If you’ve ever tangled with a berry patch or accidentally backed into a Spanish Dagger, then you know how painful they can be. When strategically placed, plants can act as an efficient form of home security defense without having to invest a lot of money.
When creating a fortress of solitude, most people think about building a fence to keep unwanted visitors out. However, plants make a much better defense for home security. Fences tend to draw curiosity, while plants seem to go unnoticed. That is until someone tries to walk through them! Here are six plants you need to plant for a natural home security system.
#1- Century Plants (Agave Americana)
Commonly called a Century Plant or Sentry Plant, unlike its name suggest, it typically only lives 10-30 years. This home security plant has firm green leaves that grow 3-5 ft long with massive spikes and a tip that can easily pierce the skin.
The Century Plant thrives in drought conditions and spreads freely. The leaves are pale green and look beautiful in landscaping. Virtually disease free, this plant is easy to grow and maintain.
#2- Spanish Dagger (Yucca Gloriosa)
The Spanish Dagger is another evergreen that is easy to grow in warm climates. The long, stiff pointy leaves make this the perfect plant for home security.
When we were planning our home security garden, a friend recommended the Spanish Dagger. All we did was took a machete to the stalk of the plant, pulled back a couple of the leaves and we stuck it in the ground. Within no time, we had a real home security defense garden. As they grow tall, their weight will make them fall over, and then they will root and spread.
Often a focal point in tropical gardens, the Spanish Dagger is visually pleasing and a deterrent to trespassers.
#3- Osage Orange Tree (Maclura Pomifera)
When I asked my fellow homesteading friends about plant security, many of them recommended the Osage Orange Tree. Osage Orange is a fast-growing tree that was used in place of barbed wire during the early 19th century.
The Osage Orange Tree produces a strong timber that resists rot and outlasts most lumber. Outside of its ability to grow fast, this unique tree produces many sharp, steel strong thorns that make it the perfect tree for home security.
All natural fertilizer helps your plants grow like crazy
#4- Rose Bushes
“A rose is a rose” indeed, but every rose has a thorn, and a rose bush is an excellent plant for home security when placed in the right location. The woody, thorny branches offer a painful sting which can spread disease and infection.
From miniature to climbing, roses grow in almost any climate which makes them the ideal plant for home security.
#5- Berry Bushes
How about a home security system that feeds you? Now you won’t see ADT making that claim! Many berry plants like gooseberries, blackberries, and raspberries all produce delicious fruit that are high in antioxidants, but more importantly– thorns. Berries are fast growing and hardy to zone 3. From trellising to hedgerow, berries can be incorporated into any landscape and may be used for both home security and food.
#6- Citrus Trees
Another home security tree that has the added benefit of food are citrus trees. Several lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit trees produce thorns along their trunks, branches, and twigs.
We have several citrus trees on our property, and the thorns are like no other. They are planted below our bedroom windows with plenty of room to grow. We chose this place for two reasons. One, for security. Anyone not knowing about the 3″ long, piercing thorns are in for a treat if they try to enter through our windows. Two, our house provides our citrus trees with radiant heat which helps them thrive.
Where To Plant Your Home Security Plants
As I mentioned above, placement is imperative when planting for home security.
The Osage Orange Tree makes an excellent perimeter tree. Creating a fast-growing hedgerow, the Osage Orange will be your first line of defense.
Plant your home security plants below every window (making sure the residents still have a safe escape in case of emergency) and bye very point of entry.
The climbing roses and berry bushes will do an excellent job of protecting you when planted below upper-level windows.
And finally, Spanish Daggers mixed with Century Plants make the perfect home security hedge closer to the home.
Add aesthetics and security to your home with the protection that only nature can provide. No one will ever know you have a secret fortress.