When the average American family moves from one town to another town, it often involves weeks and weeks of packing up their stuff, not to mention finding another house in which to live. But for off-gridder Fred Schultz, it takes only about one day – but instead of buying a new house, he simply hitches his house-on-wheels to the back of a vehicle … and moves it.
Fred, his wife and their young daughter live in Australia in what is often called a “tiny house,” and he is this week’s guest on Off The Grid Radio.
The tiny house movement, we learn, has benefits for all homesteaders and survivalists, even if a particular family doesn’t want to make it their primary residence. There are, after all, benefits of being portable.
Fred also tells us:
- How he designed and built his house for merely $31,000.
- Why he believes life in a small house is far less stressful than life in a big house.
- How he gets power and water off-grid, miles and miles from the city.
- Why he uses an alcohol-powered stove for cooking.
- What his plans are if his family continues expanding.
- How he built a tiny wood-burning stove that also heats his water.
Fred also shares with us the biggest mistakes he made when building his tiny house. If you’re an off-gridder looking to be more portable or wanting to downsize — or you simply enjoy amazing, unique stories – then this is one show you will want to hear!