Quietly and with little public attention, the federal government has made moves in recent months to prepare for a nationwide blackout that could last weeks or months.
It’s something you’ll likely hear more about later this year, and it’s the topic of this week’s edition of Off The Grid Radio. Our guest is Charles “Chuck” Manto. Chuck is chief executive officer of Instant Access Networks LLC, a consulting and research and development firm that produces independently tested solutions for EMP-protected microgrids and equipment shelters for telecommunications networks and data centers. He received six patents in telecommunications, computer mass storage, and EMP protection and has another one pending for a smart microgrid controller. He is a senior member of the IEEE and founded and leads InfraGard National’s EMP SIG.
Manto will give us details of the fed’s “preps” you won’t hear anywhere else, such as:
- What the federal government is doing to get ready for a solar storm that could take down the grid for months and leave Americans without food, water, medicine or gasoline.
- Why the Pentagon’s moving of NORAD headquarters — to protect it from an EMP attack — was far more significant than the military acknowledges.
- What the Obama White House and the Department of Homeland Security are doing that has largely gone unnoticed.
- How the federal government’s advice for preparing for a disaster will change dramatically in the coming months.
- Why the power grid can be taken down by a solar storm or EMP attack, and why it can’t be repaired just overnight.
Unlike a regional event (such as an earthquake), a solar storm or EMP attack could impact all Americans, no matter where they live – and the effect could leave millions dead. Listen as Manto tells you what you need to know!