Do you know what might be the bigger danger to us and our families? No, it’s not any type of chemical, biological or nuclear weapon. It’s not a hurricane, a tornado or droughts. It’s not even an economic collapse.
[powerpress]The bigger danger we face as individuals is not being in community, not knowing our neighbors, and not having someone watching our backs. People need each other. People are better off working together and pooling talents. That way everyone benefits from the knowledge and experience of others. We need the company of like-minded folks.
This week Bill Heid and Brian Brawdy have both been on the road, separately facing ice storms and snow in their respective neck of the woods. They’ve seen how other parts of the country handle the types of weather that is common for Illinois, their home state.
Join these two on Off the Grid Radio as they discuss the need for preparedness, the need for community, and the need for interdependence among neighbors when things get rough.
- How doing nothing is not an option
- How wisdom and discernment must be used in choosing friends and neighbors as your preparedness partners
- How to teach your children preparedness techniques
- How a person’s mettle is tested in adversity
- and more…