All around us, rights are being eroded in America. Privacy rights. Property rights. Free speech rights. Religious rights. Google the phrase “SWAT team raid,” and you’ll learn about numerous nighttime raids on homes to investigate non-violent crimes – with many raids coming up empty.
On this week’s episode of Off The Grid Radio, we talk to constitutional attorney John Whitehead, who gives us an overview of what is often called the “American police state.” He tells us about new threats that should concern every patriot. Whitehead is the founder of the Rutherford Institute and the author of “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State.”
- How and why SWAT teams are being increasingly used in ways you won’t believe.
- Why police sometimes don’t get warrants – and how the entire warrant system is a joke.
- About an incident in which a local government told a man who owned 86 acres he could not host a friend’s RV for a weekend hunting trip.
- How rights are even disappearing at elementary schools from coast to coast.
It may sound like all hope is lost, but it’s not. Whitehead tells us what we can do to reclaim the country the Founders envisioned!