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Most gardeners know the soil just isn’t what it used to be.
That means adding back minerals to the soil can immediately catapult your garden fertility which means better tasting and more nutritionally-dense vegetables.
Plus, it’s just the right thing to do if we want to be good stewards.
I’m writing today because we have an amazing product that literally brings broad spectrum fertility from the “ocean deep” directly to your garden. (It really is nature’s perfect nutrient blend for growing vegetables.)
The best part is that it creates a miraculous trace mineral “synergy” which means it makes each mineral more effective in the formula than if it were by itself.
Here’s today’s urgent news for gardeners who want broad spectrum fertility for the 2019 gardening season:
With the weather we had this winter, many folks are going to be way behind in the garden. (I know I’ll be.) That means now is the time to make sure you’re ready to give your garden vegetables every nutrient they need to “grow like crazy” this year. Listen, we’ve got a product called SeaMazing that will do this, I promise.
So this growing season… because of the crazy weather…
I’ll pay half… if you’ll pay half. Sound fair?
Just use coupon code SOIL to get “half-off” when you go to
One more thing. There is an important restriction on this offer as well: this “below our cost” offer is ONLY good for 48 hours. After that it’s gone.
So hurry. This is all over Sunday night at Midnight.