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Two Are Better Than One

9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Being a lone wolf can make great adventure story, but it is no way to go through your Christian walk. These verses speak to being alone physically, as well as spiritually.

The wisdom of Solomon points out that for most things, two are better than one. The reward of their labor is an increase of return. Many times the total will be greater than the sum of its parts. He also points out the folly of working alone, when things can go wrong. Without someone alongside us, we are physically, and spiritually, vulnerable to a fall.

Many Christians who are preppers keep to themselves; some are even anti-social. Sometimes this stems from the negative perception of the public. It can be hard to face ridicule for something you believe in strongly enough to embrace as a lifestyle.

Still, as Solomon points out, “Two are better than one.” Someone alongside us while doing the physical work will make the work go twice as fast. The old prepper adage of “two is one and one is none” holds true with people as well as supplies. When one is injured or ill, the work still gets done, if there were two to begin with.

Someone walking along our side spiritually will keep us accountable, and less apt to fall. The Bible tells us to not forsake gathering ourselves together. And Jesus told us that wherever two or more are gathered. He is in their midst. A lone wolf Christian is a much less powerful Christian.

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Today in Christian History

June 8th

1536 – Ten Articles of Religion were published by the English clergy, in support of Henry VIII’s Declaration of Supremacy. The Anglican Church had begun defining its doctrinal distinctions, after breaking with Roman Catholicism.

1810 – Birth of German composer Robert A. Schumann, who composed the sacred tune CANONBURY, to which is commonly sung the hymn, ‘Lord Speak to Me That I May Speak.’

1942 – Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM) was incorporated in Philadelphia. Today this interdenominational mission agency works in a dozen countries in Latin America, Europe and Africa.

1973 – The American Society of Missiology was founded in St. Louis. The ecumenical organization seeks to stimulate an academic interest in Christian missions, and publishes the journal ‘Missiology: An International Review.’

1978 – Through the voice of its president Spencer W. Kimball, the Mormon Church reversed a 148-year- long policy of spiritual discrimination against African-American leadership within the denomination.


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