“Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”
— Genesis 6:22
I have often wondered how Noah felt when God told him he needed to build an ark. Was there are moment where Noah stood there with his eyebrows raised and his lips pursed as he contemplated God’s sincerity? Maybe Noah wondered if God was joking. Maybe he thought God was testing him. No matter his initial thoughts though, Noah quickly began work on God’s instructions. Over the course of the months it took to build the ark, he was questioned by his family and ridiculed by his neighbors. Still, he worked onward. He never crumbled, never faltered, never returned to God complaining the work was too hard. He just kept building.
We are not unlike Noah; God has asked each one of us to build an ark. He wants us to create a place of refuge and He wants us to build it to His specifications. No, our arks will not look like Noah’s. They will not be raised above our towns but they will be in a location everyone else can see. Our arks are us. We are His masterpiece that we build a little at a time according to His plan. And He has offered us a beautiful blueprint for how to build our arks. We simply have to take the time to read the plans, study the changes and decisions that must be made, and visit regularly with the owner. And like Noah, our friends may laugh at us. They may not understand our decisions and choices, instead ridiculing us. But we are to rise above them and know we are following in God’s direction.
God has asked us to build an ark. Are you building yours?