image credit www5.cbia.com
A GMO flu vaccine just hit the market. The influenza shot contains genetically modified proteins that were generated from insect cells. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave a stamp of approval to Flublok only recently. The genetically modified flu vaccine contains an insect virus named baculovirus and recombinant DNA technology. Baculovirus allegedly allows for a more rapid production of vaccines.
The insert inside a package of Flublok states that the flu vaccine is trivalent, meaning it contains GMO protein comprised of three different flu strains. Monsanto and their ilk are no longer just impacting the integrity of our food supply; they are now altering medications as well. Flublok is made by Protein Sciences Corporation. According to the PSC website, the GMO flu vaccine is made by extracting fall armyworm cells and then genetically altering them to made massive amounts of hemagglutinin. The fall armyworm is a version of the caterpillar. Hemagglutinin is a flu virus protein that allows the flu virus to filtrate through the body more quickly.
Vaccines are traditionally created using egg cultures. While having the ability to generate copious amounts of vaccines quickly, the potential health ramifications of ingesting GMO flu concoctions are just not worth the risk. Serious side effects possibly linked to genetically modified vaccines could include Guillain-Barre Syndrome—a deadly nerve disease.
A side effects warning also inside the Flublok package reads:
“If Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) has occurred within six weeks of receipt of a prior influenza vaccine, the decision to give Flublok should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. Warnings and Precautions: Other potential side effects include allergic reactions, respiratory infections, headaches, fatigue, altered immunocompetence, rhinorrhea, and myalgia.”
There are obviously possible side effects associated with any type of synthetic medication, but GMO vaccines could exemplify such risks. Data from Flublok clinical trials states that two test participants died during the medical experiments. Despite the high-risk side effects and two deaths, Protein Sciences Corporations still claims that the GMO flu vaccine is safe for human consumption. The company goes on to claim that Flublok is effective against all 45 known strains of flu, and not just a single or a few strains—as is supposedly the case with traditional vaccines.
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Late last fall, the US Food and Drug Administration also approved Flucelvax, another flu vaccine. Flucelvax is created using cells from dog kidneys. The non-traditional vaccine is made by Novartis, another Big Pharma company. Even if you do not approve of GMO vaccines and have no intention of ever taking such a flu prevention substance, you are still paying for its creation.
Both Flublok and Flucelvax were only made possible due to $1 billion donated via America taxpayers in the form of a Health and Human Services grant. In 2006, HHS allowed grant funds to be utilized for the development of new vaccine manufacturing methods. The ultimate goal was the ability to make hundreds of millions of vaccines in the case of a global pandemic.
Two more GMO flu vaccines are also currently in the works. Novavax is using “bits of genetic material grown in caterpillar cells” to make one of the GMO medicines. The genetic material is referred to as “virus-like” particles that have the ability to mimic a flu virus.
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statement about the approval of Flublok reads:
“Unlike the production method for currently available seasonal influenza vaccines, Flublok does not use the influenza virus or chicken eggs in its manufacturing process. However, it does use a manufacturing process similar to that used to make vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for the prevention of other diseases. Flublok has a shorter shelf life, with an expiration period of 16 weeks from the production date, as compared to currently available inactivated influenza vaccines.”
The CDC considers Flublok a beneficial vaccine due to the ability to make massive amounts of the medicine quickly in case of a vaccine shortage or pandemic. The GMO flu vaccine is approved for individuals age 18 through 49. Why exactly the maximum age is so relatively young is not explained by the CDC. Traditional flu vaccines are safe for babies as young as six months, according to the FDA’s vaccines, blood, and biologics report.

image credit proteinsciences.com
The possible side effects of the GMO flu vaccine posted on the CDC website differ greatly from the ones actually included in Flublok’s packaging. The government agency claims that the health risks associated with the genetically modified flu vaccine are similar to those from traditional vaccines and list only headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and pain at the injection site. The two clinical trial deaths and the possibility of being stricken with Guillain-Barre Syndrome are mysteriously absent from the list.
A universal genetically engineered flu vaccine which can be given every five to ten years could become available in just a few more years. American children are already required to subject themselves to a series of inoculations in order to attend school. Should the universal GE flu vaccine become a reality, such a shot could wind up on the required list as well. If you think it is impossible that the federal government could impose on our medical choices in such an intrusive way, I suggest you read the Obamacare law.
Pharmaceutical companies have long lamented the costly nature of creating traditional flu vaccines and note the low return in comparison with heart medication, diabetes medication, and pain killers. Now that GMO vaccines have become a reality, it will likely not be long before traditional flu shots become a thing of the past. Once the GE vaccines have been deemed usable on folks younger and older than the current guidelines, what incentive is there for a pharmaceutical company to engage in the more time-consuming and less lucrative method of vaccine creation?
Early flu studies by the National Institute of Health’s Vaccine Research Center indicated that a portion of the flu virus is typically hidden from the immune system. It is now believed that GE flu vaccines could penetrate the immune system and illicit an “appropriate response.” Both NIH and HHS are “keeping their fingers crossed” that they have found the missing link to the flu vaccine response. A level of confidence far beyond the finger crossing of federal agencies should be present before GMO vaccines are permitted to invade the human immune system.