According to the F.B.I. Bureau of Crime Statistics, there are over 1,300,000 violent crimes reported every year in this country, and these include over 800,000 aggravated assaults, over 88,000 forcible rapes, and over 400,000 robberies. People often feel uneasy in public places, and with so much crime happening, many people are purchasing non-lethal self-defense products to have on hand just in case an unexpected situation comes up where they may need a little protective edge to prevent something worse from happening.
We can try to plan for everything, but we can be prepared for the unexpected? With so many different options out there it can be tough to determine exactly what the best fit is for us personally. Let’s take a look at some of the options available.
Are Non-Lethal Self-Defense Products Effective?
If you don’t own a firearm or you own a gun, but it isn’t legal and/or practical to carry it with you, then you may want to consider another form of self-defense. You could take a martial arts or other self-defense course, if you have the time and money. If you don’t have the time or money, then investing in a non-lethal self-defense weapon is a more practical way to go.
Non-lethal weapons have proven to be highly effective in adverse situations. However, unless you know what kind of a weapon best suits your needs, how to use that weapon, and the legality of owning and using it where you live, then carrying a self-defense weapon could get you into trouble. So, while non-lethal self-defense is a great idea, and one that can protect you, do some research before you purchase a product.
Popular Non-Lethal Weapons
The following is a list of some of the popular non-lethal self-defense products available:
- Cell Phones
Cellular telephones are considered to be one of the best self-defense devices available, because they are fairly inexpensive, legal everywhere, and they are multipurpose. - Flashlights
Anodized aluminum flashlights are small and can be carried in a pocket or purse, and the flashlight is heavy and sturdy enough to be used as a club. - Pepper Sprays
Police departments and other authorities often recommend pepper spray, but pepper sprays have their drawbacks. For one they don’t work well if you try to spray an attacker who is upwind of you. Another is that some are illegal to own. Their propellants have an expiration date you need to be aware of, and sometimes their containers leak. - Mace Sprays
Mace sprays are like pepper sprays, except in addition to OC pepper and CN tear gas, they also contain a UV marking dye. The OC pepper in Mace sprays cause the burning in the eyes, uncontrollable coughing, and choking. CN tear gas causes profuse tearing, an intense burning sensation on the skin, and disorientation. The UV dye marks the attacker and can aid in identifying the person if he or she is apprehended. - Stun Batons
Stun Batons can be as long as 18 inches long and have 800,000 volts of power. The sides of some stun batons may also be electrified to prevent an attacker from grabbing the stun baton from you. These often come with a belt loop holster so you can carry the baton on your belt. - Stun Flashlights and Lipsticks
These are strong mini-stun items that are rechargeable and fairly small, so they are easy to hide and handle. They usually have a safety switch and/or disable pin to prevent accidental discharges. While these stun guns are small, they are powerful and pack a wallop. - Cell Phone Stun Guns
The cell phone stun guns look exactly like a cell phone but can’t make or receive calls. Some of these babies carry 4.5 Million volts of power. You can wear them on your belt or put them in your pocket or purse. - Personal Alarms
These are super loud mini alarms that are activated when the pin is pulled from the unit. They are designed to emit a very loud alarm to draw attention in a bad situation. You can wear them on your belt or in your pocket or purse, and some come with a door alarm accessory that converts into a portable door or window alarm. - High Velocity Sling Shots
Some of these slingshots have a range of over 100 yards. Most, but not all, are made of light aluminum with a leather pouch. - Pistol Crossbow
This is a mini crossbow with a 50 pound draw, which means it can fire an arrow over 120 feet in less than 1 second. These are usually durable and have adjustable sights. - Nunchucks
These look like a big nutcracker with a swivel chain design and grooved handles. They are powerful martial arts weapons that you throw, and they take training to use properly. - Throwing Stars, Ninja Moon Stars
These are star-shaped metal objects with very sharp edges. They are used as martial arts weapons and they are thrown. The pointed tips will easily stick into target board, wood, walls and skin. These can be highly dangerous and should only be used by those trained to use them properly. - Ninja Caltrops
These are steel spikes that are simple and effective. No matter how you drop them, they always land with one sharp point sticking straight up. They are capable of puncturing a car tire or going through the sole of a shoe. If you are ever being chased, throw a handful of these behind you. They will spread out on the ground, and the chase will end. - Ninja Spiked Kubotan Keychain
These spiked keychains can penetrate flesh, bone, and everything else. Made of solid, heavy-duty stainless steel, these little self-defense tools can do some serious damage.
Parting Words of Advice
The best way to avoid becoming the victim of violent crime is to carry a non-lethal self-defense weapon with you, be aware of your surroundings at all times, and don’t knowingly place yourself in situations or places where there is a high probability that something threatening could happening. By doing these things you can maximize your safety and the safety of those who are with you.