As the saying goes, “You shouldn’t keep all of your eggs in one basket.” This same logic applies very well to survival and bug-out bags.
You already may have one survival bag, but have you ever thought of the possibility that you might need more than one bug-out bag? Hopefully, you’ll always be able to get to your main bag or survival kit in the event of a disaster or grid-down situation.
But you can’t discount the chance that something could happen when you’re not in your home.
(Quick Note: This article is written assuming you know what a bug-out bag is, and the contents that need to be in it.)
How many survival or bug-out bags should you have, and where should you store them? Let’s take a look at some possibilities. Not everyone will want to stock this many bug-out bags, but all of them are worth considering.
Primary bug-out bag –Your main bug-out bag, and the one that you should be the most familiar with.
Car bug-out bag — This is not necessarily a full bug-out bag, but rather, it is necessary survival gear that is kept in your vehicle at all times. Usually, a small bag or a green, metal ammo can will be able to hold all of your survival equipment. You’ll want to do research on car survival gear for more information. (Read our previous story, “Survival Items You Should Always Have In Your Car,” here.)
Shed — If you have a shed, even if it’s only mere feet from your home where your main bug-out bag is, consider storing a similar or identical bug-out bag here, in case the first one gets lost in the disaster, is inaccessible or even gets stolen.
Storage garage — If you have some kind of a storage garage in town away from home, consider placing a bug-out bag there. This bag should be very similar, if not identical to, your main bug-out bag. You would use this one if you are away from you home and getting back to it seems unlikely.
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Ideally, you could have other supplies stored there, such as water and gasoline, and even some weapons and ammunition (if the storage facility allows it). In addition, if you plan on bugging out from your home, you can stop by your storage garage to retrieve these items, which will double the supplies and equipment that you have.
Work — This one sounds tricky, especially if you work in an open office environment. But you could have a small satchel of basic survival materials that you can store in your desk. Your weapon should be kept concealed carry on you, as you don’t want to keep a loaded weapon in your work station all day and all night.
Several for family members – Stock at least one bug-out bag for each member of your family. If you have younger children or someone who is physically incapable of working with a full-size bug-out bag, consider putting together a smaller bag or backpack consisting of basic survival tools.
At a relative’s house — If you have close relatives who you visit often and who live in the same town or region as you do, it doesn’t hurt to ask permission to store a bug-out bag at their house. You could be visiting with them and having a family holiday get-together or birthday celebration when things go bad. Or, they may be less impacted by the disaster. In that case, you’ll be glad you summed up the courage to ask for permission to store it on their property.
So, what do you think? How many survival or bug-out bags should be kept? Leave your reply in the section below: