Have you ever seen these displays made up entirely of dominos? They can range from the simple to the elaborately complex.
And one small push on one game piece flattens the entire thing.
That’s what we’re facing today in our economy—a series of events and choices that have been made, lined up like an intricate display of dominos. One push, one fall, one game piece collapsing and the whole system comes crashing down.
And Hank Brock says that our chickens have come home to roost on those economic choices we’ve made as a country, and it’s time to pay the piper.[powerpress]
Off The Grid Radio
Ep 039
Released: March 18, 2011
Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, as the announcer says, once again welcome to Off the Grid News – the radio version of offthegridnews.com. I’m Brian Brawdy and has happened many times in the past, Bill Heid is with us today, but he’s not here in the studio. He is with a very special guest, a good friend of ours and very special guest, coming from Belize. So, ladies and gentlemen – Bill, I’ll have you say hi to everyone.
Bill: Greetings everybody and greetings Brian. We’ve got a really neat show today because we’re with Mr. Hank Brock. And as Brian said, Hank’s a good friend of ours. He thinks like us and not only does he understand the global, geopolitical situation – what to do, how to invest – but he also is a friend of ours from the perspective of he knows that families need to be set. He knows that there’s social interest in all of this. It’s not just an abstraction of finance but there’s other consequences. Do you want to read a little of Hank’s bio, Brian? Before we get started?
Brian: Sure. And I would start it off by saying that it’s easy to look at Hank’s – he’s at Brock and Associates – you can go to brockfc, for financial consulting, but it’s www.brockfc.com. Hank began back in 1979, the year I was graduating high school. Hank built Brock and Associates. Of course he’s an MBA, he’s a CPA, he’s a CLU. He’s got all kinds of cool things. But what I dig the most about Hank, and I get to hear a lot of different people of this ilk speak, I always have a gut sense, Bill, that Hank knows what he’s talking about. And that he genuinely believes in the things that he discusses with people. I go all the way back to the last time we were together in Belize at dinner and I won’t say some of the things Hank said to us at that dinner, because he said “just between us …” But I find myself thinking about his words and his advice a good bit more often than probably anyone else we’ve interviewed in the past. I would say to you, Bill, how timely to have both you and Hank on with us, giving everything going on now in Japan.
Bill: There’s a lot of speakers here and the markets are reacting wildly. Food panics are in the news. It’s a subject that we’ve been telling people about. Of course no one believes it until it happens to them. It’s always the other guy that’s going to have the food panic or the food shortage. With that, I’d like to welcome our friend, Hank Brock
Hank: It’s good to be here.
Bill: What we want to do a little bit is talk about some of the things in the news today and how they’re affecting people. Japan’s maybe one of those dominoes or part of a domino or part of a sub-strata. Do you want to comment about how that could be a swan or a domino in some way?
Hank: In my book “Your Money Happiness,” which came out 15 years ago, and in my most recent book, “Dominoes of Destruction” – in both of those I talk about that it is better to prepare than to predict. I predict all the time. I’m on panels and there’s speakers all the time, speaking about what is going to be happening in the future. But the problem with predicting is that you may be right or you may be wrong. When you prepare, you’re right regardless. In my books, and elsewhere, I talk about the importance of having one or two years’ supply of food. I talked about how it’s my expectation that the only thing to outperform gold and silver will be wheat and the grains. I’ve spoken about that for some time, that people need to get their food supply. This is happening in Japan. This is just one little example. I realize that we’re witnessing empty store shelves over there, with people panicking, but absent that, people never know when their own depression’s going to come along. I asked people “have you ever lived through a depression?” There’s an old saying “a recession is when the other guy’s unemployed; a depression is when you’re unemployed.” People don’t know when they’re going to be the one that’s unemployed. People don’t know when one of their children is going to be the one unemployed. People don’t know when there’s going to be an earthquake that completely disrupts global economics and it will have implications for years to come in the supply-demand equilibrium including in the food arena.
Bill: So things don’t actually have to happen right where you live, right in your town, right in your state, right in your country. They can happen in someplace on the other side of the world, like we’re seeing right now, and because the global economy is so closely intertwined … I was thinking earlier, Hank, maybe not only with there be no more, as your brother Wendell has mentioned, will there be no more nuclear reactors built, which is going to cause energy prices to soar – we’re trying to shut down the coal industry, but that’s going to have an amazing effect on electrical prices. But then you have also all the other little things. You think there’ll be a QE3, 4, 5, 6, whatever? Not only is the Japanese Central Bank pumping, but don’t you think there’ll be a concerted effort with our markets plunging?
Hank: Absolutely. They will have to step in – one of the challenges they’re dealing with now is, when the interest rates are at or near zero, monetary policy is basically ineffective, which is what brings about this so-called quantitative easing. But that only has limited impact. As Japan discovered during the 1990s, there’s very limited impact with quantitative easing. This whole matter of … well, people don’t appreciate in the US is that just as we’re dependent – just imagine how it’d be if we had another Arab oil embargo as we had in 1973. If people … remember getting up at 4:30 a.m., getting in line to the gasoline station, where they can only buy gas every other day. That was the impact of oil on the US economy. What people don’t appreciate is that just we’re dependent on them for oil, so is the world dependent upon the US for grains. We are the grain – we are the food producer to the world. Sure, Canada produces a little grain and so does the Ukraine and China, but none of them produce anything compared to what we produce. I’ve talked for years, especially in recent times, about seeing $15 to $20 boxes of cereal, $15 to $20 loaves of bread, if it’s on the shelves.
Bill: So we’re also exporting – if I hear you right, Hank – as our costs of producing food rises, our export costs rise, that creates social unrest. Wouldn’t you say that’s been the undoing of Mubarak and others? Tunisian leadership and revolt? Because you’re exporting hunger. Really, what you’re doing, you’re in the business of exporting hunger. You’re not trying to do that, but that’s the net effect.
Hank: That’s the net effect of controls. These controls may occur because of a dictator, the controls may occur because of nuclear poisoning. It doesn’t matter what causes the shortage. The challenge is that when you’ve got so much demand around the world, whether it’s coming from China or India, or Latin America or wherever, and they want to buy our grain, they’re going to bid up our prices. American farmers are going to be selling to them. People talk about windfall profits taxes on the oil companies. Well, within a few … how long before they’re installing windfall profit taxes on the agricultural industry because the prices of grain have skyrocketed. But that’s just supply and demand. The Chinese have been buying up farmland in Canada, not as much here in the US but a fair amount. China’s responded completely the opposite to their wealth as Japan did during the 1980s. Japan went out and bought marquee office building, marquee real estate, which then in the ’90s plummeted in value. China is not going out and spending in the same type of manner. China is out buying raw materials. They’re buying mines in Africa, they’re buying mines and other natural resources in South America. They’re buying forest land. They’re buying farm land. China’s responding very differently with their surpluses. As they buy and control these natural resources they, like any other, is going to charge what the market will bear and Americans will have to get in line, as we always have. It may be a line, quite literally, just as we had long lines, long lines of cars to buy gasoline in 1973, we have long lines at the supermarkets and elsewhere to get what food and other items are available. I’m not talking about some dramatic, catastrophic … I’m not trying to be alarmist here. I’m just talking about the natural consequences of some of the economic policies and political policies that we’ve been following for so many years and a catch-up.
Brian: Hank, let’s go ahead and catch up on those economic and political philosophies that we’ve been following all the years, as soon as we get back from a quick, commercial break. Ladies and gentlemen, come on back to offthegridnews.com.
[0:10:22-14:36 break]Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back once again to Off the Grid News. Today, Mr. Bill Heid, coming to us from Belize with a very special guest. You’ve seen him on CBS, on NBC, ABC, CNN. He hangs out with Bill O’Reilly. Even on the Bloomberg. As well as dozens of other radio and TV programs. He’s an MBA, a CPA. He’s got all kinds of information. We always enjoy spending time with Mr. Hank Brock. Hank, before we went to the break, you were talking about how it’s almost time to pay the piper. We’re subject to now to some of the political and economic philosophies and templates that we’ve enveloped ourselves in in the past and they’re coming home to roost now. Could you go ahead and pick up on that point that you had right before we went to the break?
Hank: In my book, “Dominoes of Destruction,” I outlined 14 dominoes. These are not environmental factors that are circumstances under which we’ve been operating, which I would refer to as increasing regulation, rising taxes, extreme environmentalism and a number of other wholly imprudent??[0:15:50] and unconstitutional and inappropriate responses by society to the world issues. Having said that, these dominoes are things which can happen in a flash. They’re teetering. When they fall, they affect other dominoes. As I was putting these together, my longer book – I had discussed there’s 21 dominoes – as I was putting these together, it’s interesting, I kept moving various dominoes into the number 7 position. In my mind, we’ve seen three of them fall thus far. I kept moving other dominoes into the number 7 position and finally, after a few days, it occurred to me that I was trying to order things which, once we get through the next two or three of them, in whatever order they occur, they’ll begin falling so fast simultaneously, we’ll virtually have an economic implosion. for someone to really understand what I’m talking about, I’m not trying to push my book but somebody would be have to be able to get in there and really study the documentation of these dominoes and the implication of them. The size of them; the magnitude that are just unfathomable and uncoverable. We discussed before about the $688 in derivative bets out there. The US economy is $14 trillion. The world economy is $50 trillion. Can we have $688 trillion of derivative bets covered? No. That’s over 50 times the size of the US economy. How can those be covered bets? Has anybody ever seen a house of cards fall? What is a $600 billion bailout going to do? What is a $1 trillion bailout going to do, when our entire economy is only $14 trillion? That’s explained why we’ve had multi-billion dollar financial institutions collapse in a matter of just a few days. I could go on. You tell me where you want me to go.
Bill: Let me interject something really quickly. I think, Brian, one of the things we’ve talked about a lot is there is a phenomenon of the normalcy bias. So if you’re listening to this show right now, and you think that can’t happen here, then you’ve already drank the reverse Kool-Aid. Remember, Brian, people used to accuse us of drinking the Kool-Aid and being fear-mongerers and so forth? All of the things that we have said, the things that are in Hank’s book, are unfolding in front of our very eyes. Read the headlines. Hank’s brother Wendell is here and he’s showing us headlines that are around the world that are about food and food shock and food panics. This normalcy bias, you have to ask yourself, are you still thinking it can’t happen here? If so, what’s it going to take to shock you into reality?
Brian: Bill, I’ll tell you, I was thinking about you and Hank yesterday. I was coming back from my accountant’s – it’s that time of year. I was coming back from my accountant’s and I stopped to get a sandwich at a local sandwich shop. There was a sign, and I took a picture of it with my iPhone just to remind myself, but it was a sign that says “due to both economic and meteorological conditions outside of our control, we will no longer be able to offer tomatoes on our sandwiches.”
Bill: Unreal.
Brian: Think about. You pull into – this is a national chain, and I don’t want to throw them under the bus because I’m sure other chains are doing it, but there’s a big sign, a big letter box up front, going “look, no tomatoes.” I start to see things like that, Bill, and you know how my mind works. Everyone says “I’m looking for a sign.” There are plenty of signs, you’ve just got to use a new set of eyes to see the signs.
Bill: well, yeah. But you have down here with the people with Hank, of course Hank’s one of the most popular speakers here. But this morning we did – and I’d really like to bring our listeners in to the place of what happened this morning. I was sitting there very quietly, listening to everyone that’s talking about things. There are people here, and this is the crème-de-la-crème, in my opinion, of people that have really cutting edge ideas on where things are going. There’s a lot of Christians here, Libertarians here, but there are a lot of people in this group that say “the United States – nothing can ever happen to the United States. One gentleman even said this morning “we have all the warships, we have all of this and all of that,” and the first thing that came to my mind, Hank, was “England had all the ships.” The sun never set, did it? Where’s England now? I talked to a doctor last night who spent time in England doing residency work, not too long ago. He said it’s a third world country medically, babies being born in hallways. That’s hubris, is it not?
Hank: Yeah. You know, “it can’t happen here … this time is different …” This time is not different. This chaos and crisis is the new norm and people need to understand that the volatility in the world and the inter-relationships within the world are here to stay. The speed of communication has heightened the speed of … and the intertwining of financial markets has made us all vulnerable and susceptible to something happening in Malaysia or Singapore or Burma or Thailand or some other – 20 or 30 years ago, we would have considered them some out-of-the-way place. But that’s not the way it is. People have got to prepare. Never mind whether they agree with all my dominoes or not. They can argue with two or three of them. But too many of them are inevitable. Since I first came out with this book a few years ago, I had my PR person dictate it and begin collecting some of my client newsletter articles … had an individual working on my website who does some various types of work for us. He took the initiative himself to put up a domino watch. So if somebody went to our website, I understand that there’s now a domino watch on there where he’s simply collecting newspaper articles and filing them under each one of the 21 dominoes as gradually, more and more, each one of them are being picked up by the popular press and are coming to pass. So somebody can get a domino watch going to brockfc.com.
Brian: The domino watch is brockfc.com. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to go ahead and run to a quick, commercial break. When we come back, we have Mr. Bill Heid and Mr. Hank Brock with us, from Belize today. A lot to learn. They’re going to be with us for the entire hour. Please, come on back, right after this quick commercial break.
[0:23:26-0:27:40]Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get right back to it. Mr. Bill Heid and Mr. Hank Brock, coming to us on our show today, from Belize. Bill and Hank before we went quickly to the break – I think a lot about 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union. I can remember at the time being a police officer in New York and were saying the Soviet Union’s not going to be able to keep it up the way it’s going. It will fall. And the same people – not unlike, Bill, you said this morning – people stand up “we’ve got a great military, we’ve got this, we’ve got that … we’ve got the most powerful army in the world.” Didn’t give a lot of shelter to the Soviet Union in 1991. As a matter of fact, didn’t give the Soviet Union any shelter at all in 1991.
Bill: Sometimes nations – it’s like that Neil Young song, burning out and rusting – some nations just go down with a thunk, right? Let’s take Rome, for example, and I’ll get Hank – Hank’s a historian as well. Let’s look at the other side, because one of the debates at the morning breakfast among all these economists, and there’s people from all around the world here, some of the debate is, what’s likely to happen? I was amazed that there was this – Hank, there was only – it’s like, America’s going to be great or America’s going to fall. You have these mutually exclusive perspectives and I thought to myself, what’s missing is a historical category that’s not even part of the argument. Rome, for example, never fell. It never got ultimately sacked. The Visigoths moved in and married Romans and for 500 years it rusted. When we’re talking, guys, we’re not necessarily trying to come up, Hank, with this big apocalyptic thing, we’re saying one of the things that could happen is we might just start to rust and then it may … there’s rusting from our generation, the next generation. What are your thoughts about that, Hank?
Hank: We have been rusting for many years. It really began back in the 1960s when we began dumbing down our educational standards and we took the Constitution out of the classroom, among other things. We began giving a quarter of a page to George Washington in our history classes, emphasizing that he or Jefferson owned slaves, and giving two-and-a-half pages to Martin Luther King, no offense, but it was a flip of priorities in our educational system. We don’t have people who understand the Constitution. We don’t have people who understand the appropriate role and responsibilities of government, which are limited. The purpose of the Constitution is to limit government. And of course how do you have public employees suggest educating our children, telling them that their power and control should be limited. At any rate, that’s another topic for another day. I don’t think … we’ve been rusting for a long time. I don’t believe … I believe that’s a very good metaphor for the direction of the country. Having said that, I believe that – I also believe that our Constitution was founded by men who – inspired men who God raised up for that very purpose. I believe that there are those out there that are attempting to keep the freedom banner alive. But I do believe that things will get so tough that we will be blessed with such difficulty – to give an opinion about how bad I think things will get in the US, I believe that things will get bad enough such that the pews in the churches across America will be filled.
Bill: That’s pretty profound. Almost like 9/11. Remember through 9/11 people did a quick turn and said “God help us, God bless America.” You saw all the signs. Then of course they quickly went back down when it looked as if we didn’t really need him.
Hank: I think that when people are looking for their food, however, and I think this will be a longer term thing. I think it will be a multi-year thing where resources are exhausted or depleted and people don’t have any place else to turn. People only turn to God as a last resort. They don’t go to him first. They go to the supermarket first and they go to the supermarket over and over and over again. It’s not until after things are totally depleted and they have no place else to turn. They can’t run back to mom and dad. They don’t have any inheritances. They don’t have an employer to turn to. They don’t have any place else to turn. Finally, they’ll start going – that’s when people will go back to church.
Bill: Yeah, and Brian, sometimes prior to that, I’ll just say too, if we look quick at the French Revolution what happens is you see prior to going back to church what you saw was social unrest. It turned into a blaming blood lust that ended in a mass slaughter, including of the revolutionaries themselves. One of the points I’d make, because we don’t want to see our country go into a revolution, so we have to do everything we can to start talking about the Constitution, as Hank is mentioning. One of the things that Lenin said, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said, that’s always amazed me, Hank – his comment was “the revolution always consumes its children,” meaning even Robespierre gets it. Robespierre thought he was the head of the revolution, immune, and he got guillotined. That’s an amazing part of history and I think we have to realize that if you do get social unrest, we’re not trying to talk about a world where you buy gold in abstraction, you have to learn how to live and pray in a very discontinuous world. I think that’s what Hank’s saying. That’s what we’re worried about. That’s why I think faith becomes a big part of …
Hank: I think a cry will go out “there’s a famine in the land.” But part of that is accompanied with this social and societal unrest, this blood in the streets, as the economist Niall Ferguson of Harvard University has commented. Somebody commented, if George Soros says it, it’s a done deal. Unfortunately, there’s some truth to that. There are … it was also Lenin who observed that it was the conspiring rich who supported the communism, who supported their causes – supported communism. The conspiring rich in the West that supported them in their purposes in the East. It’s not just ACORN, we can go all the way down the list of the front organizations that are manipulating things and getting country recorders and state elections officials and everyone else in position all over, as we’ve seen in recent elections. This to me isn’t all conspiracy stuff. You have to realize the household I was raised in.
Bill: Do you want to talk about that? Do you feel comfortable talking about that?
Hank: I can talk about that.
Bill: That’s not something really comfortable for Hank to talk about. He had very unusual parents. I think, Brian, you know a little about that. If I could trouble you to talk a little bit about your parents, because really there’s some keen insight to where history can go and what’s going on behind the scenes.
Hank: Well, I could talk all day about some of the approaches, methodologies, of the communists. There’s those out there who … one of their tactics is to always … make a joke and laugh and ridicule those who would suggest that there’s a conspiracy or that there’s any of these types of things going on. It’s by ridicule that they minimize the opposition.
Bill: But how do you know that so profoundly? Tell everybody where that comes from in your life, because I don’t think too many people could replicate what you’ve gone through.
Hank: I was born and raised in the Hollywood area in the early 1950s. I grew up there in the ’60s and those were the days of the Watts Riots and the peace marches and, as your listeners may recall, the campus takeovers and the Vietnam War. The Chicago 7 and the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, et cetera. I, of course, had this all around me, there in Hollywood, and the new drug culture and the peace movement. I would get one set of news at 6 pm from Walter Cronkite and then I would sit down to dinner at 6:30 pm and I’d get another set, or perspective on the world, 180 degrees, from my parents. I believed my parents. It taught me at a very young age, very healthy skepticism for the news media and the press. It wasn’t till many, many years later – of course none of us children knew this, there were seven children – none of us knew this, but that during all those years, our parents were rising up in the CPUSA.
Bill: Communist Party.
Hank: The Communist Party. They had these perspectives first hand. They knew how to get 10,000 people out overnight for any type of peace march or assembly for any type of issue. Often the people didn’t know what they were there for. I need to clarify that my parents were doing this work under cover for the FBI. The FBI approached my parents to do this work. It was very dangerous work. I don’t know how many people remember what is was like in those years, but it was very dangerous work. You didn’t resign from the Party. You were a member until you died. You didn’t resign. It was very difficult to get in. You don’t become a member of the Party if you’re a drinker, if you’re a talker, if you’re a blabberer. You don’t become a member of the Party if you come from certain backgrounds. So after a long period of the Party checking out my parents, they were admitted, card-carrying … we as children, all of us in our household, we were taught the Constitution and we were taught loyalty to our country. And though each one of us, as Eagle Scouts, it never occurred to us as to why we couldn’t fly the American flag in front of our home. When my younger sister won a city-wide, Los Angeles city-wide contest, “why I’m proud to be an American,” sponsored by the Los Angeles Times, in the third grade, the elementary school principal, who was good friends because so many of our siblings had gone through this elementary school – she could not understand why my parents absolutely would not allow that article to be published – her paper to be published in the Los Angeles Times. How could somebody write such an article “why I’m proud to be an American,” as a third grader, and win first place, city-wide – well, that of course, could not be published. Of course my sister didn’t think anything of it, neither did any of us thinking anything of it. But that was the household we were raised in. Every night at dinner, I guess for thousands of dinners, we had discussions about the world worked and how it operated and how it synthesized and who was running things and who was behind the scenes and who was doing what. At one time, my father rattled off 27 front organizations for everything from Cesar Chavez’s grape strike to La Leche League – you can name the rest of the more radical ones. Many of the apparently benign ones were being used by them to push their agenda. I could go on and on.
Brian: Hank, it’s fascinating. I think we would love to know, if you can, in a minute or so, how did you finally become aware of this? When did not being able to fly the flag, your sister’s report – award-winning report – not making it into the newspaper. Was there a tipping point for you and your family when you realized the affiliations that your mom and dad had?
Hank: No, there never was any tipping point. As we grew into adulthood, and could be trusted – mind you, my parents’ parents did not know of this. My parents’ siblings did not know of this. No one knew of this. As we reached a certain age, it was my dad who pulled me aside and explained it. But even as siblings, when we learned of it as siblings, we did not discuss it between ourselves. It was not a topic. We knew how dangerous it was for our parents. There was a sense of – you have to be living in those days, in the late ‘60s and early ’70s, and there in the firestorm of Los Angeles and the radical peace movement to appreciate that it wasn’t anything we talked about.
Brian: And Hank, if I could , how have you synthesized that childhood, everything that you learned from a young man up until today – how do you synthesize that into the information that our listeners can get when they go to brockfc.com or they take a look at Brock and Associates – how have you melded all of that together?
Hank: I tried to meld it together in my book, “Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness,” where I attempted to not merely talk about financial strategies but about timeless, correct principles which govern all that we do, not merely in the economic realm but in the socio-political realm as well. One of the sections in there discusses the focus on freedom and the proper role of government and what makes good laws and criteria. There’s certain anchor documents. Of course as a Christian, we look to the Bible. I also happen to believe that the US Constitution is beyond the genius of man and once one studies it and really gets acquainted with it, they appreciate the genius in the Constitution and in the free market. I believe that the war forever has been and forever will be between the forces – it’s easy to say the forces of good and evil, but to define that more precisely, it’s between force and freedom. There are those who want to impose goodness upon us by force and there are those who allow us to choose goodness by freedom. Communism basically takes the approach that the state knows best and the state is going to impose goodness upon us and therefore we’re going to pass laws that’s going to make everyone good. We’re going to legislate goodness and we’re going to tax these people in order to provide a color TV for these other people and do things which government has no right to do, simply because people have no right to delegate – people who do not have that right to do themselves, do not have the power to delegate to government a right which they do not possess. We could go on and on …
Brian: Hank, I couldn’t agree with your more. Unfortunately, we went ahead and passed on a commercial break because of the import of the things that you were saying, so we’ve got about three minutes left so, Bill, would you like to recap some of the experiences you and Hank have had this week in Belize? We know that we’ve got about 2-30 left.
Bill: Sure. Let me bring to light a couple of things that Hank just said, and I think touch on the very importance of what’s going on in the world right now. I’ll make a little prediction. You are going to see a situation similar to what you saw in the ‘60s and you’re already seeing it in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio. You’re going to see some of these things and these underground groups are going to mobilize 50,000 people at a hat and everybody is going to think it’s a mass uprising that’s a populist movement. It’s not so ignore that garbage on network TV. The second thing is, let me tell you something about what Hank does. People ask me all the time – “I don’t have any money to invest in silver and gold, what can I do?” So here’s one of the most important things you can do. You can do what Hank’s parents did and you might say “this has no traction, this doesn’t mean anything.” Believe me. Yes it does. It’s the single most important thing you can do. Talking to Hank last night, Hank – every Monday night he gets his kids with his wife and they have supper and this was for the life of all of his children – you still have one, right? That you do this with? They get the kids down and there’s no TV that night. There’s no baseball. There’s nothing because they consider something a priority. It’s a night of discussing what’s going on in the world and putting that discussion into context of the Christian faith, of Constitutional America and so forth, and drawing an antithesis so that the child knows the difference between right and wrong, and the child knows how to interpret the events that are unfolding before his eyes, because he’s probably not going to get that in school. So you’ve got – parents – you have to take control of the situation and sit down with your kids. I would say, really, you can invest in gold, you could do all these other things. They’re all over the place here, Brian. It’s like the last time you were here just different ideas. We’re in Belize because a lot of things you can say here in Belize you can’t say in the United States, with respect to investment options. But what’s the best investment option? Invest in your children and spend that time with them.
Brian: Bill, I think that is an absolute – not only a brilliant point, but the point that would be good for our listeners to end on. That the time that you invest, paying attention and that family bond, no technology, no texting – that’s, literally, worth its weight in gold. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to say goodbye to Mr. Bill Heid and Hank Brock from Belize. Guys, thank you so much. Have a great rest of the seminar. We’ll look forward to catching up with you when you’re back.
Bill: Thanks Brian. One more little thing. Before you play the music, we’re going to go ahead and try to make Hank’s PDF available on our site, of the dominoes. And Hank, if you could just say, where are you going to be speaking? If you get a chance, if the people listening to this get a chance to listen to Hank and go to one of his seminars, he does speak offshore a lot. Where are you speaking next?
Hank: I think my next is back someplace here in Central America. But I think the conference I’m most excited about is upcoming in the Bahamas in early May by a foundation called Fountainhead Research. Fountainheadresearch.org. We’ve got some involvement there and I’ve got a couple of presentations I’ll be making there. I’m most anxious to be … I’ll be sharing the stage with Peter Schiff, Steve Moore, Richard Rahn, a few others. Excellent program. fountainheadresearch.org.
Brian: Thank you, Hank and Bill, very much. You’ll be able to get all the information about Hank, Mr. Hank Brock, and where he’ll be appearing, as always, at offthegridnews.com. We want to thank you to listening to Off the Grid Radio. Be sure to email us with your questions, your comments, your critiques at [email protected]. Of course you can find us on Facebook – Facebook.com/offthegridnews and follow us on Twitter @offgridnews. On behalf of everyone at Solutions from Science, Off the Grid News, both here and in Belize, we want to thank you for spending an hour with us. We know an hour is terribly valuable in this day and age, and it really is an honor to know that you’ve shared it here with us at Off the Grid New. Until next time, I’m Brian Brawdy.