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The Chinese version of Agenda 21 should serve as a big, bold, blinking warning sign for America.
So-called “ghost cities” in China – newly built cities with buildings but few or no people — are reportedly part of the sustainable development plans outlined in the United Nations’ Agenda 21 initiative.
The Agenda 21 China plan included measures to move “tens of millions” of citizens away from rural areas and into brand new cities designed in an eco-friendly manner. Although the eco-city in Tianjin has received a modicum of success, many of the “green” structures in the Agenda 21 compliant urban area are still vacant, according to a report in The Guardian.
The Agenda 21 United Nations program is a voluntary, non-binding plan which is allegedly focused solely on sustainable development. Adopted by 178 countries in 1992, the plan is based upon a program to abolish poverty and protect “fragile environments” by “properly” managing cities. Some charge the program wants to push all citizens into cities.
America is a “signatory” country to Agenda 21. Since the plan is a non-binding statement and not a treaty, a vote on the initiative was not necessary. In the United States, more than 500 large and moderate-sized cities are members of an international sustainability organization that reportedly supports the implementation of Agenda 21.
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China appears to be progressing its Agenda 21 measures at warp speed. The Chinese government is in the midst of relocating 250,000 citizens from rural farm areas into still-in-development eco-cities, The Common Sense Show reports. The new urban environmentally friendly cities can house more than one million people with over 65 million “micro-apartments” being constructed. Many of the tiny apartments remain unoccupied in the China ghost towns, but will likely be filled as the rural roundup continues.
In March China unveiled its new “urbanization plan” that included sections pertaining to both technical and social engineering. The China Agenda 21 plan reportedly indicates that more than 100 million rural residents will “be moved” into the eco-cities over the course of the next six years.
Such a scenario could never occur in America right? Yet critics of Agenda 21 say once someone becomes aware of the elements in the UN Agenda 21 initiative, it becomes evident that it may already be happening. News reports about infringement upon states’ rights and property rights, as well as mandates from the EPA, USDA, and FDA all could be seen as Agenda 21-driven.
In China, people are being forced into cities with threats of death, according to The Common Sense Show. Chinese political refugee and Princeton University professor Cheng Xiaonong said that farmers are being forcibly relocated at gun point and forced to relocate to urban areas.
Said Cheng:
[Party chief] Bo Xilai has been promoting a policy of moving farmers into towns, building apartments and moving forcibly relocated farmers into these stack and pack apartments and treating this as urbanization.
Common Sense Media reported:
Cheng said urbanization isn’t about calculating how many farmers are relocated into cities, but about farmers being able to move into the city and gaining some measure of sustainable employment and adequate living conditions. These relocated farmers, without the prospect of jobs, is a recipe for economic and social disaster. Soon, there will be tens of millions of Chinese totally dependent on government handouts to survive. This is the power that governments strive to obtain because it gives them total control. This Chinese scene is reminiscent of the Agenda 21 inspired movie, Hunger Games.
Dominic Barton, global managing director of McKinsey & Co., called it “good news” that China is urbanizing.
“What we’re basically seeing is more than 250,000 people moving from rural areas to cities every week,” Barton said.
Meanwhile, a California group known as the Post Sustainability Institute recently filed a lawsuit to stop a project, Plan Bay Area, which is a San Francisco-area long-range transportation and land-use/housing strategy that has a finish target of 2040. According to the Plan Bay Area website, the goal is to “accommodate future population growth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks.” That is done by building neighborhoods that are “within walking distance of frequent transit service” and that offer “a wide variety of housing options” and feature grocery stores, community centers, and restaurants.”
What do you think? Do you think the Chinese Agenda 21 movement should serve as a warning sign to Americans? Let us know in the comments below.
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