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He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World with Greg McCoach – Episode 102

The world of money and stocks is going crazy. We see economic indicators which tell us that we are not recovering from this current recession/depression (it’s one or the other, depending on who you talk to), yet the stock market keeps spasming up and down. (Actually, if you look at the Dow Jones graph, it looks more like a heart patient in the midst of arterial defibrillation at its worst.) What in the world is going on in the world of finance and economics?

Today’s guest on Off the Grid Radio points his finger decisively at one thing – the Federal Reserve and the control elitist foreign bankers have on our money. Join us today for another episode of Off the Grid Radio as Greg McCoach, founder and president of The Mining Speculator and Insider Alert, joins Bill Heid to discuss our economic health, our political health, the investment opportunities in junior mining companies, and a brief speculation of what the near future holds for those of us prepping for the future.

Off The Grid Radio
Ep 102
Released: May 18, 2012



Bill:      Welcome, everybody. It’s Bill Heid with another episode of Off the Grid Radio. Today’s guest we have Greg McCoach, editor of The Mining Speculator. No stranger to this show, always great to have you. Greg, welcome.

Greg:    Glad to be here, Bill.

Bill:      Like I said, always a pleasure. I wanted to get your impressions. There are a lot of things going on economically in the world. It just seems to me like; maybe we take country by country and just talk a little bit about the United States. It seems to me as if there will be some sort of productivity report and it will show that the economic situation is worse, but the market will go up. What’s your take on what’s going on there?

Greg:    Well, the Federal Reserve has created money and pumped it into the system. Most of that money has gone into the Dow market, some of the stocks markets. Not the mining stocks, that’s for sure. But, that money, that funny money has met within the Dow. That’s why the Dow is flying high. It’s off its recent high, but there’s real fear there for a much lower price. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Dow get knocked back severely at some point. But, this is an election year. It’s a little different year than normal years, so the powers that be I think will try to keep things looking good for the election and it’s only about seven months away now.

Bill:      Do you think the market’s predicting an Obama victory? You know, sometimes the market gets out ahead and kind of tells us. It’s sort of an information source as well. Or do you think it’s just all crazy now? Are we just off the road completely?

Greg:    Yeah, I think we’re just off the road. I don’t know if we even have free elections anymore. After we saw this stuff with the republican situation, you know fighting amongst one another, and voter fraud, and caucus problems. We didn’t get the true picture there. Why? What’s going on? Why do we no longer just letting the votes count as they count right? I would say the same thing in recent presidential elections in the last few presidents. There’s some definite evidence that there was some tampering in Ohio and Florida with the Bush, the last Bush win. On and on and on it goes.

I’ve just been flabbergasted lately with all that’s happening with all these executive orders from Obama. It’s just shocking. I don’t know how anybody who voted for Obama the first time could vote for him the second time. I understood that people wanted change the first time around, but when you see a President of the United States just whole heartedly side stepping congress and basically just doing one executive order after another and they’re just so shocking, right? Where do you go from there, right? We’ve got such an issue in our country with division. We’re so divided as a country and this is how these elitist bankers, they want us divided so we don’t focus on the truth.

The truth is they own us. These bankers own us. If you’ve never read the book They Own It All (Including You)! very good book to read to connect the dots for anybody. A very easy read, you could read it in a few days. It really goes through and explains to the layperson how they pulled this off. How did they get control of everything, the money supply? Well, the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, right? How did they get control of the media? How did they do all these things? It connects the dots legally. It shows you how they legally switched us from a common law country, as the founding fathers intended us, to a commercial law.

Bill:      They Own It All (Even You)! Is the name of that?

Greg:    Yeah, They Own It All (Including You)!

Bill:      Including you, okay.

Greg:    There’s a quote on the front of the book from Nathan Rothschild. He says, ‘I could care less who gets elected in England.’ He says, ‘The person who controls the money supply controls England and I control the money supply,’ direct quote from Nathan Rothschild. So when people want the big picture, unfortunately they don’t want to hear the truth. The truth is that the elitist bankers are our enemy. It’s not republicans and democrats, they’re puppets. They’re puppets of the elitist bankers who own the system. They own our country. Our country was basically hijacked in 1913 and 1933.

First, with the Federal Reserve getting in there and what they did was pump so much money into the system. They crashed the system on purpose so that the US government would be a debtor. We were so in debt to the Federal Reserve at that point. Why? Because of the Federal Reserve Act, we basically turned over the creation of money in our country over to this private organization that’s controlled by foreigners; foreign banksters. How did we allow that to happen? Well, you can go read this story. It’s shocking, but it’s true. And in 1933 because we were in so much debt Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to come up with a scheme to pay them back called social security, right?

Let’s take away your money now. Don’t worry; we’ll take care of you in the future. We’ll take care of you in your latter years. Well, how did we go along with that? It’s just one theft after another and if you look on a dollar bill it just says clearly. Who’s the creditor? Federal Reserve, right at the top, Federal Reserve is the creditor. They issue money for our use and they get to charge us interest for that. The debtor is the United States of America. That wasn’t that way before the Federal Reserve in 1933. We had a sovereign money, we had our own money. But, somehow we allowed this to be taken away from us and this is what they don’t want you to know.

Bill:      And the only guy telling the story, of course, is Ron Paul. He’s the only one telling the story that you just told. And of course, most republicans hate his guts don’t they?

Greg:    Yeah and this is where you really get into some weird stuff. Somebody will come up to me and say, ‘Well Greg, aren’t you going to support Mitt Romney?’ I’m like, ‘No! He’s totally bought and paid for by the banksters. You can’t vote for Mitt Romney.’ Obama is owned by the banksters, right? What these elitist banksters want to do is they want to keep us divided so that we don’t pay attention to the truth. And the truth is what Ron Paul has been trying to tell us, we have to get rid of the beast. The beast in the land is the Federal Reserve and the fraction of stockholders behind that.

You can do the genealogy; you can see all the different families. They’re mostly foreigners; the Rothschild’s, the Lazarus family out of Paris, France, the Kuhn Loeber family out of Germany. Our world is run by a very small, but very, very powerful group of people. They own the politicians. They own the media. So they get to control the message that we hear. And to most people this sounds like conspiracy theory, but it is the absolute truth. If anybody has the courage to investigate, if you really want to know the truth start reading about these subjects and read the book They Own It All (Including You)!

Bill:      Greg, don’t you think also that these folks are always smart enough to appeal to something based from humanity. In other words, if they think, ‘If we want to get something passed through that would be beneficial to us’ they always position it as something that appeals to the masses in a way that the masses can get something for nothing, right? Isn’t that how they always play these out?

Greg:    They’ve learned this lesson very, very well. They’ve been doing it for a long time. Now, instead of just crashing the United States like they did in 1929 and making them debtor, making us a debtor to the Federal Reserve and they pulled it off miraculously and it went just like they hoped. They ended up with all this control. Now, they want to crash the whole financial system. This is why it doesn’t make sense to most people. They want to crash the whole financial system and they want a new world order. They don’t just want to control the United States or Europe, they want to control everything. It gets so weird when you realize we’ve lost our sovereignty as of 1933. You look on a birth certificate, it says Department of Commerce. Why would it say Department of Commerce? Isn’t that related to business? Why would business be related to a birth certificate? Because as we’re coming out of the birth canal the Federal Reserve, they own the chattel and we are their chattel as soon as we’re born in this country.

So it is Department of Commerce. We, the citizens of the United States, are now debtors to the Federal Reserve and they want to be paid. So here we are; we’re bailing the very people out who are causing the problems. It so absurd, it’s beyond comprehension sometimes. All I can tell you is that where precious metal prices are going to go as all of this unfolds. How it unfolds, I don’t know because it looks like to me that there is no hope with people waking up in time. People are just asleep at the wheel. Matter of fact, they got control of the internet. I had an interesting situation yesterday, I have MSN. I was responding—you know how you read an article—the article was about this Stephen King saying, ‘I want the government to tax me out the ass.’ Right?

Bill:      Sure.

Greg:    He’s saying, ‘I want them to just tax the hell out of me.’ And I’m looking at the responses and you see a lot of people who are saying, ‘Yeah. Tax the rich, they’re the bad guys.’ And I’m like no, no. The wealthy people in our country are not the bad guys. Let’s get this right. I tried to post just a very basic, it wasn’t argumentative at all. Just wanted to say, look the wealthy, let’s say the top five percent of the wealthy people in this country, they already pay 50 percent of our taxes. Okay. That’s a fact, that’s a statistic, okay? If we’re going to be angry at somebody, let’s be angry at the real culprits. The people who are causing all the problems, that’s this very powerful elitist group of bankers.

Let’s place the anger where it belongs. I’ve made reference to this book and I put the post in…  It won’t go through. They won’t allow me to post. Why do you think? Because now they’ve got all these new laws on the internet, they’re definitely screening it. They don’t want that message out because that is a message of truth that would clarify. A lot of people who were posting there yesterday were angry and just venting their anger at the rich. Hell if we abolish the rich, they’re the hard working people, the inventive people who are creating all the jobs. If we get rid of them, then we really have a problem, right?

Bill:      Yeah, you have Sovietization of America. You know it’s amazing, Greg too, that it seems like we have to go back and refight these battles all the time because we have been dumbed down to such an extent. But, it wasn’t too long after the communist wall fell, during Reagan’s presidency, I think it was even common knowledge among liberals that the Soviet Union; this was a bad thing. Things were stark, everything was grey. There was no food. There were all these problems and now we have to go fight these battles again? Maybe socialism does work; maybe eating the rich is a viable option if we’re existentialists. It’s just crazy to me. I wanted to get your comment; one guy that did get through was John Lovitz. He was one of Obama’s supporters, the other day; I don’t know if you heard what he called our president. Probably harsher language than I would use, but there’s a little discontent there among even from folks on the left I think.

Greg:    Oh, absolutely. I’ve talked to friends that I have that voted for Obama the first time and they have no intentions of voting for him again, but they are saying, ‘Greg, what do we do? We can’t vote for anybody.’ That’s right, don’t even bother voting. This is a fight between the American people and the power, the power seekers. The people that hold all the power are the banks, this elitist group of banksters. This is the group of people that is causing all the problems. We have to focus, we have to become united. Not divided as a country. We have to become united against our common enemy, right? We have to understand that they own the republican and democratic party. They could care less who gets elected; they own both parties already before they even get to the vote.

Bill:      So, what’s the best way, Greg, to vote in this upcoming election? Point taken. What’s the best way to vote against the banksters in this upcoming election?

Greg:    Well, you’ve got to do a protest vote. You have to give a protest vote. It doesn’t matter whether you vote for Mitt Romney or Obama at this point. Let’s vote for something that we know really pisses them off, Ron Paul. Right? That’s why he doesn’t get any attention in the media and why the Republican Party was lambasting this guy and wasn’t allowing him to get the votes he was actually getting. To them it’s a disgrace to have Ron Paul win the republican nomination, right? Well, this just shows you what these guys do. They’ve been doing this for a long time. They love these racial issues that are in our media right now. They love this racial war.

We need to stop fighting against one another, okay? We need to come together as a people, not be divided further and further. And that’s what they want; they want us divided because they know they have us. But, we’ve got to get together here; we’ve got to somehow get this message out. What we’ve got to figure out, get together, unite together against the banksters as our common enemy that’s the bottom line. If we don’t do that, then we’re going into a very, very nasty situation and God help us all if they get what they want, which is the new world order. One world currency that they control, they control it all. At that point they control every transaction that happens.

Bill:      Well, as long as we’re talking about, ‘God help us if…’ What happens historically when folks that kind of have a hand on the control grid, like they do now, it seems like they’re controlling gold and silver prices. You see these short guys jump in there right away. What happens when they eventually lose control? And where do you see that… And I know you as a newsletter writer; you don’t want to get too speculative. But, at the same point I think we have a historical base from which to operate and a base of which to at least think, right?

Greg:    Yeah. Well, look these elitists have a lot of things that are in the way for them to get their way. We just can’t lay down. The first part is the people have to wake up and come together. If we do that we can have a chance to fight against this. Look the reason why they’re going after the guns, the reason why they want to go after the guns so much and why they’re doing every little sneaky thing they can is because that’s what they’re most fearful of. You’ve got 330 million Americans and a good portion of them are armed to the teeth. That’s why they’re trying to get the guns from us, just like they did in Nazi Germany. They had to get the guns out of the people’s hands, then they can do carp wants whatever they want.

So, that’s why you’re going to see all kinds of attempts to negate the Second Amendment. I had a conversation—I recently had hip surgery and was in the hospital—I was walking to a nurse and she was curious about what I did. We ended up in this long conversation and she couldn’t understand what the Second Amendments was, she thought it was to protect hunting. I said, ‘No. Go look why the founding fathers wrote the Second Amendments. Why was it so important? The very thing right after freedom of speech was the citizens need to be armed to defend themselves against power seeking jackals who try to destroy our country.’ That’s what they were most fearful of.

Bill:      Yeah and why would they write that in there, Greg? Because it just happened to them. It’s fresh in their minds, they had their guns. It was the only way they could regain their liberty from the Hanoverian king, so that’s a great point.

Greg:    This nurse was just so shocked that she didn’t understand that. I said, ‘Well, it’s because we’ve all been dumbed down.’ And I wasn’t trying to be mean to her, I was including myself in this group. I got enlightened about 12-14 years ago. I hadn’t connected all the dots at that point, but I had connected a lot of them. But, I’m telling you if you’re an educated person and you really want to know the truth and unfortunately what I find is that most people don’t want to know the truth. They just don’t want to know. As shocking as that may sound, most people don’t want to know the truth. I’ve always been a truth seeker; I’ve got to know the truth.

I’ve got to know the truth so I know how to prepare. How can you invest if you don’t know what the truth is? The truth is a distorted mess at this point, but at least when you read this book you will understand legally how they were able to pull this incredible cue off. You have to give them credit, it’s a masterful thing they’ve been able to do. When you understand how they’ve been able to control the populations, how they manipulate us, how they’ve got us indoctrinated in our education systems and our media…the average person doesn’t even know why the Second Amendment was made in the first place. The average citizen thinks it for hunting.

Bill:      Well, that’s what was taught to me in school, even when I went to public school that was the theme behind it. There was no concept of guns as a way to get your freedom back or to maintain vigilance of your freedom. Yeah, man.

Greg:    They want you far away from that message. All the most important things that are happening, I asked her, ‘Did you hear about the NDAA Bill that Obama passed by executive order? Indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without Habeas Corpus.’ She goes, ‘Well I didn’t even hear about that, and I voted for Obama.’ I go, ‘Well you should read what’s going on.’ ‘Well, where do I find this?’ She was just shocked that’s he hadn’t heard about this and then, she went home that night and the next day when I was in the hospital she came and she goes, ‘Oh my gosh. You were right.’ She goes, ‘They do have us dumbed down.’ That’s because they didn’t let a message like that get into the main stream media.

It was hidden from the general public’s view for the most part. You had to dig for it if you wanted to really find it. But, what do they do? They keep us dumbed down with stories about Kim Kardashian or the Kardashian family or Lindsay Lohan or what some drunk athlete did last night on a binge. But, who cares? Why is that news? It’s not news, but see they’ve got us. They’ve got us. Look at the mainstream front page content of MSN, any of the major news venues that we get our news from on the internet. It’s filled with garbage; sports scores, entertainment, anything that would just get peoples curiosity, right?

Bill:      Yeah, well. No, no, no, Greg, stop there for a second because you hit a good point. I think a lot of it is—and check me if I’m wrong on this—but I think a lot of it is driven just by the economics. So, on one hand I agree with you. I think that there are malevolent folks out there willing to do damage. On the other hand, I think we as a people kind of want it. In other words, let’s say you’re in charge of selling advertising for News Week and you put a picture up of Lindsay Lohan or whatever on the front page—or Kim Kardashian—that’s going to sell more copies so that you can go back to your advertisers, than if you would have put a picture of let’s say something that happened of value. Something that had real depth and meaning, you can’t sell that to the American public anymore. We’re so dumbed down, so I think these two things are operative hand and hand.

Greg:    Yeah, but now what does that tell you about our society then? We’ve become so corrupted, we’ve become so dumbed down, we deserve what’s coming to us. Who’s to blame? We need to look no further than the mirror in our bathrooms. We’re all to blame because we’ve all gone along with it. We haven’t fought against it. I’ve tried to fight the fight through educating people, but you get a lot of backlash from this kind of stuff. They think you’re some kind of nutcase or whatever. I don’t really care anymore. They’re soon going to find out that we’re right, this is true. That our common enemy is these banksters and if we don’t start fighting against them sooner than later; the worse it’s going to be.

Bill:      And I think, what’s a nutcase is subjective in society.

Greg:    Yeah.

Bill:      You know if you would have taken these ideas and you would have went back to Patrick Henry and said, ‘Hey, Patrick. Here’s a copy of News Week and this is Kim Kardashian. What do you think?’ I’m not sure that he would have the mindset, the world view to deal with the things that we deal with now. I think it would just be overwhelming to him. These folks were dealing with serious issues and as you’ve said; were still living on the gas, the power running off the fumes that these men created for the first couple of hundred years of our nation’s existence. So, what does wealth do? At some point you get rich, your kids get rich. They don’t know where the wealth came from; they just see it as something to be expected, as something that is always there. Again, I like the fact, Greg, that you’re adult enough to say, ‘You know what, I’m going to share a little bit of this burden.’ But, I think you, I, the rest of this country; we’re basically a bunch of spoiled brats compared to the early colonial folks.

Greg:    It’s an entitlement. We’re all entitled to everything, right? I talked to a guy, a friend of mine who owns some business and he has to deal with young people. He’s got a franchise that he has to hire lots of young people. He says, ‘There are good kids out there.’ But he says, ‘I’ve been doing this now for 30 years.’ He said, ‘The quality of the people over that 30 year period, it’s amazing.’ He said, ‘Everybody wants something for nothing. They just feel like, oh I got a job, so take care of me.’ That’s not how it works. Where did we get this idea that, ‘Oh I got a job, you’re supposed to give me this, this, and this.’ Boy, we’ve gotten sadly off track in so many ways. I guess society has to just… The pendulum swings both directions. The pendulum has swung one direction too far, now a correction has to happen. History shows us that those corrections do occur and I think we’re coming up to a major massive correction. It’s going to be a wide eye opening experience for most Americans and Europeans.

Bill:      I think so too and before we get on to, okay how can we take cover, I really want to talk about some of the gold and silver and some of the mining issues that as I get your newsletter—I’m a subscriber obviously—let’s stay on this subject for just a second. Isn’t it a great time? In other words, really we take what God gives us and so, we don’t have any control over what time period we’re born into. We can do our best, but here’s where we find ourselves. There’s a heck of a lot of opportunities here. If you’re a young person and you come to a job and you look good and you have freshly laundered clothes, pressed clothes whatever it is and you try to make a difference. Maybe you come a half an hour early and you leave a half an hour late, you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb and you’re going to get promoted fast. I would say at the same time as bad as things are there’s never been an easier time in history to stick out like a sore thumb. To get rises, to show that you’re productive.

Greg:    Absolutely, if you have the right mindset you will move up the ranks very quickly. And you just show a good work ethic, integrity, and being a go getter you will move through the system very quickly. Most people don’t want to do those things and that’s why they’re suffering in some cases.

Bill:      Most people don’t want to tie their shoes. I’ve had people come in here before to try to get a job—and one of the conditions that I would have, as much of a slave and a task master as I am—I said, ‘Would you tie your shoes?’ And the answer is, ‘Man, I have been wearing my shoes like that since I was 15.’ So, I have to say, ‘Well, okay then. We’ll have to part company here quickly.’ It’s kind of like a James Dean thing, that’s that Rebel Without a Cause, instead of that being the guy that shocked us all. Where now, everybody’s like James Dean. It’s the odd guy that wants to get there early and do good work.

Greg:    The tables have been turned, Bill, unfortunately. But, all we can do at this point is try to prepare for the worst, hope for the best and try to make money out of the whole ordeal. You and I have talk about that before. You know I’m oriented into precious metals, we’ve done well. I’ve been doing this, gosh now I can’t believe it, 12 years. But, I showed a chart and I’m going to be showing a chart in the newsletter here, of the TSX Venture Exchange, which is the basic index that follows the junior mining stocks—it’s a Canadian index. You look at the first seven years of that chart and you understand why we did so well in those early years. We had tremendous gains, unbelievable gains. Then, after the 2008 melt down, you look at the chart and go, ‘Wow. This hasn’t been a very good market since then, even though precious metals have outperformed the mining stocks.’ Usually it’s the other way around.

Bill:      Yes.

Greg:    Here’s gold and silver prices were leading the way and mining stocks have not followed. And the reason for that, Bill, is because the big boys, the funds, are not in our market. Now, at some point they will come into our market, but that day hasn’t come. We had a few inklings that we were going to get a run again this spring. Several attempts where it looked like things were going to start to take off again, all of them were way late. For whatever reason, some people want to go down the road of manipulation.  I don’t want to go down that road. I believe markets, even if people try to manipulate against the market it doesn’t do any good.

Sooner or later free markets—well, we don’t really have free markets—but, markets will find their free market value sooner or later; value is value. Some things are undervalued, like junior mining stocks are right now. Sooner or later that correction will occur. I can’t tell you when because this is an election year and I would say there’s a lot of hanky-panky going on that normally wouldn’t go on in normal years. But, there are some things that are happening right now and ultimately I do think that the mining stocks after the election things are really going to take off. I think we can have a very good end of 2012 and a very good 2013.

Bill:      Well, it has been tough times for the juniors and for mining stocks especially. I don’t think anybody that’s in the industry or any of us have seen these things before. I have talked about what it’s like to buy a stock for a buck and have it go to $20. It’s really quite a thrill and it’s hard to find any feeling like that outside your family and things that are really near and dear to you. But, I think that day is coming again. But, I’m just amazed at how long it’s been and how much control. Every day I look up and I see gold prices and I see this is amazing. I see all this monetizing and I see the gold prices thing and I say, ‘How in the world can this be?’ But, I think in my mind, Greg—and you tell me if I’m nuts—it’s like in It’s A Wonderful Life. Remember when Jimmy Stewart’s trying to tell everybody, ‘Potter’s buying! Old man Potter’s buying!’ Central banks are buying! If Jimmy Stewart was around he would be saying, ‘Look it! Central banks are buying!’

Greg:    Right. And these elitists, I can tell you for a fact we have companies that have tried to gain control of these big mining assets. We can talk about Polymet Mining and all of a sudden the big boys, the elitist bankers are lining up. And guess what? They are buying. They’re buying the shares of those kinds of companies, because they control whether they get a permit or not. If they own the stock and they want that to happen, it will happen. Unfortunately, we as a layperson, we’ve made our bets and we’ve made the right choice, but the elitists didn’t own enough of it. And they weren’t going to let it happen unless they owned it. This just goes back to showing you how badly they own everything.

How they control everything. These big mining entities, you just do the genealogy and see the companies they own and control, then all of a sudden you see them show up and they start taking a percent ownership of our company, right? Polymet being a case in point, so these things are happening. Commodities are the basic building blocks of society. You can’t have modern society; you can’t have cell phones and all this high tech gadgetry that we love. You can’t have it without mining. You can’t have a building, you can’t build a car without copper, lead, zinc, on and on the list goes. You have to have these mining assets and if you look at the history of the world through acquiring, finding, acquiring, or controlling these assets then you understand why a lot of the wars have been fought throughout the ages.

It’s just another connect the dot event. Once you study things form that angle, then you understand why things are the way they are and why the map after World War II got drawn the way it did. So, these are just things that people can study on their own, that I encourage people to study. It’s really enlightening; at first it really helps you to understand how the world works. And most of us don’t have a clue, regardless of our education levels. Most of us simply grew up in America with this pie in the sky mentality. We have no idea the correct understanding of history. We don’t even have the correct understanding of our own country’s history.

Bill:      Well, if you would have asked that nurse, ‘What metals were necessary for her to work effectively as your nurse?’ She would have stood there even more flabbergasted than she did when you asked her about the Second Amendment, because as you’ve said, we just don’t know.

Greg:    Clueless. Clueless and she admitted it. So, I took her through it. As a credit to her she said, ‘No. I want to know this.’ She took an hour with me, she took an hour with because it was late at night and there were no other people on the floor. I was just recuperating from this hip replacement surgery I had. So, I said, ‘Okay. This is a person that wants to learn. She’s got an open heart and an open mind right now. She wants to learn.’ And I taught her. I gave it all to her. I connected the dots for her; I told her where to look up this information so she could know for herself.

So, she doesn’t have to trust me. God doesn’t want anybody to trust one person. I’m just a message, I’m a voice. You’ll hear a message, you may not agree with it. But, I’ll give you the chance if you want to know whether it’s true or not to go find out for yourself. That’s what I did with her. The next night she had the same shift. She was in tears. She goes, ‘Greg, I feel so violated. I feel like I’ve been cheated.’ I said, ‘You have. We all have.’ She said just like you did, ‘How do we fight back?’ We do what we’re doing right here. We start educating one another. We stop fighting amongst one another. We start allying with one another to fight against our common enemy.

Bill:      And she responded pretty well.

Greg:    She did. I was amazed and matter of fact, she talked to another nurse. Another nurse came up to me and she had a little bit better framework of education. So, she came up and I ended up talking to her the next night. And she got it, but she had a much better foundation to start from than this other nurse. But, this totally nice person was totally clueless about what was going on in their world. And she was just like, ‘Well we can’t leave.’ For her, her biggest concern was… She said, ‘Greg, we can’t leave this world in the shape it’s in for our kids to deal with this weight.’ I said, ‘I agree.’ Sorry, my voice is getting hoarse. I’m still dealing with recovery of the operation there.

Bill:      Well, Greg, I think you did touch on something that I think is very important. Some folks, their calling may be to start an international radio program or a television program or whatever it is and try to get to people. But, I think just starting with your family and moving out to your immediate sphere of influence knowing that God will honor that truth process. I think people can proceed with a lot of confidence just knowing if you’re telling somebody and you’re doing what you can. Take some of the time… Last night for a minute I was flipping through—I don’t really watch much television, a little comedy once in a while to make me smile—but, in order to get to Red Green I had to watch a little bit of Juan Williams pounding drums for Condoleezza Rice as the vice president.

Creating a race debate, what you said earlier about now we’ve got to throw her in there because she knows foreign policy and black people respond to her and all this stuff. Some folks sit around, Greg, and spend hours and hours and hours watching these artificially created templates where everyone gets their talking points in the morning. All the networks have the same talking points and they just puke them out all day long. And you can sit there and listen to that or you can go, like you did, and tell somebody something. Now, what is a better use of your time? To hear Juan Williams pound war drums for Condoleezza Rice to be the vice president or to share what the truth of the history of our country was with somebody?

Greg:    Yeah and to have it happen so quickly. She went and researched information. I told her where to go and she was so intrigued by what I told her, she did it. She came back and she goes, ‘I’m a different person today. Thank you. I look at things totally different now. If I hadn’t had that conversation with you, I look at that as a turning point in my life.’ It was just one of those moments. It was a quiet moment. It wasn’t a noisy moment where we were around lots of people; it was a quiet moment where someone’s heart was open. For some reason her heart was open in her life. And I just happened to be the voice of reason and common sense that started to make sense to her when she was struggling to figure some things out.

Bill:      That’s great.

Greg:    It ended up being an incredible opportunity to have the truth move forward, right?

Bill:      You bet.

Greg:    Another person has just been won over by the truth. That will be an ally for us at some point.

Bill:      You bet. And she will tell somebody that might have the ability to tell 100 other people. You never know who you are talking to and what influence they might have in the future. But, prior to your—did you have a hip replacement, Greg? Or what happened?

Greg:    Yeah. I’m 55 this year and with all the traveling that I do, I have a hereditary; my dad had a bad right hip. I had some sports injuries too to complicate it. It’s been bugging me the last three years and I just finally had to go in and get this taken care of because it was starting to limit me so much. I’m not ready to, you know, I still feel young at heart, but the body is starting to tell me otherwise. This was just something that I had to do and we’re past the worst part of it now. We’re just on the recovery end.

Bill:      So earlier in the year, have you been trudging off into some crazy jungles or what’s the latest thing? Have you been in the Yukon recently? What’s the latest place that you’ve been? I always like hearing stories about where you’re out in some of these wild places looking at some of these junior mining companies just to see if there’s viability. What have you been doing?

Greg:    Yeah. I’m always traveling to look at opportunities around the world, where we can see value. With our market right now, it’s not an exploration story right now. Exploration stories have no assets, they have to raise money, and they hope to find something. We hope to build in different exciting areas around the world where some exploration success is expected, like the Yukon. So far, it’s been a big disappointment, but it’s going to take time up there. And that is an exciting area and I’ll be going back up there. I go up there every summer now to see what’s going on. The only company you really need to focus on for this year or two companies of good people. Ethos Capital; ECC, that’s the Canadian stock symbol for it—ECC. It does have an OTC bulletin boarding symbol. I can’t think of it right off the top of my head.

That and Kaminak are the two companies that I would recommend up there. There’s going to be big gold discoveries up there. It’s going to take time because the drill season is so short because of the bad weather up there. You’re limited between June and really September to get your work done. It’s going to be slow going because a lot of infrastructure has to be built up there, but we look to that area for some major discoveries. $350 million was spent up there last year. It was a bust because they had a bad summer. The weather just didn’t cooperate and a lot of these projects were just dead in the water before they even got started just because of the weather. So, it was a real disappointment last summer. There are companies this year that have the financial clout and are ready to do some drill ready targets.

I think Ethos and Kaminak are the two to watch for the next big discovery. Ethos is really close I think and that could be a situation that goes from under a dollar stock to a multi-dollar stock very quickly with some really good drill results this summer. Kaminak is more of, already made the discovery, looking to build their ounces now, and look for a buy out from a major. So, in this market what we have to look at as I’m trouncing around the world I have to look at areas that economically and politically can make it. There are just certain areas that are blessed with mineralization, but their politics are screwed up and it’s just not going to happen. A major is just not going to want to go in there no matter who made the discovery or how big the discovery is. They’re just not going to be willing to risk that much capital and get the rug pulled out from under them.

Bill:      So, when you do your news letter, Greg, you’re constantly looking at these geopolitical influences as well? You’re not just going to make a recommendation in The Mining Speculator, your news letter, without kind of getting a feel for how things are going politically as well? Because especially in Africa—it’s happened to me with some shares that I’ve owned—where the government just comes in and says, ‘This is ours now.’ And that’s quite a shock when that happens.

Greg:    Yeah. I don’t invest in Africa anymore. I used to go over there. I used to invest in the ‘90s early 2000. I used to invest in a few companies, we did okay. But, when you understand the politics over there, here’s a continent that is just unbelievably blessed with all kinds of metals—precious, base, you name it, uranium. But, a lot of those metals will just sit where they are because the country is just so screwed up politically. There are some bright spots, but the political climate changes too quickly and in the mining business you have to look for stability for at least 10-20 years for things to work out. Over there you can’t guarantee that to investors.

So, the smart people had to look elsewhere. South America has had their problems. I’ve always been a big supporter of Mexico, but I don’t even want to go down there right now, because of the drug war problems. It’s just too unsafe to travel in certain areas. I’ve been down to Mexico within the last two years and I knew where I was going and I knew the group of people I was with, knew what was going on and we were okay. But, there have been other trips that I was invited on that I haven’t gone to Mexico because I just don’t feel safe there.

Bill:      Greg, before you leave Mexico, do you want to comment on Oreco? I still think that’s a pretty big deposit despite the whole deal with the Pan American.

Greg:    Yeah. That’s a terribly unfortunate thing for Pan American. Here we have the Cadillac of silver companies wanting to buy us out and in hindsight I look at it and I should have seen this coming. It was taking too much time. It took too much time, if Oreco really wanted this they could have bought this for $3.50-$4.50 a share and been done with it. But, they kept telling us, ‘We’ve got to get this done. We’ve got to do this feasibility study, bla bla bla.’ This is an excellent deposit that someone will buy out. I had them as my number one stock; it was sort of a big hit to my subscriber list. I just went, ‘Hey, we bet on it, this is speculating, we don’t always win.’ We thought we were going to win on this one and we still may with the remaining number of shares we have.

But, it was a lot more risk in this play with the fact that the number one silver company in the silver space is no longer partnered with is. The good news is that we own 100 percent of the project now and there are others suitors. But, it’s going to take time. These things just don’t have over night. But, some bug buyers, some big money people must have thought that $1.25 was too cheap and they came in and bought up a bunch of shares. I do know some of the companies that are looking at Oreco that have signed CA’s and we’ll see what happens. I think there’s a great chance that before year end that Oreco could get a buyout. And we could still see our $3.50-$4.50 per share buyout.

Bill:      Well, Greg, I think it’s important for the listeners to know that a lot of people got into… So much of this is when you hear about these stories, the problem is that when you wait too long then everybody knows the story and then the price has gone up and you can no longer afford it. Then, you’re mad because who wants to buy Oreco at $7? So, a lot of guys got into Oreco, let’s say I think it was December or January 2007-2008. You could have bought Oreco for 50 cents-75 cents so if you bought it then, you’re still money ahead and I think a lot of people did. So, there’s still money. It’s important to know that you’re kind of shooting for more of an elephant bagger type of deal on these with Ethos and Kaminak and all these.

Greg:    Right. Yeah and I have subscribers that are from A-Z and I have people that have bought in at 50 cents and after they took the hit they weren’t really that upset. Then, I have people who bought in at $2.25 that got a big haircut real quick and weren’t too happy.

Bill:      But, she popped back. She popped back, Greg.

Greg:    Yeah, I know its popped back. It’s a great company and that shows. The fact that it’s popped back it does show.

Bill:      Yeah, there’s value.

Greg:    There’s value there and that’s what we have to look at. In the early days of this market, the first seven years that I wrote this newsletter there was a lot of low hanging fruit. I was just a guy that knew how to pick low hanging fruit. I knew the fruit to pick and we did very well. Now, it’s much more difficult. We’ve got all the circumstances politically, there are a lot more problematic issues that we have to deal with and if you’re going to make a big hit on a mining stock it’s going to be fewer and fewer. You’re going to see fewer and fewer big hits than we got years ago.

Now, we have to be even more exclusive about who we let into our portfolio. We have to look at these companies and really understand that we live in a time of great, great volatility. I’ve been preaching this for years that we’re going to see incredible volatility.  Well, it’s happened. Even though, I was right about the volatility it doesn’t make this feel good, because we haven’t made money off of it. Eventually that volatility is going to go to the upside and we can make money off of it. Gold and silver prices aren’t dead. Don’t listen to the mainstream media. All you have to look at is QE1, QE2, and QE3 and what they’ve done to our market. Now, QE3 is already underway and I just think ultimately that’s good for gold and silver and that’s good for the metals market.

Particularly, the precious metals market. At some point, I think it will be after the election. I think the powers that be are going to get this election thing behind them, make sure their republican or democratic guy gets elected and that they are still in control. As long as that happens they’re good, but we’ll see what happens. I firmly believe that what the censors are trying to do on their time table is to destroy the financial world to make us fearful, so that we’ll all look to them for help. And their help is going to be in the form of a one world currency and a new world political order.

Bill:      Yeah, when you get trouble, Greg, and strife. Then, guys like Hitler with Wall Street money come in on a white horse and offer to save you. And that’s really something that we should watch out for. It happened to Germany and Hitler didn’t just walk in there. He had a set of circumstances that created that phenomenon. But, I have a question for you, two things. First, anybody that buys mining stocks you really ought to get help from a professional financial counselor, somebody that knows what they’re doing because there’s a risk issue here. But, Greg, as we get ready it kind of close her down. Let’s say two different people come to you with that little caveat that I just gave; that you really out to seek professional help. You’ve got, let’s say someone’s mother. She’s 70-years-old, should somebody that age be buying mining stocks? Well, maybe another example. Is your mother still alive, Greg? What would you put her into if you had $5,000 what would you invest your mother’s money in?

Greg:    No, my mom’s passed away recently, but I did put my dad into Oreco. And he’s not very sophisticated with his investments. I would say for most people, junior mining stocks are not a place to invest, for most people. If you pay attention to your investments and you really want to get involved. The more work you do, I’m a guide. I help you and point out to you some of the better stories. That doesn’t mean they’re all going to win. That just means that I personally have screened through a bunch of garbage to find a few jewels. Some of these jewels are going to make us a lot of money, some of these jewels won’t make the discovery that goes on to make us a lot of money. Some just sit and spin their wheels or lose us a lot of money. We’re not going to win on all of these, we know that. But, the idea is if we could just get these big hits every once in a while and overcome some of the losses.

Right now, a buddy of mine who I refer to a lot, we compare notes a lot. He said to me, ‘Greg, you know how this business goes. Everything goes in bundles. When it’s bad news bundles, that’s all we get is bad news bundles. Two weeks from now it could be all good news bundles. The market can change that fast.’ The junior mining stock market has been known to make very volatile changes like that in either direction. So, I would just say for the long term you’re good to stay with precious metals, but right now—between now and August I would say—look for the value in our market. That’s what I’m going to be focused on for my subscribers. Looking for value that can help make money back or earn money that can help them in either preparations for what’s coming.

Bill:      So, Greg, as we close up here; what’s it cost? I’m a subscriber, I get your newsletter. So, let’s tell the folks, what different services do you have? And if they are predisposed to this kind of thing and I’m a little crazy. I’m willing to try a little bit of money on some of these flyers just because—like a junkie—I’ve had that thrill before of buying something low and when the financial folks lost control, having it go to the moon. I’m not rich, so it hasn’t happened to me enough, but to where I’m comfortable. I still have to work for a living. So, what services do you have? And tell the folks how to connect.

Greg:    Well, I have my basic newsletter, which is very inexpensive. Angel Publishing is my publisher. The main newsletter is The Mining Speculator. We probably have somewhere between 4,000 and 6,000 paid subscribers. That’s a low end service that you can get introduced for like $100 a year. I have a higher end service that is called The Insider Alert and that gives you a broader understanding of my stocks that I own and you get The Mining Speculator for free. Between the two newsletters I communicate to all my subscribers certain things that I’m doing in the mining space. I talk to them about my travels that I do and share pictures with them. Tell stories about what is happening in this region versus that region.

My latest trip was down to southern Arizona. Because of the problems in Mexico, that mineralization that we are so familiar with in Mexico does come up and is in the southern part of Arizona. So, again because it’s a good jurisdiction, there is infrastructure there, a lot of big mines have been built and exhausted over the last couple of years. I went down there looking for value. Looking for properties that we could bend into a shell and really get the right people involved that could make something happen. Where a major wouldn’t be afraid to come in and buy it out. These are the kind of trips I go on to do the research. I like going out into the field myself. I speak at conferences around the world.

I’ve been down and out for a little bit here with this hip thing. The next conference that I’ve got is over in Switzerland. I’ll be over there for two conferences that I speak at. I have a 40 minute presentation about why you need to own the junior mining stocks and how to build a successful mining stock portfolio. These are the things that I talk about in the newsletter. I give the basis for why I think gold and silver prices are ultimately headed higher. Even though, we’ve taken these pauses. The pauses are good; they’re part of the market overall. The overall secular bull market in precious metals, you need these to ramp up to the next new high that will come at the end of this year or into next year, I’m not really sure at this point. But, that’s where I see things going.

Bill:      Greg, what I like about your newsletter is you do have an eye for the self-reliance and survivalists in all of us. You’re world view I think with our listeners is very conducive. That’s one of the reasons why I like having you in the show. You do think like our listeners. You’re not too crazy on one side or the other, but I appreciate your newsletter and I read it from beginning to end. I take your advice and just wanted to wish you the best. Thanks for coming to the show and I wanted to wish you the best as you heal, man.

Greg:    Yeah. You know, the doctor says another week or so and I should be up and at least getting around pretty good. It takes a full six weeks to fully recover. But, you know. That will be some time at the end of May for me. We’re on our way.

Bill:      And you’ll have your new hip for the summer, so you can—if you get a chance—go out and start trotting around all the landscape looking for precious metal.

Greg:    Yeah.

Bill:      Greg, thank you so much for your time again.

Greg:    As always, a pleasure being with you, Bill.

Bill:      Thanks again.

Greg:    Thanks.

Bill:      And to the listeners, thank you so much for your time. We know that your time is valuable and we certainly appreciate an hour of spending it with us.

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