Usually considered as a culinary herb, oregano has medicinal properties that have been understood and used for many years. The name of this herb is derived from the Greek words oros (mountain) and ganos (joy or splendor). Besides being a beautiful plant, the mountains that it grows on are much more beautiful because of its presence and the fresh aroma that is carried on the breezes all around it. Oregano grows wild year after year in mountainous areas that are free of pollution and flourishes in sunny fields late into the summer months. The power of oregano’s healing properties lie in its oil-laden leaves. Be aware that in many of the grocery stores and supermarkets of North America, oregano has been mislabeled as marjoram and even thyme. But the medicinal properties of these two herbs may be somewhat different than those of oregano.
Oil of Oregano
Oil extracted from the leaves of oregano has been used safely for reducing pain related to toothache. When poured into the cavity of the painful tooth it is as useful for some as oil of clove has been for others.
Oil of oregano has also been used successfully as a fungicide in treating recurrent fungal infections, such as the chronic yeast infections associated to Candida albicans – systemic or chronic intestinal yeast overgrowth. Oil of oregano has shown helpful in cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome and other intestinal parasites and bacterial infections.
Oil of oregano historically has been used to replace anti-inflammatory medications for reversing pain and swelling. Some report it as being nearly as strong a pain killer as morphine.
Oil of oregano can be used topically to give immediate relief for bug bites, bee stings and other venomous bites until proper medical treatment can be sought.
Oregano’s oil has also been suggested for treating dandruff, diaper rash, and other disorders of the skin.
Dried Leaves
The leaves can be dried and put into gelatin capsules for internal use when using as a tea is inconvenient.
Externally the leaves can be pounded into a paste by adding a small amount of hot water to reach the desired consistency. Some oatmeal can be added to thicken it, if needed. This can then be applied to relieve the pain of rheumatism, itching and swelling, aching muscles, and other sores.
Placing a handful of dried leaves into a cheesecloth bag or a sock and tying it closed and placing into hot bath water can sooth tired joints, muscles, and aching feet. Allow it to steep in the bath as you relax in the warm, fragrant water.
People from Jamaica have been known to burn incense of oregano to ward off coughs and other respiratory complaints.
Tea made from oregano leaves can be used for loss of appetite, nervousness, indigestion, excess gas, bloating, urinary problems, coughs, headaches, bronchial problems, swollen glands and to induce and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle. Some have used this tea to relieve fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice. Unsweetened, you can use oregano tea as a mouthwash or gargle. Sipping it hot gives one its maximum benefits.
Prepare the tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or 3 tablespoons of crushed, fresh leaves in 8 ounces of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Another Tea recipe
4 to 6 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves
2 ½ cups water
1 tablespoon honey
Tea strainer
Cut the leaves to release the oil. Boil the water on the stove for 10 minutes, and then add the leaves to the pot. Steep over low flame for 20 minutes, tasting often to keep from getting bitter. Strain and add the honey. Avoid sugar or artificial sweeteners as they may block its medicinal properties. Pour into mugs and sip slowly while hot to enjoy its maximum benefits.
Other Uses
- Depression, flu, constipation, parasites, brain fog, fungus of the toe and fingernail, head lice, lung fungus, warts and athlete’s foot.
- Eczema, ear infection, allergies, burns, bleeding, fatigue, sprains, colds, and back pain.
- Lyme disease, colitis / gastrointestinal disorders, canker sores, E. coli – and try it for whatever ails you.
- Used in combination with Marjoram, Oregano can be used as a food preservative, as an antioxidant and antibacterial, for potpourris and to give fragrance to soaps and lotions
- Oregano tea, when sprayed, cleans the air, kills bugs on plants, and can kill fleas.
Not been enough current research has been done to support or refute any of these claims. However oregano can be safely tested at home, so experiment to see what it can do for you.
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