Is coconut oil poison an issue that people should take seriously?
Cyanide is a deadly poison, and so is a bite from a venomous snake. However, Dr. Karin Michels, in her recent declaration at the University of Freiburg in Germany, made a far more surprising statement. In her lecture entitled “Coconut oil and other Nutritional Errors,” she stated that coconut oil “poison” is even worse than lard (pig fat from the abdomen).
“Coconut oil is one of the worst things you can eat,” she said.
Her lecture hit close to a million views on YouTube. It also sparked a serious debate about the “superfood” often regarded as a cure-all for a wide array of conditions.
Well, how valid are her allegations?
If you’re a fan of coconut oil and usually add it to your smoothie or fry your veggies with it, this news from Dr. Michels is concerning. Years ago, the oil was commonly used in movie theaters for popcorn. Then, some “scientists” said it would kill us. Then, a few years later, coconut oil became the miracle medium-chain triglyceride as we were taught to burn fat instead of carbs. The oil also has a few other remarkable properties including anti-fungal and anti-bacterial characteristics. In addition, it’s a pretty effective skin moisturizer from the research I’ve read.
The Scientific Conflict Regarding “Coconut Oil Poison”
Due to its high level of fat, Michels argued that coconut is probably one of the worst foods you can eat. During the low-fat fad that was widespread a few years back, coconut oil was something that dietitians wouldn’t recommend under any conditions. However, doctors and nutritionists eventually concluded that carbs and sugar led to more weight gain than fats. Consequently, people started studying the issue more and gave coconut oil and other fats some street cred.
So what’s going on? What’s with all the conflicting data?
What Is Coconut Oil?
Coconut oil contains beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as it’s packed with phytochemicals. A study from Harvard showed that coconut oil elevates the body’s levels of “good” cholesterol. That said, coconut oil consumption could also prevent many diseases.
The findings on coconut oil are helpful, but there’s a lot of misinformation floating around concerning its fat burning properties.
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How Much Coconut Oil Should You Consume?
Back in 2017, the AHA (American Heart Association) analyzed years of research data connecting heart disease and saturated fat. Their information supposedly showed an active link between the two. They recommended cutting down on saturated fatty acids because exposure to high amounts increases the risk of coronary heart disease. However, the merits of a low-fat diet are still hotly debated
The AHA is concerned that coconut oil is 82% saturated fat. They also warn consumers to stay away from foods like butter, cheese, sausage, and meat pies.
Furthermore, the AHA discourages the use of coconut oil and said that it’s better on skin than on food. It recommends that no more than 5% of an individual’s daily calorie uptake come from saturated fats.
And now we’re back full circle … coconut oil as a poison story popped up. There’s no question that you can exceed “smart amounts” of coconut oil on a daily basis. Nevertheless, if you use coconut oil on a daily basis you might want to keep using it and simply wait for the next scientist to come along and tell you that it’s a superfood again. Might be six months, might be a year, but science never seems to sit still.
The recommended coconut oil consumption is a teaspoon per day. In addition, you might want to pay attention to the type of coconut oil you’re consuming. Another study demonstrated that virgin coconut oil doesn’t have the same side effects as other highly processed oils.
Coconut Oil CounterPunch?
There has certainly been a great deal of hysteria surrounding Dr. Michels comments. In response, Max Lugavere, who is the author of the book Genius Foods, said that calling coconut oil poison is pure hyperbole. He also stated that this type of claim is simply “click bait” not backed up by evidence. Kind of like fake news only with science. Maybe “Fake Science” will gain some traction on Google.
Analysis of fat consumption, heart disease, and early mortality has not shown any correlation between saturated fat consumption and the risk of heart disease or premature death. Nonetheless, the verdict on coconut oil will be out for a while. It certainly has beneficial properties. Yet, when it comes to healthy fats backed up by more and more evidence, extra-virgin olive oil seems to run a strong race.
Closing Thoughts
As you can see, calling coconut oil poison is unmerited. It has some excellent health benefits. Notwithstanding, like almost any food you can think of … it can become dangerous in excessive amounts. So listen, forget the click bait and don’t avoid coconut oil. The truth is … no one really knows. It all seems to hinge on what study you read. So find a doctor with an open mind to discuss this with. Have a blood test done so you know your actual lipid numbers. And remember… do your research, but stay diligent. And learn to discern … “Fake Science.”
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 14 Amazing (And Even Crazy) Uses For Coconut Oil
What do you think about coconut oil poison being a potential threat to your health? Let us know in the comments below.