Shortages of organic food are being reported in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Instead of organic eggs, shoppers in both New Jersey and Colorado found signs referencing a nationwide shortage of organic food.
Eggs are not the organic product missing from shelves. A Fox affiliate in New York reported that there have been shortages since Christmas of various organic produce, including strawberries and cucumbers.
Across the Atlantic, British supermarkets are having a hard time finding organic beef, an executive with the Sainsbury’s grocery chain told The Daily Mail newspaper. Justin King said his stores had a difficult time finding sources of grass-fed beef. The Mail also predicted that British shoppers will soon face a shortage of organic milk.
Increasing Demand Blamed For Organic Shortages
The main reason for the shortage? Perhaps New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier, organic food blogger Jon Steffy told the TV station. Steffy said demand for organic food increases in January because so many people make resolutions to eat organic.
“So I think we notice it more as demand continues to grow for wholesome organic food,” Steffy said. Some experts think that demand for organics cannot keep up with the supply.
“The point here is that the organic milk sector has not enough supply to meet demand for organic milk and the conventional milk sector is in a structural state of overproduction,” Richard Hampton, the chief of sales for Britain’s Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative, told The Daily Mail. Hampton predicted that shortages of organic milk in the United Kingdom will soon force retailers in that nation to start importing organic dairy products.
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Recent news stories about a study that shows milk from grass-fed cows contains more healthy Omega 3 fatty acids have increased demands for organic dairy products, The Daily Mail reported. The situation could soon get much worse because the demand for organic milk is outstripping the supply.
Shortages of organic milk overseas could raise prices in the US, because it could increase the export of US organic products. In turn, that will lower the amount of organics available for American consumers.
Organic milk supplies in Britain are low because many farmers in the UK view organic milk as unprofitable.
Organic Food Shortage Shows Why You Should Grow Your Own Food
The organic food shortage has good news and bad news for health-conscience Americans. The good news: Organic food is becoming more popular. The bad news: The food supply and the food industry continue to be unreliable. A simple increase in demand for a product caused by a news story or New Year’s resolutions can lead to serious shortages.
Even some supermarket and food industry executives are admitting that the industry cannot keep up with the demand. Those of us who want our families to eat healthy and wholesome organic food may soon have to start providing it ourselves.
Taking such steps as growing a garden, raising sprouts or raising chickens may be the answer for many Americans.
Such food shortages could also be an opportunity; some Americans will be able to make money off small scale organic farming. Those who cannot find organic food at the supermarket may be willing to buy it from a local farmer.
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