One of the main reasons why nettle oil is so effective is due to its anti-inflammatory properties that help treat different illnesses.
Most people can find nettle growing in their backyards or gardens. However, nettle is not just a weed. It has many benefits. In fact, it’s commonly used as a medicinal herb all over the world. You can use it in the form of nettle oil, which offers many benefits for the human body.
What Is Nettle Oil?
You can extract nettle oil from Urtica dioica, which is a woody, fibrous plant. Nettle is also referred to as hemp nettle, white nettle or devil’s leaf. It can be found in Eurasia, the U.S., Japan, etc. An interesting thing happens when the hair from its pointed leaves stings your skin. If you had any pain in the part that got stung, then the original pain in that area will be reduced. Researchers published an article in Penn State Hershey stating that nettle can reduce the number of inflammatory chemicals in the body. It can also change the way pain is transmitted in the body. According to a 2013 study that was published in Phytomedicine, nettle oil can be more effective in fighting any diseases that come about as a result of inflammation. The oil can even work better than other traditional remedies.
Nettle Oil Uses
Humans have used nettle oil for over 2,000 years to:
• Stop internal and external bleeding
• Purify blood
• Get rid of mucus congestion, skin issues, diarrhea, and water retention.
• Improve hair and scalp health. Put some of it into your shampoo and hair products and then massage it into your hair and scalp. It’s a good practice to wrap a towel around your hair, leave it overnight, and then rinse it out the following day. This will help you in case you have problems with dandruff or psoriasis, and it will also promote hair growth.
• Apply it topically to the skin in case you have eczema, chicken pox, or bites from insects.
• Help reduce prostate problems, gout, and allergic rhinitis by swallowing it in the form of a capsule.
Nettle Oil Composition
The oil is composed of thymol, carvacrol, cymene, terpene, anisole, and eucalyptol. Its leaves have vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin K, sistosterin and xanthophylls.
Nettle Oil Benefits
Nettle oil possesses fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can use it when you have asthma, inflammation, rheumatism, convulsions, osteoporosis, burns, abrasions on the skin, and allergies. Here’s the good news: if you suffer from any of these conditions, this oil can help you a lot.
How To Make Nettle Oil Infusion
Step by step instructions for making nettle oil at home:
• Fresh nettle leaves and stems
• Pick fresh nettle leaves and stems
• In a container, soak these leaves and stems completely in olive oil
• Be sure to cover the container and leave it in a sunny place for two to three weeks. Make sure to stir this mixture on a daily basis
• Use a cheesecloth to strain this mixture
• Keep the resulting oil in a cool, dark place
How Nettle Oil Works
One of the main reasons why nettle oil is so effective is due to its anti-inflammatory properties that help treat different illnesses. When you orally ingest it, this oil affects the production of prostaglandin and other chemicals in your body that cause inflammation. Make sure you consult with a medical doctor before you start using this oil, especially if you will be taking it orally.
Is Nettle Oil Safe?
It’s relatively safe to take, but if you have any allergic reaction to plants of the nettle family, then it’s best to avoid this oil. You are also better off mixing nettle oil together with other oils, such as coconut oil and olive oil, to dilute it. There’s an additional warning if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Don’t use this oil since little research has been done on how it can affect this group of people.
Nettle Oil Side Effects
First, let’s discuss some of the minor side effects that you might notice after taking nettle oil. These may include skin rashes, upset stomach, and fluid retention. It’s also not advisable to take it when you are using medication for blood clotting, high blood pressure, and diabetes. If you have any kind of disease, you should avoid using this oil until you have consulted a medical doctor.
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Stinging Nettles: The Delicious Spring Edible ‘Weed’ That Is Easily Tamed
What are your thoughts on the many benefits and uses of nettle oil? Let us know in the comments below.