Should Mt. Rushmore be destroyed because it supposedly is a “racist” monument? A new man-on-the-street video found a surprising number of people who said “yes.”
When prankster Mark Dice asked a group of people at a San Diego beach if they supported President Obama’s supposed plan to deconstruct Mount Rushmore, most of them agreed. Obama has no such plan, but Dice – as he often does – made up a story to see if people agreed.
“Should we tear down the racist white supremacist Mount Rushmore monument to continue eradicating these symbols of racism?” Dice asked an unidentified woman.
“Absolutely,” the woman answered, saying it should be replaced with “positive” symbols. The faces of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson comprise the monument. .
Only one man called Dice out, saying there was no such executive order.
Dice filmed the video in light of the move in some cities and states to rid the country of Confederate symbols and monuments.
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“President Obama is now working to remove Mount Rushmore to deconstruct the monument,” Dice told an unidentified man. “Do you think that’s the right decision? Do you think that we should continue with the deconstruction of Mount Rushmore to eradicate these symbols of racism that are spread throughout America?”
The man answered, “I think that we’re just kind of changing with the times.”
Dice told another man, “[Obama] just signed the executive order. The deconstruction is beginning immediately.”
This man responded, “That’s cool. Where is that located?”
At another points Dice said, “The point is that Mount Rushmore is all white slave-owning men, the founders of America.” Dice said. No one caught the fact that Lincoln and Roosevelt weren’t founders, and they never owned slaves.
Only one man gave an intelligent answer, and said, “I’m way too smart to fall for this.” Dice gave him a high five.
Dice’s prank was apparently inspired not simply by the controversy over the Confederate battle flag but over debates over statues and other symbols. There have been calls to remove the images of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson and Confederate President Jefferson Davis from the Stone Mountain Monument in Georgia. Richard Rose, the head of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, told an Atlanta TV station that he would like to see the images sandblasted.
In Memphis, Tennessee, the city council wants to dig up the remains of Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, which are in a city park, and move them elsewhere.
This is only the latest man-on-the-street video by Dice. He recently got several people to sign a petition demanding that petitioning be banned. Dice also successfully asked people to sign petitions to repeal the First Amendment and to increase inflation to 100 percent to cause hyperinflation.
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