The movement to place local law enforcement training under federal control has gained momentum following several high-profile controversial encounters involving police.
“There are approximately 18,000 departments in the United States,” former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told NBC’s Meet the Press. “In my opinion, far too many. And we need to look at a long-term goal. More regionalization, better training, more consistency in policy and procedures.”
Ramsey was the co-chair of The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, whose purpose was to develop a blueprint for reforming American law enforcement. The final report, released in May 2015, reads like a blueprint for having the federal government gain more control over local police.
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Ramsey is one of a growing number of people who believe recent police shootings and violence should serve as a pretext for centralization of America’s law enforcement efforts. President Obama said after the Dallas tragedy that he wants any solutions to be based on the report.
Centralized Police Training
“We need to bring people together, but we need more consistency in terms of the training that’s provided, the selection and hiring of individuals,” Ramsey said.
The Task Force issued a final report that recommended more federal government involvement.
“The U.S. Department of Justice, through the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and Office of Justice Programs, should provide technical assistance and incentive funding to jurisdictions with small police agencies that take steps towards shared services, regional training, and consolidation,” the final report recommended.
The report also said that the federal government should have a larger role in police training.
“The Federal Government should support the development and delivery of training to help law enforcement agencies learn, acquire, and implement technology tools and tactics that are consistent with the best practices of 21st century policing,” the report states.
The training would be directed by the Department of Justice.
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