Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. I Timothy 6:6-8
He who dies with the most toys wins… this common attitude drives much of the consumerism in the world. Preppers can fall into the same trap, if we are not conscious of the priorities God has placed before us.
Paul is warning Timothy, the young preacher here in chapter six, to be careful of what others are teaching. He tells Timothy to watch out for false teachers, some of whom think they can gain financially, by being a Christian. (vs5)
He then gets to our focal verses 6-8 and tells us to be content if he have food and clothing. After this is the familiar passage about the love of money being the root of all evil. So why is this important to the prepper?
As preppers, we can fall into the trap of overdoing it. We can continue to build, and spend resources on our preps, until the day we die. We want more, and more security from what we put away, when as Christians, we should know our security comes from Christ, not our preps.
Another trap we can run into is being blinded by our lust for certain preps. “Just a little more, and we will be set.” Just a little more ammo, just a little more junk silver to barter, just a few more buckets of wheat. If you have enough already, God can use those resources elsewhere.
We must learn to see that godliness with contentment is great gain in and of itself.
Christian Stewardship Is About More Than The Money We Drop Into The Collection Plate…