Cleaning with oregano oil is ideal because it has excellent antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.
Keeping your home clean is important, especially as changing seasons typically hail the arrival of a new onslaught of cold and flu viruses. While sanitizing and deodorizing is important, did you know that many common household cleaners contain dangerous pollutants? These contaminants can damage the environment, water quality, and even your own health.
Luckily, oregano oil has the ability to kill the bacteria that are responsible for common illnesses like food poisoning and the common cold. It has excellent antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. These impressive attributes make it a prime candidate to replace chemical-based, commercial cleaning products.
The History Of Oregano Oil
You likely already grow oregano in your herb garden, as this delicious spice can add flavor to a range of dishes such as pizza or pasta sauce. Particularly, the Greeks and Spanish have made use of Oregano for a long period of time. It can even be grown as a perennial in some places.
Oregano also has a long, storied past as a medicinal plant. The Ancient Greeks utilized it to treat mild poisoning and skin infections, as well as for antiseptic purposes. Many people still employ Oregano oil today to treat ear infections, immune system dysfunction, and bacterial infections.
Why You Should Be Cleaning With Oregano Oil
Oregano is a bushy plant that is part of the Lamiaceae family. With fragrant, round leaves and tiny, white flowers, you can grow this plant all over the world. Furthermore, even the most modest homestead herb gardener can produce it in large quantities.
Oregano oil possesses potent antibacterial properties. Research studies have proven that oregano oil is effective against five strains of common bacteria, including those responsible for giardia, listeria, salmonella, and other common infections. Oregano oil is also effective at fighting drug-resistant E.coli and Staphylococcus bacteria.
The reason behind this is that oregano contains high levels of carvacrol and thymol. These are two phenol chemicals that have the ability (more so than other essential oils) to cleanse and deeply reinvigorate any surface. This is why oregano is so useful as a cleaning agent, medicine, and dietary supplement.
Oregano oil offers many other benefits. When you use it as part of an aromatherapy routine, it can help loosen unpleasant mucus buildup in your sinuses. This process aids in alleviating common respiratory problems. It can prevent viral infections and even lessen your body’s sensitivity to allergens. In addition, some people have had limited success in using it to relieve pain.
More Powerful Than Other Cleaning Products And Even Prevents Resistance
You can use oregano oil cleaning solutions in any location, including around children and pets. You don’t need to worry about staining your clothes or leaving behind an unpleasant residue when cleaning with oregano oil. It smells lovely and you can use it on practically any surface.
Oregano oil cleaning solutions can replace any cleaning solution with the exception, perhaps, of dish and laundry detergents. This is because those items tend to need additional ingredients to get the job done. While some bacteria become resistant to chemical cleaning solutions, oregano has the ability to kill even the most durable strains of viruses and bacteria.
Unique supplement increases energy levels naturally
DIY Oregano Oil Cleaning Recipe
Luckily, it is incredibly easy to make your own oregano oil cleaning solution. It lasts indefinitely and you can store it in a cool, dark location between uses so that you never have to run to the store for cleaning supplies ever again.
You can purchase oregano oil from an herbal or holistic medicine store, or you can create your own oregano essential oil by steaming freshly picked oregano leaves over boiling water. Either way, using oregano oil is the key to a healthier home and body.
The most important part of making effective oregano oil cleaning solutions is never to use refillable plastic spray bottles. These can leach chemicals into your cleaning supplies, thereby reducing the effect of your cleaning solution and also increasing its toxicity. Instead, purchase a glass spray bottle with any kind of screw-top and sprayer nozzle.
To make the cleaning solution, simply combine a cup of water, twenty drops of oregano essential oil, and two teaspoons of castile soap. If you are looking to create a solution with more powerful antiseptic properties, add some white vinegar and lemon oil as well. Oregano oil also pairs well with other essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, and rosemary. So, if you dislike the scent as you are cleaning with oregano oil, you can always experiment with other blends.
Shake the solution, no matter the blend, thoroughly each time you use it. Make sure you store the mixture in a dark place as sunlight can oxidize essential oils and render them useless.
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 11 ‘Powerhouse’ Essential Oils That Combat The Cold & Flu
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