcome back to a different paradigm. We’re here with Megan Pond, who you’re absolutely going to dig. You’ve got to check out the website I’ve already gone ahead and liked her on Facebook, you’re going to want to do the same. She has a link to this particular article that you’re really going to – it’s just an eye-opener, Megan. You read articles, you go “OK, well that’s one author’s opinion.” Either he or she thinks it’s this or it’s that, but you’ve used some great sites. You’re going right to the source which makes me wonder – they don’t even really care if you find out none of this stuff is good for you, because they go “well, it’s up on our website.” You know what? It ticks me off a little bit Megan. You ever see those things on TV where there’s supposed to be a disclaimer? And it’s so small and it happens so fast, it looks like somebody accidentally spilled a bottle of white-out in the lower third of the commercial. Have you ever seen that?

Megan: Yes. It’s very similar.

Brian: That must be what they’re doing. If all this stuff is up on the CDC and the EPA and the other website that you cite in the article,, little different from Mayo Clinic because you expect them to not have skin in the game. But it’s got to be infuriating when you go to all these websites and they tell you right there what’s going on. We spoke briefly before the show but I don’t think you have a Master’s degree, you’re not a criminal investigator, you never graduated from the police academy. You’re not some super sleuth, you just went ahead and went to their own websites, read the information that’s posted publicly – probably didn’t even have to use a Freedom of Information Act, not that that gets you anything anymore, Megan. You just got this information right off the government websites.

Megan: Right.

Brian: You must want to bang your head against the wall some days.

Megan: I do it almost daily. [laughs]

Brian: Well you sound great for somebody that’s been busy banging their head against the wall, so I give you credit. Let’s get to the Myth #4: “I get the flu shot, I won’t get the flu. My body will be healthier and stronger to boot.” Speaking of the CDC, why don’t you take that one for us?

Megan: Oh, great. Most people think that if they get the flu shot they won’t get the flu. What they need to understand – they really should go online – and I do this with my own children. If my doctor tells me that I need to fill a prescription, before I fill it I go and research what it is to make sure that I’m comfortable with putting that into their bodies. I do the same thing with the flu vaccine and what I find out with the flu vaccine is that there are three different classifications or genuses, is what they’re called, of influenza – there’s Influenza A, B and C. Underneath those are hundreds of subsets. That’s where – like H1N1 that we hear about and we’re supposed to be so afraid of – that’s underneath Influenza A. It’s a type of Influenza A. In the flu vaccine this year, there’s two types of Influenza A strains and there’s one Influenza B strain. When you look at it in perspective, there’s three strains of hundreds of strains that are protected. When people get the flu shot they’ll think “I won’t get the flu” but then they get the flu. On the CDC’s website it does say that there’ve been reports – hundreds and thousands of reports of people that get “flu-like symptoms” even after they’ve been vaccinated against the flu. Then they give a list of why this could be, because they don’t really know, they’ve never studied it, but “this is why it could be.” What actually happens when you get a vaccine, it suppresses your immune system. A vaccine is actually an immune suppressant. For about two to three weeks is how long it takes for your body to create antibodies against the strains of whatever disease or virus is in there. During that period, not only is your immune system suppressed a lot, but also you don’t have the antibodies yet to fight off whatever virus was in the vaccine. The CDC explains it as during that period, you could easily catch another virus – and “more easily” is what they should say – way more easily because your immune system is suppressed. That usually happens. Most people – I’ve maybe talked to two people in my life that haven’t gotten flu-like symptoms after the flu vaccine, out of hundreds.

Brian: It’s like fighting the flu with both hands tied behind your back. If what you’re saying – if I’m hearing you correctly, you get a flu shot. Technically, that ties both of your hands behind your back, at least if you look at your hands as your immune system. It ties them behind your back so then when another strand of flu comes along, you don’t have the ability to defend yourself.

Megan: It’s true. You can even get any of the flu strains that are in the flu vaccine – you can get them during that period. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense in my own mind why you would still continue to do it, especially in kids if you get them the flu shot and then the next few days they’re sicker than sick – I don’t understand why you’d keep doing it. But that might just be me.

Brian: No, I’m with you. I can see that rationale. But let me tell you this … let me try to think, Megan, of everything I’ve ever been taught. So, Megan, why does that happen? It happens because I’m getting a little bit of the flu bug and because it’s only a little tiny bit of it, the reason I get the symptoms is that’s my body trying to beat up on the little bit that’s in me. If I didn’t get the flu shot, that little bit that was in me would grow to be a huge attacker and then my body would have to fight even harder.

Megan: Yes.

Brian: Absolutely not true, is it?

Megan: [laughs] Well, according to the CDC it could possibly be that.

Brian: It must be true, you heard it from the CDC. I saw it on TV. You know, Tom, it’s got to be true, I saw it on TV, Megan. It’s got to be true. OK, Megan, let’s look at Myth #5: The flu vaccine has saved countless lives.

Megan: this is the one that really hits home for me because I have kids. What I looked at specifically was the number of flu-related deaths in children. It was in 2003, the fall/winter months of 2003 to 2004, is when the CDC recommended children under the age of 5 get the flu vaccine because before then they didn’t think it was safe. Then all of a sudden they did think it was safe. They added the children under 5 to that category. What I found was that in the years before this recommendation there were an average of 30 deaths – flu-related deaths – in children per year. Immediately after that, in the fall of 2003 and 2004, there was a 153, which is a 427 percent increase, of flu-related deaths in children. Then it went back down slightly but it’s never gone back to that average of 30 – ever. It’s always been drastically increased and, in fact, overall there’s been a 67 percent increase of flu associated death in children since the CDC recommended that children under 5 receive the flu vaccine. If that doesn’t tell you something, I don’t know what does. It means … and also, along those lines, there was a study – research done by the International Conference of American Thoracic Society and they found that actually if you get your child the flu vaccine they have a 3X greater risk of hospitalization. That really makes you go ‘ding’ because when your child is hospitalized they have a chance of death. Hospitalization is serious so it makes a lot of sense that deaths would increase per year. It’s not fair – that’s the saddest thing I have ever seen is that the CDC would recommend something and the number of deaths associated with that would increase so drastically. To me that’s so scary. That is so incredibly scary. They actually did another study in 2005 that found that there has been absolutely no decrease of flu-related deaths in the elderly. They push the vaccine on the elderly like nothing else. Because you don’t want your 90-year-old grandma to get the flu because it can be very dangerous for them, it really can. But if the flu vaccine isn’t working in them and it could possibly be an even more dangerous than them getting the flu, there’s something that needs to be talked about there.

Brian: Absolutely. When you look at it, in 2010, according to your article – 2010-2011, the 115 deaths – that’s a 59 percent increase.

Megan: Mm-hmm. And ever since the CDC recommended for children to receive this – under 5 to receive this vaccine, it’s become more popular. More people are getting it, more adults are getting it. I don’t really know why, maybe it’s because if it’s safe for children it must be absolutely safe for everyone. Maybe that might be the mindset. Another thing to look at is the way that the CDC counts a flu-related death. That can actually be very deceiving, I would say, because they used to use – every single year they used to say “36,000 Americans die from seasonal flu.” That was on television commercials, that was on their own statements – until people started to realize “that doesn’t make sense” because the actual number of people that get influenza in the United States is drastically lower. The ones that actually – on their death certificate, for instance, it says that they died from influenza – it is a lot lower. It’s usually sometimes under 1,000 – in the thousands. Where do they get the 36,000 number from? They take the number of patients that die from maybe influenza but they also take pneumonia – they take all sorts of respiratory illnesses and they lump that into flu-related deaths. So if someone dies from pneumonia, they automatically count that as being a flu-related death, just because pneumonia can be a possible side effect of getting the flu, even though there’s hundreds of viruses that cause pneumonia as well and it’s not just the flu.

Brian: Megan, let’s run to a quick commercial break. But before we do, let’s ponder this – they seem about as good at math as they are at the science that every turns to them thinking that they’re the experts. Ladies and gentlemen, a quick commercial break. Come on back. This will be the final section. Boy, time flies when you’re learning stuff. This will be the final section with Megan Pond – she is from a really cool organization – Check her out. We’ll be back after this quick commercial break.

[0:41:38 – 0:45:54 break]

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Off the Grid News. Unfortunately, we’re in our final segment with Megan Pond from Megan, if it’s cool with you, I want to quote something from your article. “At the end of all of this, we find that the flu vaccine is dangerous and” – as if that wasn’t enough – “and it’s dangerous and essentially ineffective. That means we must be doomed to live in a never-ending cycle of possibly contracting the yearly flu.” Is that true?

Megan: Absolutely not true at all. In fact, there have been so many studies done on this and yet the medical community doesn’t report on these studies. I don’t understand why, but they don’t. What’s been found by so many studies is that if you have adequate amounts of Vitamin D during the flu months or even the summer as well – but even if you have adequate amounts of Vitamin D then you can actually prevent the flu 100 percent of the time, if your Vitamin D levels are high enough. That’s really … the United States is so low on Vitamin D. In fact, I think they say that 95 percent of Americans are low on Vitamin D, which makes sense because we get sick a lot. Vitamin D helps not only with the flu but with almost everything. It’s an immune booster so it helps fight off tons of stuff. Even if you increase amounts and it’s not really high enough yet to prevent the flu 100 percent, it will drastically reduce the symptoms of the flu to where maybe you don’t even realize that you have the flu. You can still go to work and not be absolutely affected by having the flu.

Brian: Megan, Vitamin D – that’s what you get naturally from the sun, right?

Megan: Correct, yes.

Brian: And what food is it prevalent in, do you know?

Megan: There’s lots of foods – lots and lots of foods. In fact, it would be great for anyone to go and Google Vitamin D and see what – the list is so long – leafy greens, lots of vegetables have it. There’s also supplements you can take too.

Brian: OK. So let me ask you this, if we were sitting here and you had the head of the CDC with us – or I’ll play the head of the CDC for today. What would you ask the head of the CDC? What question would you pose?

Megan: I would ask if they knew that Vitamin D prevents flu 100 percent of the time. I would love to see their reaction.

Brian: OK. But what else would you ask. I’m with you because I think “great, Vitamin D.” Again, there’s not enough market in Vitamin D sales so we have to try to figure out a way of getting more money from people by creating flu shots? What else would you ask?

Megan: I would love to ask “does the flu shot prevent the flu and save lives?”

Brian: Another great question. Alright, it just so happens, because you won the contest to come and interview the head of the CDC, you get a third question. What would that third question be?

Megan: Oh, golly. I’d love to ask them how much money they get per year from the flu vaccine as a profit.

Brian: I think, Megan, I would put that on the top of my list. It sounds to me like you’re a lot nicer person than I am. Because I look at all this, my friend, all the research that you’ve done in this great article. I’m going to email this out to my friends. I’m going to put it up on my own Facebook page. You look at all the research you’ve done with this article and they’re either blatantly, bumblingly idiotic, or it’s just plain dishonest. I don’t see how you bridge the gap between the two. They either have no clue what they’re talking about, given the statements on their own websites and in their own articles. They have no clue what they’re talking about or they’re being disingenuous. It’s one of the two.

Megan: Oh, definitely. I have no doubt that they know exactly what’s going on. In fact, my husband who’s also a member of Vax Truth – he did an article that’s called “How Can It Be About the Money? Immunizations are Free! Right?”He broke down all the numbers and he found out how much each child in the United States is worth to the government and to pharmaceutical companies and to your doctor. The numbers are staggering. They are absolutely mind boggling.

Brian: Megan, where can someone find your husband’s article. Do you remember where that was posted or linked? I’ll put a link up to that one too.

Megan: If you go to, I believe it’s on the front page.

Brian: It’s on the front page? Cool.

Megan: Yeah, it’s underneath our most recent articles and it’s the very bottom one. The truth is is that the government makes a lot of money off of vaccines because vaccines are taxed. Also, there’s a lot of avenues – my husband goes through that in the article – there’s a lot of avenues where the government actually gets paid for every vaccine that’s given. It really makes a lot of sense when you look at it that way.

Brian: If I could interrupt for one second, only because I’m on your website right now and I want to make sure I’ve got this right. It should be under what category?

Megan: If you scroll down a little bit on the front page, underneath that big picture – it says “Our Most Recent Articles” in blue.

Brian: OK. I’ve got you.

Megan: It’s under there. It’s the very bottom one underneath the big blue “Our Most Recent Articles.”

Brian: “It’d be about the money …” Very good. Very good. We’ll do a link to both of those. Congratulations – or I should say compliments to your husband for doing his research as extensive and intensive as you’ve done. That’s really something else. “No shots, no school – not true.””” Talk to us a little bit, because unfortunately we’re going to run out of time here, but talk to us about the sign, the billboard, “No Shots, No School … Not True.”

Megan: The billboard project is what we call it. It started with an associative mind – Marcella Piper-Terry. She is the founder of Vax Truth and she started this just in August, the beginning of August is when this all unfolded. It started with her when she read in the newspaper in her local area that schools requires vaccines. There’s no choice … you have to get your child vaccinated. She’s been researching vaccines forever, a long time. She has a vaccine-injured child herself. She said “wait a second. That is not true. How can they print that in the newspaper?” Because there’s an exemption in all 50 states. 48 of those states have religious exemptions and half of those have philosophical exemptions as well. There’s ways around if you don’t feel comfortable vaccinating your child against anything then you can still get them into public school in every case and in public daycare as well. It spun from that. She wanted to start a movement where we help parents realize that if you don’t feel comfortable with vaccines, if you need to do a little more research and find out whether you want to or not, you don’t have to right away if you don’t feel comfortable with that. She put up two billboards in her home state, in Indiana, and then we’ve started from there and we’ve put up two more and we’re currently fundraising for ones in California because there’s a lot of vaccine things going on right now. It’s insane over in California so we’re working on two in California. Hopefully parents will see that and it’ll at least trigger something and say “I wonder if that’s really true,” and maybe they’ll go to the website and find out that the government can’t force you to give your child a vaccine.

Brian: Megan, I think we’re going to have to leave it on that only because we’re running out of time. I’m on Facebook right now. I’m putting up a link on both of my Facebook sites. We’ll link it also to Off the Grid News and Solutions from Science. I want to take the time to thank you, not just for being a guest on our show today, but all the research that you’ve done, that your husband’s done, that your family’s done – everything you’re doing to at least get another side of the story out there so that parents can make informed decisions. There’s not one thing in our interview or the things that I’ve read about you that lead me to believe that you’re trying to tell parents what they should do with their own child. You’re simply trying to expose them to the information and then sitting back and letting them decide for themselves. I really respect that about you and the work that you and your husband and your organization has done.

Megan: Thank you so much. Thanks for having me too.

Brian: Thank you. I know it was a little bit hard to get everything – the schedules and everything else arranged. We’ll absolutely have you back on before too long because this is terribly, terribly valuable information. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been with Megan Pond from You can visit them at or check them out on Facebook as I’ve just done as well. I want to thank you for listening to Off the Grid News. Please continue to email us with your questions, your comments, your critiques to info@offthegridnews. You can find us as well on Facebook by going to Of course you can follow us on Twitter @offgridnews. Thank you again for listening. On behalf of Mr. Bill Heid who’s on assignment and everyone at the Off the Grid News team, I’m Brian Brawdy.

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