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Letters To the Editor

Dear Friends at Off the Grid,

I just wanted to write and tell you guys how valuable your website has been for me, and by extension, for my friends. I have been copying and pasting all the good articles (okay, so I know y’all think they’re ALL good, so I will say “personal favorites”) into a Word document after I read them so I can have them for future reference. I have even shared this document with a few interested friends who either do not have Internet, or do not have the time to do such things, and every one of them have found your articles informative, easy to read, and even entertaining. One of my friends also does a radio show on Freedomizer Radio and I “chatted” into the show and had them announce your website since they were talking about food freedom that day.

So, PLEASE, keep up the good work. I just copied your latest article—the one on the production of goat’s milk ( I would NEVER have known to keep the Billies away from the Nannies, by the way)—and I look forward to your next newsletter. My “Off the Grid Food” document is up 78 pages already!

Faithful reader

Dear Faithful Reader,

Thank you so much for your wonderful letter! The team at Off the Grid News tries very hard to find informative, educational, and edifying material to present to our readers. We appreciate the warm regards and encourage everyone to do as you are doing—printing out those articles that are particularly educational and putting them into a binder of some sort for a paper library.

The Editor



Dear Editor,

Thank you so much for your newsletters. I am new to canning and gardening, but would like
to know if you have ideas about gardening around Tucson AZ. I have a huge mesquite tree
in our yard and a very small garden beneath it, where it catches morning and afternoon sun,
but filters the sun during the noon time. I’m growing tomatoes, squash, and a couple of other
things like herbs. I know the seriousness of having a garden and canning, and I would like
very much to do these things. Can you help me? Please?

I have the canning CDs. I need to buy the equipment.

Arizona native

Dear Arizona,

First, congratulations on your gardening and canning endeavors! You will feel such a sense of satisfaction when you start eating and preserving your own food!

As for you question on gardening, because I hail from the very humid climate of the South, I have no idea about gardening in the drier, desert regions as such. However, I did find the Tucson Organic Gardeners website online. Click here to go to their website. You can also get lots of information from your local extension service or a local college that sports an agricultural department about gardening in your particular area.

For equipment needs, scour garage sales and eBay. Walmart has great prices on new canners. I would suggest the larger Presto model (I think it’s the 23-quart, but don’t hold me to that number!) that will hold one layer of quarts or two layers of pints. You can order that online at I like Presto because the replacement parts—from gaskets to gauges—can almost always be found locally at hardware stores. I like Presto because the replacement parts—from gaskets to gauges—can almost always be found locally at most hardware stores.

The Editor

If you’d like to contact the editor, please send an email to [email protected]