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The Gestapo of Food – Episode 013

logoOn today’s edition of Off the Grid Radio, Bill Heid and Brian Brawdy interview renowned trend analyst and forecasting expert Gerald Celente. Mr. Celente uncovers the latest conspiracy to control the food supply and explains how the coming war with Iran will destroy the economy…and the soul of our country. This is one episode you absolutely MUST hear!


Off The Grid Radio
Released: September 10, 2010

(Music playing)

Welcome to Off The Grid radio.  Better ideas to bust you and your family out of today’s global control grid.  Now, here is today’s show.

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again as the announcer says to Off The Grid News and our little radio version of Off the Grid News here at  I’m Brian Brawdy as always along with Mr. Bill Heid. Bill, big, big news today about the guest that we have coming up.

Bill: Very big news, Brian, and we’re excited to have our guest today. Why don’t you go ahead and do his intro and we’ll get started because this is a great interview for the people listening what Gerald has to say is extremely important.

Brian: And I would say so important that we’re not going to take a commercial break throughout the 20 minutes we have with our guest. Thanks to Solutions from Science, it’s that they’re going to ahead and cover the entire commercial break for us Bill so that we can have as I sail the time, an hour across the table from a wise man is worth the year study in books.

The 20 minutes we’re going to have with our guest today absolutely qualifies in that category.  According to the New York post, if Nostradamus himself were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with our guest. According to CNN headline news, when CNN wants to know about the top trends, Bill, they turn to our guest today.

Our guest has a knack for getting the zeitgeist right, according to USA Today.  And another great one from CNBC, there is not a better trend forecaster than our guest.  This is a man that knows what he is talking about.  Ladies and gentlemen, and Bill, please say hello to Mr. Gerald Celente.  Gerald, how are you sir.

Gerald: I’m fine, thank you Brian and Bill.

Bill: Thanks so much Gerald again for being on the show. And I wanted to start right out and talk about some food related issues.  You’ve made a lot of predictions, a lot of successful predictions about what’s happened in politics, what’s happened in the economy, and what I want to talk about a little bit is how the issues in the economy actually will come to bear as they affect food prices.

So many of our listeners are interested in food, interested in food shortage and so forth and I think what we see is most Americans, probably not our listeners, but most Americans seem to think that this country is immune from any type of food shock maybe similar to what we see in the news with respect to the Russian wheat issue.  What do you have to say about how, you know, are we vulnerable to a food shock or a food panic or just even rising food prices?

Gerald: We’re very vulnerable.  The whole world is.  With what’s going on you mentioned in Russia, and go over to Pakistan, with the floods that have displaced 20 million people are affected by it.  Their cotton crop has been really devastated. As we know with the climate changes going on, whether or not you believe in global warming, is not an issue. The only issue is we look at is that, hey you can’t keep dumping all this stuff whatever poisons into the water, into the food, into the air or into the earth and not expect it to have any kind of implications because you don’t have to be an advocate of one side or another.  You just use your common sense.

And then we’re looking also at other issues, one of the trends sayings, the trend messages that we keep giving our readers and subscribers is that current events form future trends, you just mentioned, some of them I mentioned, some of them, but then you start making connections between different fields all things are connected.  And you look what happened in Atlanta just a few days ago.  It was some 30,000 people lying up in the sweltering August heat, trying to get their piece of 450 slots that are open for Section 8 housing. They had to call on the police.

You’re going to start seeing the same thing happening with food.  You know one of my sayings as a Bronx guy is that when people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.  And you’re going to start seeing more and more people lose it as they lost it in Atlanta and will continue to lose it as conditions continue to deteriorate.  People living out of their cars or even if they have a car.  They don’t have jobs.  There are 20 million vacant homes in this country.  So when you start putting the pieces together, you know what, when you start getting hungry, you don’t care what’s going on. You’ll going to fight for food. And we’re going to start seeing whether it comes from the breakdown of distribution systems, threat of terror strikes, which now because our systems are so tightly integrated the grid could go down. We’re very concern about what the future holds in terms of survival.

Bill: Well, Gerald another trend that you’ve talked about a lot is this credit issue and again I think bankers seem to be holding on to a lot of money that the white shoe boys at least in theory want them to loan out to businesses.  How does this tight credit thing ultimately affect farmers, if farmers can’t get loans I’m thinking or they can’t get loans that when they need it at certain times of the year, I come from a farm community, so that strikes a chord with me. But not only farms distribution, companies, supermarkets, grocery stores, right at the consumer level, what happens if they can’t get the credit that they need in order to plant, just in terms of supply issues?

Gerald: I think they’ll close down and what we’re seeing is a consolidation.  And by the way the banks don’t have that kind of money that a lot of people are talking about. They are very desperate for money.  They’re holding on to a lot of toxic assets that were covered up by the phony accounting.  They’re no longer using mark-to-market accounting, so the banks are very tight, the money isn’t there.

They’re saying the money is there just to keep the people believing that it is and they have a shot at it. The money is not theirs, it’s being controlled by the very few.  We have ten banks controlling 80% of all the action. And the same thing is going to happen in food.  And you see it already.  You know one of the, it’s whether it’s agriculture, whether it’s pharmaceutical, whether it’s banking, whether it’s retail, you name it, a few are controlling the entire business.

If people want to see what’s going to go on and how they’re going to be deprived more and more of entrepreneurial opportunities whether it’s in food or anything else, quality around the or across the board, just look what they did in Portland, Oregon, I believe it was Portland, just a couple of weeks ago. They busted a little kid selling lemonade.

Bill: Selling lemonade, absolutely.

Gerald: They had this wanker out there who calls himself the health inspector saying how he’s protecting our health because you know that we have to make sure the public safety here.  Yeah, a little kid selling lemonade, they bust, but they let these big agrifarms and agribusiness, what is it, a million pounds of e-coli contaminated beef that can make it on the market. They going to keep breaking the little people, squeezing the little people like they squeezed that little kid making lemonade and they’re going to do the same thing to the family farmers.

I’m up here in Kingston, New York.  We have a farmers market, wonderful, wonderful farmers market.  We’re in the Hudson Valley every Saturday.  My friends couldn’t get farm chickens last week because the Gestapo out there that call themselves health inspectors clamped down on two of the suppliers, the growers for some bogus little reasons. And they’re going to continue this. They’re going to continue it at every level.  They could be 0:09:09.1 are in control. They’re going to keep force feeding this country whether it’s through the banks or whether it’s through garbage food, they’re taking control, the reality is there, I see it with my own two eyes.

Bill: Well, Gerald, you’ve touched on a good part with this small markets and small farms, we’ve got the Food Safety Modernization Act S510. It looks like, according to all the news stories that are coming out and the food processing industry of course is welcoming it because it’s a consolidation of power for those boys, what do you think about just more and more and so on top of this you’ve got maybe legislation that won’t even let you take a tomato to the church picnic, we’ll see how it ends up.  But in this original form, this was an ultimate control issue and it basically gives the FDA total control of food.

Gerald: Well, exactly and you look again who do they control? Look, let’s get the numbers right over here.  Do you know how much food they inspect coming into this country? Do you know what percentage it is?

Bill: No.

Gerald: It’s about 2%.  In other words, they’re not doing anything.

Bill: Right.

Gerald: They only stay in business, these government, these government slugs only stay in business by clamping down on the little people.  You look at the IRS they have relaxed their regulation, their inspections on big corporations.  They go to the little people.  This Food Modernization Act will be as effective as the Commodity Future’s Modernization Act.

You remember that one, that’s the one that did away with the 0:11:02.6 Act. And what did I do, it’s the same thing different language, the result is the same.  They wiped out the small bankers and they made it so we have now two big 0:11:16.2. They use this modernization line like Orwell used it to show how they are robbing us of our freedom and our dignity.  It’s not modernization, it’s fascism.  And fascism has come to America in every form, FDA, how about calling them the Gestapo of food.

Brian: Gerald, I’m with you and as a former New Yorker and a police officer, I used to say that not all police officers but a lot of the guys I dealt with would be beat up in high school, in the boys bathroom for their lunch money. They were just victimized by the kids on the street and then one day, they grow up, they take a civil service test, they give him a gun, they give him a badge, now they’re on a power trip unlike any other power trip I could have imagined.  And again, they’re great cops. They are great people that do those types of work.  But I’d see it firsthand so when I hear you talk, I get so riled up I’ve got to sit on my hands, believe it or not.  I think you’re absolutely right that it becomes control, it becomes power, and we’ve put it in the people that don’t deserve to have ability to control or to exercise that power.  For goodness sakes, a lemonade stand, really?

Gerald: Yeah, this is true, I can’t make this stuff up and you have to read the language.  Everybody should read it.  This guy is talking about how he’s protecting the public health.  Look, these people couldn’t get a job, sweeping streets, if they didn’t suck up to some politician that got them the job.

Brian: I’m with you.  I’m with you.

Bill: Gerald, this is Bill again.  Just another little note, we’re dangerously close to a war in the Middle East. I think a lot of Americans again, not our listeners, because they’re very astute, but I think a lot of Americans don’t realize that petroleum products make fertilizer and what would happen I guess in a scenario if I could ask, so you’ve got that as template A and then you know sort of template B laid over top of that.  You’ve got, if you mind this straight what you end up with ten dollar gas, farmers will have a very difficult time not passing on these costs in the form of huge margins, huge price spikes for American consumers, what are your thoughts about the possibility of this war and what do you think about oil and just the issue with fertilizer and food?

Gerald: Well you go back to when we had these kind of events before and you saw what happened. I was in Washington in my former lifetime when the, in the early 1970s when there was the oil embargo, and I remember how the industry that I represented was going under, they couldn’t get any petroleum products.

Remember what I said about current events forming future trends.  This is the headline from the Agency France-Press, Israel has 8 days to hit Iran site.  And that’s according to this guy Bolton. Do you know that Neocon out there John Bolton, another little fat boy, you know, with these jowls hanging down, he wants to declare war against somebody.

Anybody that wants war, I want to make this really clear, so everybody could hear it, anybody that wants war pack your stuff up, go over to the front and go fight and by the way, grab your wife and grab your kids because they need you on the backlines over there because we spending a lot of our money giving it to 0:15:07.8 and all leads other military contractors to clean toilets and do the laundry and feed the troops.

So if you’re in favor of war like this Neocon Bolton, big mouth Bolton, another tough guy, another TV tough guy that keeps spreading war germs all over the air, these people should go lead the fight.  Any politician, any president, any commander in chump lead the troops, get on the frontline and, oh by the way folks, all you others that don’t have the wear with all to those things, empty out your pocketbook, drain your bank account if you believe in war, or else, shut your mouth.

Brian: Gerald I’m with you and I would throw in a quick little side yet another recess appointment if you remember Michael Bolton was put in before anybody had a chance to even confirm him in a normal sense, so I absolutely hear you. Bill?

Bill: Well, I just want to mention too that anybody that thinks that this will be piece of cake, certainly would be reminded that tax rates during World War II went up as high as 94%, so is everybody willing if we get into a confrontation Russia and China are in it and everybody gets sucked in because they’re all supporting Iran.  You’re talking about unbelievable taxes, in England; they had a 120% tax during the war.

Gerald: Yeah and beyond the taxes, this will destroy the economy. It will destroy the world economy.  Prices with skyrocket, shortages will be worldwide.  These are the Iranians, these are the Persians.  Who are you kidding, it’s like beating the Afghanistani’s, it’s like winning a war in Afghanistan.  What’s his name, Alexander the Great couldn’t do it and George Bush and Obama certainly can’t do it and you’re not going to beat the Iranians.  They fought the Iraqis for 8 years, with almost a million people and didn’t give up one inch of ground.  And remember that other war 0:17:16.7 I’ll never forget that picture of him giving oh they’re great allies, Sadam Hussein, those golden spurs to go fight that war.

Brian: It seems like that was just yesterday but no one remembers that anymore.  That is ancient history.

Gerald: I know they don’t. And everybody should remember because their lives are on the line.  Go from the White House to the white horse if you’re going to be the commander in chief and stop all this, look, you were a cop, you know the difference between the guys that shoot off their mouths and the ones that really step forward.

Brian: Gerald, I’ll tell you that’s why I’m a fan of yours, why I’m obviously a fan of The Trends Research Institute, not just as a martial artist, but you’re absolutely right. You know the guys that can don’t even look like they can, don’t talk like they can, you never can force them until you’ve basically cornered them and give them no way out and then there’s the people that talk like they can and I wouldn’t give you $.10 for them so I’m with you, I’m with you. I’ve seen it my entire professional career and the same thing is going out.

You know Bill is asking about what would the taxes be for the war.  To bring it back to the poor little girl in Portland, they jacked her up because not only was that the healthcare, they wanted a $120 fee, $120 fee?  How much lemonade do you have to sell?

Gerald: 0:18:35.6 lemonade.

Brian: Yeah. So what’s that make your lemonade, about 15 – 20 dollars a glass to cover the tax that’s a $120 to this little girl.  So as you and Bill just extrapolated out for me, what’s that kind of tax going to be like if it 8 days, we only have 8 days left according to Bolton?  Now if only 8 days, what are those taxes going to be like. How do you extrapolate that out?

Gerald: Yeah, this is we’re in very dangerous territory.  Anybody as I said that wants this war to go, you know, let them step forward you know, put your bravery on the line or shut your mouth because this could be the end of this nation.  We will see a war that will end all wars really because it may also end a lot of lives.  This is going to be a war of weapons of mass destruction.  Listen, let’s get this straight.  The United States Military can’t beat a bunch of guys in Afghanistan with no shoes and light arms.  This was the military that defeated the Germans at the battle of the bulge, you know, that wiped out the Japanese and they can’t win in Iraq or in Afghanistan.

Oh by the way, all those folks out there who believe those lines of how the United States is winning in Iraq, why don’t we look again at a current event forming future trends.  Their dead suicide bomb hits army recruits kills 61.  Oh great, man, what a job these guys are doing.  Oh they’re protecting, let’s pull out – they’re not pulling out the truth in Iraq.  They have military bases there the size of medium size US cities and looks like Disneyland.

Brian: Gerald, here’s what we’re going to do, given that, as you say, what’s going on now is going to give us a trend to what’s going to happen in the future. I was reading something somewhere and I’m sorry that I don’t have the exact quote, but you were talking about the Celente neo-survivalists.  And number one on your list dealt with food and again I apologize, but I think you said something about have healthy nutrient rich food, buy from local farmers as you were even saying up in your neck of the woods of New York that you go to a farmers market on the weekend.  That was number one thing that this particular article led with.  Can you talk to us a…

Gerald: And it’s not only the number one thing I do, my life I don’t eat corporate food.  I’m Italian; I know what good food is.

Brian: Well, now you know what the joke is about me sitting on my hands when you’re talking, I’m still going to smack the microphone.

Gerald: Yeah, I always got a joke you know, my parent, may they rest in peace, when they came to this country they were ashamed to being Italians and that why they don’t speak Italian.  And I looked back at it and I say, my God, they felt inferior to the English.  The way they eat I couldn’t have done that, you know, but in All seriousness, no, I mean it’s – and also by the way, most people don’t know this, I have an honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences, so the work I’ve done over the years in complementary medicine.

I remember one of the first books I worked on was Natural Healing back in the mid 1980s.  Some I’m very aware of the power of food and the fuel of food. So yes, you know without, and this is the other thing I wanted to talk about in survival is that the only people that are going to survive from what’s coming ahead are those that are going to be strong physically, emotionally, and spiritually because without that, you’re not going to be able to make it financially.

So you have to have that in order first.  You have to have your foundation built.  And you’re not going to do it without the highest quality fuel.  I live my life you know within my means at the highest level I can, with everything that I do, quality is number one. Everything I buy, I buy quality.  And I don’t buy quantity.

So I’d rather buy something old and gray than new and junky and the same thing with food, I buy less is more.  The higher the quality of course it costs more but it lasts longer.  Look, if you want, you know, they talk about the healthcare reform in this, nothing, you’re not going to reform anything when you have an obese nation. It has to start with the food. And when people realize that when you eat higher quality foods, guess what, you eat a lot less because of the nutritional value of the food and the life force within it.  So you start with quality and you end with quality.

Brian: And I would say that the food then Gerald becomes the basis of your physical, your emotional and your spiritual health.  You know kind of the take away that I’m hearing from you is that that’s what we can start to do right now. You’ve shown us what the trend will be in the future, but that having a sound mind, a sound body, a sound sense of spirit, all begins with what we put into our bodies.  Physical body food, emotional health, what we believe spiritual health how we are to folks at the end of the day. But it all comes back to what we put in to our bodies, at least the preparation…

Gerald: All that the mind, body, and spirit, it’s all connected.

Bill: Well, Gerald, let’s take a – I know we’re on a limited time budget here but before we go, I think again it – people listening to this in order to be prepared, in order to not want to hoard food at a crisis point and they want to have food, they need to have food, but kind of take us through a little scenario, let’s say something happens to a food distribution system, you get an oil spike, you get something, kind of play this out and follow me a little bit and then maybe you can take the ball and run with it.  So you’ve got some kind of spike, it could be a spike from a solar storm where we lose some grid power, it could a war, it could be something, but we’ve only got so much food, how does this play out with that only so much food especially in an urban environment where you’ve got so much potential lawlessness and people need to see…

Gerald: You better have a gun or more and I’m a believer in Second Amendment Rights.  It’s as I said you know just look what current events form future trends.  And when you look at the trends that are leading up to it, just look at Atlanta, look at a homeless, look at the crime rates and that’s the other thing is you well know they’re cooking the crime rates.  They’re a lot higher than they’re letting out to be. And we’re going to see more and more of it, people better be prepared.

You know, as a you fellows probably know the story of me being in the earthquake in Chile and I was on the 14th floor of the Crown Plaza Hotel and its survival.  You know you go into the survival mode, you go, you move. And one of the most astonishing things was that how you people really moved, when we got down 14 flights of stairs I practice by the way with with John Perkins and I had a co-black belt with me Gary 0:26:26.8, who also has a school in the city that teaches close combat in New York and when we got down all those flights of stairs, there’ s a hotel that probably had what about 225 people in it, killed about 8 people down there in the first minutes of the earthquake.

And you think about it, what do you have to lose by taking precautionary measures about planning of the worst, nothing?  So what if I ran down 14 flights of stairs, the building didn’t collapse but it was severely damaged.  What do I have to lose even if they – if it had ended quicker than it did? What do they have to lose by preparing for the worst? Nothing.  So you prepare for the worst.  If nothing happens, it didn’t cost you anything but if you didn’t prepare, you lose everything.

Bill: And Gerald you’re predicting a collapse if you will in the stock market for the end of this year, that’s going to have trickle down effects, that’s going to have a cascading effect on not only food but everyone’s way of life.  Do you want to spend a couple minutes talking about what you’re seeing in the stock market, and what’s you’re seeing for Maine Street?

Gerald: Well, we’re looking for the crash at 2010 to happen, the markets are unraveling now. You look at the whole housing market, it’s being propped up by the federal government Fannie May, Freddie Mac and FHA.  They’re covering all the bad, all of the mortgages, 90% of them, it’s out of the private sector, government is running real estate.  The whole thing is being inflated by stimulus money worldwide, it’s starting to unravel in China, India, Japan, and you going to continue to see it decline.

We’re saying that by the beginning, by the time the collapse strikes 2011, everyone will know there is no recovery and the worst is yet to come, it will be in the air, it will be on the streets, everyone will know it.  The crash of 2010 is happening before our eyes.  It’s in slow motion. If you look closely, you can see it happening.

Bill: So Gerald, for people to protect themselves, they need to take action, listeners need to take action now.  They need to start doing simple things and taking sort of but changing, making sort of profound changes in their life.  They need to be acquiring food, making sure they have safe water, making sure they have exit routes out of big cities and so forth, would you agree with that?

Gerald: Oh yeah, I write about that in the trends journal, in Neo-Survivalism.  Look when 9/11 happened, I was ready, I was out of here. I was packed ready to go.  I wasn’t oh my God, look what happened, I knew it was happening, I wrote about it, it was USA Today several months before on December 14, 2000, the headline read 2001 won’t be our year trendsetter says. So when 9/11 happened I had my guns, I had my gold, I had my stash of food and I had the woman I was going out with and I didn’t know if they were going to hit Indian Point nuclear power plant just North of New York City, I was on my way to Canada through the back roads because I was going to escape the bedlam and mayhem.

Bill: So some of these signs are not so subtle obviously crashing a plane into a tower is not very subtle.

Gerald: You don’t know how it’s going to happen.

Bill: But some of them are very subtle and I think we just seem so brazen, so please everyone listening to this, take Gerald’s advice, start to prepare and you mention writing in the Trends journal, I’m a subscriber, do you want to tell people how they can get a subscription or how they can access your information because we hardly recommend your site and your work to everyone.

Gerald: Our website is and like you folks we do the same thing.  We empower people. This isn’t about fear, it’s about reality.  And the reality is that if you follow your leaders, they will lead you over the cliff to disaster. You’re on your own. There is nobody there to save you.  You have to save yourself and the only survivors in the coming times are going to be those as I said that are the most prepared physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  You get that in order financial will follow.

Brian: Absolutely, and Gerald, I know that we were pressed for time today, so thank you so much for spending that time with us and I want to go over again in terms of trend research for all of our listeners.  We’ll also in the wrap up of the show notes have a link to your website as well.

But thank you so very much as I opened it saying that an hour across the table from a wise man is worth a year’s study in books.  The time that we’ve had for you this morning has absolutely been not only educational but motivational as well, and I applaud your effort in spreading the message of preparing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you sir very, very much for your time.

Gerald: Thank you guys, bye-bye now.

(Music playing)

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Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back once again to, the radio version of our show. I’m Brian Brawdy along as always with Mr. Bill Heid. Bill I want to take a quick moment to thank Solutions from Science, the interview with Mr. Gerald Celente turned out to be 30 minutes, we didn’t have to go to commercial break because Solutions from Science, it’s covered the bill for us.  So what I’d like to do is steal in your mind, kind of ricocheting around the back of Bill’s brain, what do you think about what Gerald had to say especially when it comes to preparing for what now arguably is a pretty much etched in stone food shortage?

Bill: Well, I would say in line of the music that Jeramy brought us in with, the theme from Shaft, I would say that Gerald Celente is the cat that won’t cop out when there is danger all about.

Brian: You got to give him that.

Bill: You’ve got to give him that, he had some issues in Chile and you know what that’s an important thing, he found himself in the middle of a crisis, did he not? Right in the middle of a crisis and he knows where these things end up.  So out of 250 people at the hotel, there was just a couple of them. Now, that’s that remnant idea that you and I have discussed before.  Only a handful take action.

Brian: And Bill it’s why I’m sitting here with you now, had it not been for hurricane Katrina, had it not been for my experiences in the aftermath of there, where there was no food, there was no water, there was no electricity, there was no security, my life probably would have taken a totally different course.  But as you and I have talked about before, people think it will never happen here. The floods are going to happen in Pakistan.  This natural disaster is going to, you know, the earthquakes are going to hit Japan, it’s always going to happen somewhere else.  But in modern time, in our country, you woke up one morning, you didn’t have food, you didn’t have water, you didn’t have electricity which means you didn’t have the ability to go to an ATM and draw out money.  There was no security. Life as you knew it came to a grinding halt because of one hurricane.

Bill: Well, the masses really the masses won’t even to try to take food.  The masses will sit there and just go down.  A percentage of people will grab arms.  A percentage of lawless people will grab on and you saw that.

Brian: I saw that.

Bill: And Gerald saw that in Chile and I’ve listened to other interviews that he’s had so he saw it would happen.  There were lawless gangs that took over areas of the city and so my guess is something very similar would happen here and it’s a good time to have friends, it’s a good time to have a church community, it’s a good time to know who your friends really are, you know the old wrestling phrase you know, who’s got your backside.  That becomes the real issue here.

But he talked about something that I want to bring up a little bit. It was a phony accounting and has everything to do with food.  He mentioned phony accounting and I want to mention when the government does their inflation numbers.  They don’t include energy costs and they don’t include food costs.  So can you imagine taking for the average person, let alone someone on a fixed income who you go to the store and you start to see rising food prices, what are your options if you’re on social security, if you’re on a fixed income, what are you going to do?  So there is some folks that I can say to everybody else who is able minded able bodied who can help other people.  There is going to be a lot of folks that needs your help.

Food pantries are going to be something that we’re going to have to as communities you know reinvigorate and start over with, I just don’t think Americans can handle a 20% increase.  Gerald does a good job in talking about how close we are.  We’ve ratcheted everything up to the margin.  Now he talked about this interest rates and I think in one of his newsletters that I read saying, look the government can’t raise them, they can’t lower them anymore, they can’t raise them or you going to cause a collapse because everyone is ratcheted up to this government level of support with interest rates that if you raise rates, how many people underwater in real estate now.

You raise rates, what’s going to happen to a percentage of them?  They won’t be able to make their payments and it starts a landslide.  And you’ve got the same thing happening in with respect to the food issues.  You start to raise that a little bit and it just creates unbelievable issues.  We go back to food stamps Brian.  What happens in downtown Chicago, downtown Baltimore, downtown anywhere if 70% of those folks are on food stamps?  Let’s say you get a spike in food prices and those food stamps don’t go as far.

Brian: Sure.

Bill: Okay.  Those folks you can say what you want to about whether people should be on food stamps or not, that’s a different discussion.  But just the fact that they’re on food stamps and that their money doesn’t go very far, you have potential riots in the city just because of inflation. You don’t need a black swan here, just market conditions.

Brian: And you know Bill not even the black swan but you know, and you and I are not, talk about black helicopter, we’re not black helicopter guys but what has so ticked me off about Atlanta last week, you know all these thousands and thousands of people going to apply for section 8 housing, the media and certain people in that agency should get an Emmy Award.  You mean to tell me that you can’t orchestrate that in such a way as to keep there from being a rush of 3,000 people that was another form of intimidation.

When people accuse, people of a survival mindset, of a preparedness mindset, of being fear mongering, you’re telling me that that agency and the media didn’t get together and say, look we get 3,000 or 30,000 or 100,000 people in the streets all coming from this, it will be enough to scare people going, we don’t want those kind of riots, we don’t want those kinds of riots. Of course go ahead and pass another stimulus bill. Of course go ahead and do another bail out. Do whatever you going to do.  We don’t want those riots coming here.  Are you kidding me? And you see that earlier in the interview, Gerald Celente talked about you know last week in Atlanta when all that happened, that’s a made for movie or a made for TV movie.  The flip side is you’re right that’s the way it’s going to happen but it was absolutely a scare tactic the way they put together, in my opinion.

Bill: Sure Brian and that’s something that they did in the 60s in Washington DC when there were student riots and they were, I don’t know if they brought hooligans in to do this stuff or if it was just folks that came in.  But if you look at some of the old footage of some of those riots, of those situations where lines that the national guard had or whatever, we’re deliberately allowed to break and I think that those things were orchestrated to create fear in the hearts of the viewers and of course you’ve got to remember this is at a time when everyone trusted Walter Cronkite right, not like today when no one trusts the TV media anymore. Did you see this last one?

Brian: Yeah, well the Gala Poll had them at 25% of Americans now.

Bill: People basically don’t, that’s one of the reasons why we’re here, why we’re talking is because people are looking for Off the Grid News because they know that all of the stuffs manipulated.  But nonetheless, when people get hungry as Gerald said, we saw what they want to do when they just simply wanted some housing.

Think about hungry bellies, think about what people who are unable to take care of themselves will do, and they’re not familiar with that mantra that you have about being and apparently Gerald has about being able to look in the mirror and can you take care of yourself and your family.  That’s not a thought, that’s not even a reference point in the hearts and minds of most of these folks.

And so you have a terrible formula. You have a confluence of issues that are coming together to create some pretty nasty conditions with respect to food. We’ve enjoyed food prosperity in this country for a long, long time but I think as Gerald does that we’re starting to see some breaks, some cracks in the dam.  And if it starts opening up, you’ve got a rush and a rush that maybe that wouldn’t be contained for a while.

Brian: And I would say to you that even in the aftermath of the hurricane Katrina I forgot the guy who was the general that rode in with the national guard and they came out and said, look it’s going to be weeks before we can get to you.  I think so many people have grown accustomed that when they’re in the bad way they look for outside help, they’ll be a safety net. If you’re in the rodeo everyone is looking for the clown.  What if that bull tosses you Bill and there is no clown?  What are you going to do then? What if the bull tosses you and the clown is like, you’re on your own, I don’t want to go 0:45:03.3 on you. But what if you have groups of parents to go, I got to feed my kids I’m going to do what I have to in order to keep myself, my family, my friends from starving.  Why put yourself in that panic mode?  Bill we’re going to run to a quick commercial break in just a second.  And I’d like to get you to comment on that when we come back.  You are listening to a very unique version of Off the Grid News radio in that the opening 30 minutes with Mr. Gerald Celente was brought to you commercial free by our friends at Solution from Science.  We’re going to go ahead and take a quick break. Come on back, Brian Brawdy, Bill Heid, here at Off the Grid News.

(Music playing)

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And now back to Off the Grid radio.

Brian: Welcome back once again, Brian Brawdy as always here with Mr. Bill Heid.  Bill, here is the thing for me and you’ve always been a great educator, a great teacher for me when it comes to this, so help me with this.  When it comes to food shortages and I’m picturing a farm, let’s just say I’m picturing a farm in Kansas; I get all that, I anticipate economic trouble for farmers.  I mean just with a lot of the things that are going on, I anticipate bad weather for farmers that you know; maybe bad weather is going to cause a crop maybe it’s a drought; maybe it’s a flood whatever.

But I never anticipated farmers in addition to fighting the economy and the weather, they have to fight the EPA, I’m reading about in order to keep up with the Clean Air Act, good Lord, let’s not have dust in the air.  The EPA is now, I don’t know if you know this, but in terms of parts per billion, parts per trillion, parts for quadrillion, whatever it is, they’re going to double the particulate standard of what can’t be launched into the air.  And because they doubled, doubled the standard, now farm dust is as toxic apparently as no doubt some of the dyes we drink in our pop that we don’t even know about but that’s a different show, but are you kidding me?  Now the farmers are going to go against mother nature. They going to go against the economy and the EPA? What’s up with that?

Bill: Well, growing up in a farm community I can tell you and working on the farms in my teen years, it’s an astounding thing, but it’s government, it’s socialization, as Gerald said, a form of fascism.  And I think what’s going on behind the scenes you know the off the grid stories where with respect to what you’re talking about is probably in someone’s ambitious efforts to make sure that certain sprays are sprayed on fields that we want to encourage farmers, I say we, I’m using it as the Department of Agriculture whoever, the EPA, they would like to encourage farmers to do no till which you know you drill a seed down and then you spray as opposed to sort of breaking the soil up and aerating and allowing, you know plowing in the spring and so forth.

And sure enough, you get dust when you farm.  You cannot farm without getting some dust, so this is in my mind beyond crazy, it’s beyond Draconian, it’s just nonsense and it comes from people that don’t, who think that food is, that think that food is just there to eat.  You go to a grocery store to eat food, nothing can ever touch that supply chain, but you’re going at the supply chain with a dagger and you’re jabbing it and you’re puncturing a kidney from behind when you’re legislating this way, you’re going to do some serious damage to the farm class.

Now, farmers may make some money here the next years as prices rise that is farmers who have their farms paid for. Farmers that need credit, they’re going to be in trouble, farmers that have to you know, so not only you got a credit crisis facing you as a farmer, you’ve got through the Food Safety Modernization Act, you’ve got the FDA seizing control of your farm and you’ve got all the, you’ve got the EPA saying, no dust. That’s like no lemonade stand. The lemonade stand is a cute idea about you know we can all kind of laugh and have some righteous indignation about it, but this is the same thing only it’s on a monumental level.

Brian: Yeah I think fascism is fascism. Look, this guy that goes up to a little girl and says, you’re under arrest or you’re going to be detained or I’m going to shut down your cart, sic the dog on him I’m just a, I’m fed with it.  But that’s just me.

Let’s talk real quick, you’re talking about common sense, a bunch of legislators got together and said that this would be, if this, you know the EPA has their way, the most stringent and unparalleled regulation of dust in our nation’s history.  It just violates me. If some, and I know you go Brian you get all worked up, calm down, calm down if for some level to say that you can’t till the earth, that just seems, it just strikes me, I had never been a farmer, let me apologize in advance for you all folks listening on the city, but I’m a dumb city boy, still, controlling the degree to which a farmer can go out and put a plow into the earth just gets me at a level that I’m surprised, I have to be honest.

Bill: Well, it’s shocking but it is indicative if back to the theme that I always talk about here, this is important an important theme and it’s something that everyone needs to take home. If the government owns us, if freedom comes as a gift from God, if it’s essentially something that God gave us and that’s first then we can say no to statist’s regulations on lemonade stands and farming and so forth.

If we say that the state owns us and if that’s our version of government, if we say the state is the only form of government there is that is to say civil government and the state puts itself at the highest level of ultimacy in our lives, the state gives, then the state takes away.

And I’m reminded of another little story, I’ll just segway, we only got so much time here.  I’m reminded of a story in Utah where someone was busted for collecting rainwater off their roof, the greatest story is the bureaucrat who said, who came back somewhat apologetically and said are you going to bust everybody for doing this and no the little guy is not yet, you know the small house we want and it’s like he was granting a license for you and saying, basically we are God and we can take your rainwater. But for now, it’s okay you keep your rainwater.

Brian: Bill, I was on TV in Denver doing a segment about as you know the first ever solar and wind powered portable television station doing it in my Lance, and now they said to me on TV, well Brian, you know when it comes to harvesting rainwater, do you know that’s illegal here in Colorado.  And I was like that’s great, let me tell you when I’m going to be harvesting it later today, come and jack me up then because I’m going to have my buckets I’m going to harvest the rainwater, whether it’s a violation of Colorado law or not.  So I know that firsthand that they pull that in the state of Colorado.

Bill: This is serious stuff you know, the Turks used to tax trees, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, in the early 1900s the Turks put a tax on trees so it wasn’t that effective, everyone cut the trees then it became areas that were wooded became desert.  A lot of Turkey and a lot of Armenia and that area that’s now desert was wooded.  You’re talking about stewardship of the land, it’s unbelievable.

So real briefly sum it before we close up, we had the President 0:57:00.1 say that he didn’t want prices to go up now, prices in the supermarket went up 20% in Russia, he came out and said we don’t want them to go up. Now think about that, supply and demand shortages, you have no products so prices naturally rise in accordance. So he stands like King Canute have you ever heard of King Canute – well King Canute standing out there ordering the waves to go back, you don’t know I’m the king, right.  He’s saying prices can’t…

Brian: Worked well for Moses but it didn’t work out really good for the king.

Bill: But what happens ultimately is this how shortages arise and I want to finish by saying, look when you get the government saying, you can’t raise prices to producers and you at the same time have shortages, where the price mechanism can’t rise, you have an unbelievably volatile situation where you can have starvation.  That’s happened before and that’s the 0:57:55.8 happens now, I don’t know, but that’s the formula for starvation.

Brian: And I can see, you know, every day I just see it more and more. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to have to run from one of the coolest shows we’ve had in that it represents the first 30 minutes commercial free break that we had, thanks to our friends at Solutions from Science.

As always on behalf of myself, on behalf of Bill Heid, Jeramy our producer, all the friends of Off the Grid News, Bill waving goodbye, to say goodbye to everybody, thank you so very much for joining us, please email us, feel free to email with any questions, comments, critiques at [email protected].

As always you can find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at offthefgridradio. Thank you so very much. We know your time is valuable; we really appreciate you giving a little bit of it to us.

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