When an interstate bridge in Minneapolis collapsed during rush hour eight years ago, killing 13 and injuring another 145, Americans got a crash course on the nation’s aging infrastructure. They got another one this year when a gigantic pipeline burst and flooded a California college campus with 20 million gallons of water — in the middle of a drought.
America’s crumbling infrastructure could impact every single one of us, and it’s the subject of this week’s Off The Grid Radio, as we talk to Greg DiLoreto, past president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Is that bridge down your street, that pipeline under your road, or that power grid outside your house on the verge of failure? Very possibly. Last year, ASCE gave America’s infrastructure an average grade of D+, with some significant parts of it scoring even worse.
- Which parts of America’s infrastructure should concern us the most.
- Why we all should be worried about the nation’s dams and levees.
- How the water coming out of your faucet could be impacted by a pipeline break in your town.
- What you can do to help improve the infrastructure where you live.
The report card gave America’s power grid a D+, its water delivery system a D, and its dams and levees a D-.
Listen as Greg gives us the truth that we all need to know.