You won’t want to miss the number one trend forecaster in the nation and publisher of Trends Journal, Gerald Celente, as he unleashes his disdain for the two “turkeys” he’s roasting on Off the Grid Radio this week – George W. Bush and Ben Bernanke. In addition, he’s going to let our listeners in on his thoughts for our country going into 2011 and beyond.
In the second half of the show, Bill and Brian will highlight the wonderful Christmas sale that Solutions From Science is having, and the need for folks to think about giving thoughtful gifts this season, ones that give family and friends valuable knowledge, skills or tools to better prepare for off-the-grid living.
We regret some noise on this interview due to technical difficulties.
Off The Grid Radio
Released: November 26, 2010
Welcome to Off the Grid Radio, better ideas to bust you and your family out of today’s global control grid. Now here is today’s show.
Bill: Welcome everybody we are going to bust out of the control grid today. Happy Thanksgiving we’ve got with us Gerald Celente the worlds and number one trend forecaster. Gerald welcome to the show today.
Gerald: Hey, thanks.
Bill: Great to have you on and I thought Gerald since it is Thanksgiving that we would do a little turkey roasting and we’ve got a few turkeys that maybe that are on our target folks that deserve this year, 2010 Thanksgiving time that maybe need to be roasted. Who do we have in our sites this year?
Gerald: Well, the biggest turkey back after a hiatus has to be George W. Bush, he’s making the rounds out there hawking his book, you know trying to tarnish that terrible image that he left behind. You know people have attention deficit disorder when it comes to politics and many other things. You know they booed Bush off the stage on Inauguration Day, I mean after eight years of him Mussolini could have been voted into office but instead we got the other fascist Obama who’s turned this country into, between him and Bush into the greatest entrepreneurial Empire into one now we have too big to fail. So here I am listening to Bush on his, Bush’s back book tour and what is he doing? First he goes on to talk about how he was wrong and led us to the Iraq war and telling us after over and over again, we have it all detailed in the 0:02:11.9 journals about how Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction to entice Al Qaeda. And of course we learned that he didn’t and subsequently we learned through different resources and books published that they cherry picked the evidence to really convince the American people that Saddam Hussein was a threat to all of us including our national security. And here is what he said during his book tour, Saddam deceived everybody, he didn’t want people to know that he did not have them, meaning the WMDs which is strange because I made it clear to him to let the inspectors in or we will remove you from power and he didn’t believe me sadly my point is the world is better with him gone. This is what he said on TV.
Bill: After the fact, yeah.
Gerald: And well, let’s wait a minute here, that’s not the point Mr. Bush, the point isn’t that we are better off with him gone, I mean is the world really a better place? Has the death of Saddam Hussein him proved life in China, India, Canada, Australia, New Guinea, Grenada, Zimbabwe, Luxembourg, Argentina, Mexico, no.
Bill: Is Iraq even a better place?
Gerald: Well no, arguably it’s a much worse place.
Bill: True.
Gerald: And the point is that Saddam Hussein did not deceive anybody. He said that he did not have weapons of mass distraction. There were inspectors there such as Mark Ritter and others saying that he did not have weapons of mass distraction but I remember what the deceiver in chief kept telling us, they’ve got them there. I heard Colin Powell, I heard that guy 0:04:04.2, I heard Rumsfeld, I heard Cheney. I remember Cheney telling us that there was no doubt that he had them and Rumsfeld telling us he knew exactly where they were so what is going on here? The deceiver in chief lied to the American people. It was not Saddam Hussein that deceived everyone it was George W. Bush and that war is still going on and it has claimed almost 5000 US lives, maimed tens of thousands, ruined their lives forever mentally and physically, and laid waste to the nation that did nothing to us. And here is what gets me this little twerp makes the rounds on TV and all of these media people suck up, bow down, these pliable prostitutes posing as journalists, not one of them, not one of them called him out on this. While are we there? Why does this war continue? We were there for two reasons, weapons of mass distraction and Al Qaeda and we are still fighting this war and it is draining our treasury. So George W. Bush to me is disgusting to keep – and I want to – the other thing is why don’t we have hearings? Why don’t we have commissions? Why don’t we have a Nuremberg war trial to find out who knew what when. Were they lying to us? Were there things that was going on there that according to Scott McClellan his Press Secretary at the time and that he came out later and wrote a tell-all book, he blew the whistle. And these are some of the quotes from McClellan, McClellan said that Bush knowingly passed on false information and spread propaganda and that President Bush knowingly lied, he accused the White House “of spreading distortion, shading the truth, speaking half-truths, and telling outright lies” a political propaganda campaign to sell the war to the American people. This is an outrage. Why aren’t these guys being brought to task again because Bush went unchallenged by the reliably servile, docile, passive, compliant, submissive, meek, obedient prostitutes posing as journalists? And then Bush said that he was blindsided by the economic crisis, will didn’t he tell us that the fundamentals of the economy are strong? And didn’t they tell us that they had it under control and in order to save us they had to bring in tarp and too big to fails and stimulus programs. Now wait a minute are they lying that he was blindsided or were they just totally incompetent as he says, they were either blindsided or they were lying so if they were blindsided that equals incompetence. And incompetent guys like Henry Paulson and the rest sold the nation out. They let Wall Street hijack Washington so what is going on here? Why are the American people taking this kind of baloney? And they could bash Obama and he deserves it but how about this other guy? I mean Obama is nothing more than Bush II with his increased wars in Afghanistan and all this baloney about advisers, 50,000 of them in Iraq. I am not an imbecilic, I remember the advisor work when I was a kid during the Vietnam years and they were trying to tell us that they were advisers, these are combat troops said to me Bush boy, this guy deserves more than a roasting, he deserves a trial. He has put enough people to death as executioner in chief over there in Texas, why not let’s see, you know he always said that the justice system would determine who should have been hung and you shouldn’t be so let the justice system determine whether or not he and Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the neo-cons out there were lying to us or telling us the truth. I am outraged about this and every American should be. How could they listen to these, they tell us one lie after another and they keep on going.
Bill: Well they bring a, Gerald, they bring them on Fox and wave the flag and I think that’s the part that is most damage to real war heroes and to people who really care about the country to see this guy as you say, did you see his cute little smirk that he’s got? It’s the same smirk that he had before and just to see him carrying about and acting as if he is a patriotic American in front of all of us, it’s disgusting. And he is worthy of being roasted.
Gerald: And the other thing too is people need to realize something, I have some do that very easily what is wrong with this country. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks – they are running this show, the elites they never get touched. If you or I jaywalk they’ve got us in jail, go over a yellow line, you’ve got some copies going to pull you over, you have two drinks and they’ve got handcuffs on you and throw you into jail, start a war, hey the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.
Bill: Couldn’t agree more Gerald. Let’s take a little break here, we’ve got Turkey number one in the roaster, let’s come back with Turkey number two right after this.
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Bill: Happy Thanksgiving again everybody it’s Bill Heid with Off the Grid Radio, we’ve got Gerald Celente and we are roasting turkeys and Gerald who do we have up for Turkey roast number two?
Gerald: Bill he is probably your favorite guy so I hope I don’t offend you when I say this, that Bernanke.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, he’s, Gerald he’s coming over for Thanksgiving…
Gerald: He is huh?
Bill: On Sunday, yeah, he could make it on Thanksgiving Day but on Sunday he is coming over so be careful here.
Gerald: Well he probably got the dates mixed up you know and I say that because you have to be as incompetent as him to continue to be rewarded as they keep rewarding him and that is the whole issue of government. You are rewarded for, you are enbolded by your incompetency and raised to higher levels. Of course I have to be respectful because he is one of the Harvard, Princeton, Yale boys, you know a member of the white shoe club. You know another guy who never worked in his life, he only taught at school and this guy has been wrong – if I had a track record like him Bill I would have been bounced out of business 30 years ago that these guys can get it wrong every time and all they do is get promoted and get more money. Here is what Bernanke said back in 2005 on a interview with CNBC; he was asked tell me what is the worst case scenario if we in fact see real estate prices actually come down substantially across this country? Now remember this was the peak of the real estate boom. Uncle Ben’s answer, well I guess I don’t buy your premise, you could put in parentheses in that you stupid jerk don’t you know who I am? I am Ben Bernanke the Princeton boy and then he goes on to say, it’s a pretty unlikely possibility that we will have, we have never had a decline in house prices on a nationwide basis. How about that for incompetency? Not happy with that one? I’ll give you another one, let’s go into 2007 now remember the crisis starts to get the news in late August of 2007 so this is just a few months before. What he said he is that quote and he is talking to Congress now, “there is not much indication at this point that subprime mortgage issues have spread into the broader mortgage market which still seems to be healthy.” How about that? And then now let’s go to November 2007 as we move forward. We took out in November of 2007 the domain name the panic of 08, that’s how sure we were that it was going to hit. In July of that year in the Trends Journal we warned that between July and the end of the year a major financial crisis would hit. This guy is saying there is no recession then we hear from President Obama, the con man in chief on August 25, 2009 two years into the great recession, Obama reappoints Ben chairman, Mr. Bernanke that is to the Federal Reserve praising him for “calm and wisdom, bold action, and out-of-the-box thinking.” How about that?
Bill: Somebody wrote that for him.
Gerald: Yeah, it was on the Teleprompter.
Bill: He couldn’t even think that up.
Gerald: It was on the Teleprompter.
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
Gerald: Yeah, I knew Teleprompter. How am I going to become president?
Bill: Well, it is pretty crazy, it’s pretty crazy and now he wants to blame the Chinese. I think the Chinese Gerald are going to be the – is that the new trend, the Chinese are going to be the fall guy’s for all of us?
Gerald: Well, the Chinese are going to be and that the other thing I can’t forget that Uncle Ben did with dumping into this system another $600 billion. The white shoe boys call it QE2, how about printing digital money out of thin air not worth the paper it’s not printed on, flooding the market with and devaluing our currency, they are doing in front of our eyes. That’s why by the way I’m a believer in gold and have been for many years, we call the bottom of gold, well actually we call it the beginning of the bull run. In the Trends Journal in December of 2001 because the previous said chairman began to lower interest rates to 46 year lows and we knew there was going to create the next bubble following bubble and of course it became the real estate bubble. So now they have done this money into the system, you see gold prices now they are in the mid to high 1300 ranges popping over 1400 from time to time and we are looking at commodity prices going up across the board particularly oil. That’s right folks get ready to spend more money this winter thanks to Uncle Ben and the devaluation of the dollar because it is more about the currency buying less than demand increasing way beyond the point where it is driving up prices so that the less dollar is worth and being that these commodities are dollar-based you are going to be paying more for everything. Thank you uncle Ben for making this Thanksgiving harder for so many people but the white shoe boys are sitting that pretty.
Bill: Gerald let’s talk about, let’s talk about food prices, you know it is Thanksgiving, it is the holiday season, we all get together, we have meals, we bring families over, and so right now we are seeing food prices start to increase. When this 600 billion it’s in the system and starts swashing around where do you see, you know like there’s the ghost of Christmas past and present and future, like the ghost of Thanksgiving future, what is Thanksgiving going to cost us in the future? What is our turkey going to cost us?
Gerald: Well, what we are going to start seeing is that when holidays come around, Christmas time, people are going to be more interested in putting food on the table and gifts under the tree and it is going to become very difficult times out there. We’re going into an economic winter of the likes of which you’ve never seen and as you know in Trends Journal we did a story about the grasshopper and the ant and this is the grasshopper Indian summer, people still believe it is not going to collapse and it will. And the ants by the way you know that are storing up for the winter, the ant didn’t do it on its own, it had a colony to work with and the colony doesn’t exist by one person making it happen so the message being that it is very important for people to find like-minded people and to help weather the storm coming ahead. And here is my slogan for 2011 as we are putting together now the top trends for 2011 break the chains, don’t buy anything in chain stores that you’ll have to, by local and bank local. We are never going to really be free until we break the chains. The chains are dragging us down, they have us captured, we are forced to buy from them. You know when they had the egg recall, what was it about a half a billion eggs Salmonella poisoned, half a billion eggs and they call it a factory farm, how about a chicken coop concentration camp? Anybody that eats that stuff deserves what they get. You know I love the names they have, you know Hillandale Farms, Sunny Acre Farms, you know.
Bill: Sunny Acre sounds really pleasant.
Gerald: Yeah, doesn’t that sound nice? How about Auschwitz Farm? What they do…
Bill: That’s a happy thought.
Gerald: To these chickens…
Bill: That’s a happy thought Gerald.
Gerald: Yeah, and so the point being is that for things to turn around people have to change the way they are doing things. We have to break the chains. And when I talk about Ben Bernanke and the others let’s understand what they’ve done between Bush and Obama, they have put the well of the nation in the hands of few. The gap between the rich and the poor right now is the highest in the US than any of the industrialized nations and when you look at the numbers they are staggering, you are looking at 10 banks controlling 80% of all the action. Do you think they’re going to give you a break? Look what happened with General Motors stock offering, we the people had to bail these losers out, these guys that built these crappy cars over all those years and let competition read it into the ground. You can blame the union, blame the management, blame them all but I did not want to build them out, I’ve got my own problems and nobody bails me out.
Bill: Nobody bails us out, that’s exactly right.
Gerald: That’s right we are too small to save so what do they do? They stopped offering goes out there with all of you little people with all of us little people who paid into bailing them out even if you wanted to you could buy the stock; you had to be one of the big boys to buy in.
Bill: It’s an amazing thing, it’s an amazing thing and I think history is going to be rewritten Gerald. Were just about our time here and I want to say thank you again for taking some time to talk to me today, it’s always a pleasure and I want to say happy Thanksgiving to you and everybody there at Trend Research. I subscribe, I read your stuff and I can’t wait for the next Journal to come out so thanks again Gerald.
Gerald: Hey, thank you, happy Thanksgiving.
Bill: Thanks.
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Bill: And we are back with Off the Grid News Radio. Brian you were awful quiet during that last segment. Did you have maybe, did you fill up yesterday with a lot of Turkey or what was it?
Brian: No, whenever you to get started it’s like I need a padded room Bill when Gerald goes off, you know the last couple of times I’m pacing back and forth in my head cord is not that long for the headphones so I just like to…
Bill: It’s like a leash isn’t it?
Brian: It is a leash but you guys get fired up and get started so I am better off just sitting on my hands because he gets me so worked up I just want to take a sledgehammer to something. So I have learned that when you to start to just kind of take a backseat.
Bill: Well thank you, in honor of the holiday season thank you for controlling your anger.
Brian: Thank you very much.
Bill: I appreciate that. I wanted to chat with you to a little bit about just gifts. We were talking about Christmas gifts; we just did the Off the Grid Christmas TV thing. Just some of the ideas that we might think about in terms of gifts that actually make a difference we’re in a little different time, these are hard times so when you go to get somebody do you go to the big-box shops and grab some of the usual things, you know that people line up on Black Friday for, the latest thing or do we try maybe spend some time with a little thought about what we’re going to give and you know maybe make account.
Brian: Nah, I go with the former, let’s do like tickle me Elmo dolls and I have to have Justin was his last name Bill, Bieber or whatever… The latest Justin Bieber CD or whatever…
Bill: So you’ve got your place in line at the mall ready, you got your tent maybe some family members there with the tent now…
Brian: Yep.
Bill: While you are here doing the show with me and you’ve got family members…
Brian: Holding my line.
Bill: Someone holding your place early in the morning. Soon it will be time to get in those stores and shop that you are saying basically just go ahead and do it or should we spent some time thinking about you know the more thoughtful side?
Brian: Well and I know is going to sound like a blatant commercial for us because I do the show for us but I would say that the benefit of the products that we had in the Off the Grid Christmas special, the video, the commercial that’s just out Bill is that it not only gives you the ability to get some pretty cool gifts for yourself or your family or your friends but it also allows us to be in the mood of setting our New Year’s resolution. You and I have talked about it before and I don’t want to disappoint people, some people like well it’s the day after Thanksgiving why are we talking about Christmas that they are going to say oh it’s the day after Thanksgiving why is Brian talking about New Year’s, you know a month and so many days away. But with the troubled times that you referenced earlier now is a great time to set the New Year’s resolution of the matter what happens I’m going to be prepared for it. And that is what genuinely dig about our guest is that you have the ability to give a gift to someone to truly make all of the difference in the world and you can’t find that at a brick and mortar retailer or you would have to look pretty hard but we have put together some of the coolest and I would say some of the biggest items that we have at Off the Grid and Solutions from Science where our listeners, our viewers, our guests tell us what their favorite pieces of gear are so I love the fact that we put it together in one video and it could… I’ll give you one other quick little quote Ralph Waldo Emerson said to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived this is to have succeeded. So I like to think when someone opens one of our gifts at Christmas we could very well be responsible for one life breathing easier in a future emergency situation and you know me I am looking for the good karma wherever I can get it.
Bill: Well not only that but I think anymore isn’t it just, doesn’t everybody, I mean this is back to the idea of things that we have talked about before but doesn’t, we live in the land of the weird, right the land of the plenty, doesn’t everybody have almost everything? You really have to look to find – let me tell you this little story really quick. The other day, you know Jeramy can tell you this, there is a homeless couple that we decided to take care of and they were living in a van down by the river just like me Chris Farley thing and we were at Sam’s Club the other night and I decided to get a DVD player for a homeless couple, okay, literally homeless. I will not mention their names because they are people that we have kind of taken in, we enjoy their company but they fail on some hard times but, so we bought this DVD player for them and a beautiful BVD player for $39.95. And unbelievable technological thing and so I called them up to say to them and I’m careful about how I called them up the kind of talk to them a little bit about it and told them I got it, they already had one, homeless. So I can’t even find a gift.
Brian: Jeramy, get that gift from the front office; I’ll take the DVD player.
Bill: You can’t even find a gift to give a homeless person, they’ve already got it.
Brian: Right.
Bill: So I think some of these gifts what you are talking about, maybe the cool part of it is they are literally off the grid ideas because you cannot walk into a be retailer and get any of the things that we made this video about. And that just makes it kind of cool because you are able to sort of serve up something that may be coming from around the corner as you say give something that might matter down the road.
Brian: That could truly make a difference, not just the uniqueness of our items but what I dig about them is it encourages people to be self-reliant. Some of the best times I’ve had Bill whether it’s been 140° in death Valley or 50 below in Yellowstone or kayaking, the Everglades or any of the places I’ve been I’ve always had be most fun when my back was up against the wall and I had to survive and adapt and face the challenges at hand. And our gifts, I mean we will go down a list of them after the break but our gifts give you the ability to do just that, to rise to whatever fate or mother nature or the divinity throws at you and be prepared for those things, that’s what I really dig about them.
Bill: Yeah, and as far as the new year does anybody really think here we are the day after Thanksgiving, does anybody really think that’s not going to come roaring and flying by? Everyone knows how fast the holiday season goes so really it is a good time to start thinking and planning and preparing for not only Christmas but for next year. I think 2011 and I know Gerald Celente feels the same way, I think 2011 is going to be a real sort of tripping point, tipping point time and I said tripping point instead of tipping point because I think instead of reaching that critical mass on the positive side, you know like the book, I think we’re going to have a tripping point, a new phrase I’m calling it that’s…
Brian: Jeramy, check that on Go Daddy and see if we can find that domain name.
Bill: I think we’re really in for a hard year and I think there are going to be people losing their jobs more and more. And I don’t see any remedy as you know, I’m a long-term optimist and perhaps a short-term pessimist, I think we need to get through some of these issues that we are going through right now. These banks in Europe need to go broke, some banks in our country need to give broke, we need to go through this period of suffering and I think once we get through that period the American spirit can prevail again. I think what made us strong can prevail again but we’ve got to go through these hard times, we’ve got to suffer a little while first.
Brian: And Frederick Douglass said it may have been I’m sure it was around the time of President Lincoln but Frederick Douglass said if there is no struggle, there is no progress. And when people say well aren’t you a little worried about hard times ahead? I’m worried for some folks about the hard things ahead but for those of us who prepare, those of us who are ready for the challenge that are doing a little bit of thinking and planning for it in advance, I think it is a fantastic time ahead because when and if heaven forbid it hits and you’ve done something now to prepare for that future event or situation you’re in a great position so I’m kind of excited about what we can offer to our listeners.
Bill: Exactly and we talked about hard times, well the Puritans we just went through a little thing about that, what do hard times look like? Do you really think the colonial fathers and our founding fathers that they would say oh know I can’t go on, we are going to have some hard times and their lives were full of hard times?
Brian: You were telling me earlier about the wolves, we won’t go into it now because we don’t have a lot of time but there was a time in this country where when you went out for a little moonlight stroll you had to worry about a pack of wolves following you.
Bill: Certainly in the early part of this country’s history look at John Winthrop’s Journal as we were talking about, there were times when, if you look at his entries wolves were just a common thing. I mean wolves would each or livestock and they would chase your kids or eat your kids or whatever so hard times is something that instead of us being afraid of, I think we need to look it in the eye and start to embrace it and say whatever comes our way we are going to be faithful people, we’re going to work hard, we are going to do our best.
Brian: And before we go to break Bill I would say that’s what I love about our list of gifts and then what we do on the radio show and what we do on our website at Off the Grid is that it gives people the ability to kind of look into the future and do something other than just hoping for the best. As you say to me hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Ladies and gentlemen we are going to run to a quick commercial break. Come on back we’re going to detail some of the things that Bill and I are speaking of in the video. Happy day after Thanksgiving, I hope everybody is as thankful as we are.
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Brian: Welcome back once again to Off the Grid News the radio version of our show at Bill happy day after Thanksgiving how was your day?
Bill: Full, too much food, too much food but a day of thanks as we been talking and a good day, a day of family and a little relaxation. I love Thanksgiving and I love the day after Thanksgiving. It seems like it’s a no stress period of time for us and then of course next week we get right back into it with business but for a while we’ve got a little break here and it’s nice.
Brian: Well, I will tell you having obviously dinner yesterday and thing about some of the things that we’d be talking about today and I was reminded about that National Gardening Association report that says more families than ever are growing their own vegetables and it said that the majority of them do so in order to save money. That although quality was an important issue 36 million households, about a third of all US households planted a garden in 2009. That’s up 20% from 2008 so I was thinking about that and looking at that study Bill and called what a great way to jumpstart it in 2011 either for yourself or family, maybe friends or neighbors but to talk about the survival seed bank, the survival herb bank or even the food storage secrets DVD series that we offer, that’s a nice little way, talk about being proactive in the new year, setting your resolution. That’s a nice way to jumpstart a spring garden.
Bill: It is this time of year that people generally, I don’t know if everyone starts to get seed catalogs like I do but it’s a good time to start thinking about your garden next year, to think about how you are going to involve your family and maybe planning that garden as well so I couldn’t agree with you more. Now is a really good time to get a hold of some seeds and start making some plans. See prices Brian, you know as you know we work with some very exclusive seed vendors, people that go all over the world looking for seeds, seed prices like other items, commodity items are going to go up next year whether we like it or not. And because of inflation because the definition of inflation it’s not so much seed prices going up as it is just the dollar, the value of the dollar going down so there may be some plight issues as well for certain crops. I think there has been some crop failures but seeds are a great gift and it’s a great time of year to cure seeds for next year.
Brian: And we’ve got some great deals to when you think about it Bill, the survival seed bank as you know it is priced at $164 plus shipping and handling but pretty cool you get, the offer is $99.95 plus you get a free homestead blessing DVD which I thought was pretty cool too, I learned a little bit in looking at that. And then the other thing that I am really kind of fired up about is speaking of DVDs our food storage secrets. And you know when you first said…
Bill: And you should be fired up about that.
Brian: Well think about it…
Bill: You were one of the stars.
Brian: Hannah is the star that I would say to you when you said hey Brian I need you to go down here and you are going to do a canning, jarring DVD, I’m thinking alright whatever, Jeramy was going to drive, I figured I could harass him for a while and I will try to make lemonade out of lemons but I had a blast. Now I am, I could see myself doing that, I really could. Even for someone like me to had no skill in that ilk at all being involved and learning the tips, the tricks, the secrets of food storage was a pretty cool thing. I had a blast and our three DVD series walks you through just like you were me, even if you have never had any experience whatsoever or you are a little rusty, you done it when you were younger and you want to get back into it now, this is A to Z, Hannah taught me everything. And I ended up enjoying my time in her kitchen.
Bill: I’m glad you enjoyed it, that you know I think Hannah is probably the best canner, the best person for doing this that I have ever… Did you know, you mentioned the other day Glenn Beck to me that he had been telling everyone to start to can their own food and store their own food so we have these food prep people on their and I’m thinking the same thing you are thinking that this is amazing because out of all of the people that he had on there we probably had a better, more professional presentation. He could have used that but I’m just glad Glenn’s telling people…
Brian: Sure.
Bill: To start to can food and prepare food and at least get the knowledge down so that you’ve got this if you need it in addition to actually, you know thinking about the future what you should do. It’s the knowledge of being able to can and then the ability to be able to pass that on to the next generation which I think it’s skipped a couple of generations didn’t it? We had grandparents, like my grandparents canned and then my dad to some degree but most people I think once food became easy in this country we just dropped it.
Brian: And I would say to you when I had the opportunity to have a bowl full of the tomatoes that Hannah had canned and I said look this is the best thing I have ever eaten I don’t think my taste buds were ready for something all-natural in that regard. You could very well be right, not only did we lose, you know I remember when I was little Ball jars when you couldn’t use them anymore my grandmother and granddad used them to store like nuts and bolts and nuts and tacks in the garage but when I had some of those tomatoes they were amazing in terms of the taste.
Bill: Well then you have control now you also introduced a great element Brian. You’ve got now control if you are going to can your own foods, you should also be growing your own foods and then you are controlling the taste, the nutritional density and so forth and plus that ole pesticides issue that everybody worries about, what’s in my food? You know I’ve been told, I’ve read articles about tomatoes in a lot of, being sold a lot of grocery stores that there is actually flounder DNA because of what they do with genetically modified flounder, the fish flounder DNA is in your tomatoes that you buy in most big stores, grocery stores. I’ll have you ever drop one off the table, you know they drop funny and then they hit the thing – a tomato when it drops off of your table should go splat a little bit, they just kind of bounce a little bit and then you pick them up and put them back in your refrigerator. If you want to pull them out six months later they are still looking pretty good.
Brian: Well you know speaking of food; I don’t want to forget to mention also the special we have as part of the Off the Grid Christmas special the dehydrated food. What a great offer that is, talk about a good amount of nutritionally dense foods that you have prepared in case the worst happens, I thought that was pretty cool as well.
Bill: Well you never know, and the word is security and if you got some food you can endure power outages or whatever might be thrown your way. You are there was something that – how can you live without food and water? I mean you just, that’s your basic core, right?
Brian: It is but also in addition to that basic core is security, you bring up the word. I was pretty fired up about these 600 power pack that we have as part of the Christmas special where you are able to hook up with that for just $199.95 plus shipping and handling, that’s $50 off the normal price. Of course the eliminator, I’m a big fan of that, it’s got the handle and the wheel set it whenever I need power I can roll it Bill into position instead of how am I going to lug all of these things around. We’ve got a great special on that $549 plus shipping and handling and that is $100 off and then the ultimate insecurity or I should say in addition to electrical security is the drag and draw gun safe that we have so where it is hooked up to your fingerprint. And the fingerprint I think of a half a dozen other people in your family so that your gun can be right there where you need it except for the little ones in your family and it’s all clued in to your fingerprint, that’s a pretty cool piece of gear.
Bill: That’s a good piece of gear and as you mentioned little elves in your family, people really like, you need to go to our listeners do and check out the video that we made at and check out the video that we did just a little while ago and it’s up there and as all of the specials that you’re talking about Brian. And it has the presentations; it has your cute little co-host on there.
Brian: She is a cutie, I’ll tell you that.
Brian: Alright so then also Bill before – I guess in them are going to be able to wrap your little bit we should talk about the Evac-Pack whether it’s the deluxe or the essentials but everything you’re going to need to survive an emergency whether it’s in your car, your home, say a child’s dorm room or you are going for an extended stay somewhere else, the Evac-Pack in those two models I think anyone getting one of those is going to dig it. They’re going to think that is a really a crazy gift.
Bill: I was thinking and maybe you can think of other ideas but I was thinking if you’ve got a college student in your family get one of those Evac-Packs, the big one or the small one and give it to your college student. It’s perfect for a trunk, glove box, whatever application, just when you go out on the road you never know what’s going to hit you and you’ve always got something or maybe it’s something you can throw in your vehicle if you’re going to go to the cabin or whatever, you never know what you are going to run into. It’s the perfect gift for that.
Brian: And if you think about it, traveling although most people travel leading up to today, the day after Thanksgiving but if you are going to travel for the holiday season to see a loved one, you don’t know if you get to wherever you’re going if they have all the gear that they are going to need in an emergency situation so you grab one of these, throat in your truck, you get there and then you’ve got peace of mind wherever you travel to. And then quickly I wanted to mention the solar oven because you know me, I went on and on and on about it in the video about the solar oven. It was designed here in Thompson Illinois by our own engineers; I just think that’s plain cool.
Bill: The solar oven here, we make them right here in the good old USA and that is another great way to cook if you don’t have any power.
Brian: Alright speaking of cooking, if you don’t have any power, please log on and see us Bill our website for the Off the Grid Christmas special…
Brian: and as always thank you so very much for listening especially the day after Thanksgiving. Thanks for waking up, shaking off all of that tryptophan from the turkey and hanging out with us here at our show but thank you for listening to Off the Grid Radio. Be sure to e-mail us with your questions, your comments, your critiques to [email protected], you can find us on Facebook, more and more people are doing it all the time, find us and follow us on twitter as always at offgridnews. On behalf of everyone here at Off the Grid News and Solutions from Science I’m Brian Brawdy.
Hey holiday shoppers do you have a patriot on your Christmas list that is nearly impossible to shop for? How would you like the ability to get top-of-the-line hard-to-find gifts at equally hard to beat prices without leaving the comfort of your home? Why fight the crowds? Simply log onto your computer for great gifts and deals for the off the grid enthusiasts in your family at you’ll find great prices on the most popular off the grid gifts available today at you’ll find unbeatable deals on emergency backup power, herb and vegetable seeds, dehydrated foods, emergency evacuation packs, solar ovens, gun safes, and a host of truly unique stocking stuffers. In these hard times why not give a gift that really counts, a gift that could truly make a difference. Go to and our Christmas video highlighting perfect gifts for the off the grid fans in your family. Unbeatable gear, unbeatable prices, no more searching,, that’s