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Wayne County (MI) Commissioner Reggie Davis plans to take his fight for gun control nationwide through more ammo background checks.
A county commissioner wants you to undergo a mental health evaluation to purchase ammunition. In particular, Reggie Davis’s “bullet bill” will require ammo background checks and psychiatric exams for anybody purchasing cartridges.
Police will conduct both the ammo background checks and mental-health evaluations, The Hill reports. As a result, you will need police approval to buy a box of cartridges.
Sheriff Will Conduct Ammo Background Checks
Specifically, Davis wants the Wayne County (Michigan) Sheriff’s Office to conduct mental health evaluations. Davis intends to use ammo background checks and mental health evaluations for gun control.
“It’s not the gun that’s doing the killing, it’s the bullets,” Davis says. “We have no laws that restrict the purchasing of ammunition for the majority of handguns.”
The bullet bill will make ammo more expensive and harder to get, The Detroit Free Press charges. Davis apparently wrote the bill with the purpose of keeping ammunition out of citizens’ hands.
Conversely, Davis’s bullet bill will raise money for “Second Amendment education,” The Detroit Free Press claims. That money will apparently come from a tax on ammunition.
The bullet bill is an ordinance that Davis introduced to the Wayne County Commission for the purpose of gun control on September 18. Davis is the Wayne County Commissioner for District Six.
Ultimately, Davis’s ammo background checks could affect well over 600,000 people. To clarify, Wayne County contains Detroit and many of its suburbs. Currently, the Census Bureau estimates Detroit’s population at 672,795.
Gun Control By Ammo Background Checks
Another purpose of ammo background checks is to implement gun control without Congress or state legislatures. Notably, Republicans hold most seats in both houses of Michigan’s legislature.
“We’re up against some state and federal laws,” Davis admits. Furthermore, Davis plans to take his fight for gun control nationwide through more of these types of ammo background checks.
Davis, however, strangely claims to still be a supporter of the Second Amendment and gun rights.
“I totally support the Second Amendment,” Davis states. “I respect and understand the right to bear arms. But only to those who have no mental illness and can responsibly use that gun to protect themselves.”
Moreover, Davis admits to being a former gun owner who respects the National Rifle Association (NRA) and its work. Davis claims he got rid of his guns after a robber killed his brother Vito.
“I’m going to memorialize my brother and his life in the fight against gun violence,” Davis boasts.
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Why Is The CDC Promoting Fake Gun Injuries?
What do you think about ammo background checks? Do they have any place in our society? Let us know in the comments below.